Jury begins deliberations in case of Angola massage therapist
A 12-member jury began deliberations Jan. 30 in Delaware Superior Court in Georgetown in the case of an Angola massage therapist facing 17 counts of third-degree unlawful sexual contact for allegedly inappropriately touching nine women during massages he gave at his home studio.
If convicted, Robert Leech, 52, could face a maximum penalty of up to 17 years in prison, one year for each charge.
Prosecutors Amanda Nyman and Caroline Brittingham argued that Leech pushed the boundaries of his massage treatments.
“For all these women, he went too far,” Nyman said.
In his defense, Leech and his attorney, John Garey, argued he did not touch the women’s breasts or genitals, that his procedure was communicated to the women before the massages began and that his treatments were within the normal bounds of deep tissue-style massage.
For nearly two-and-a-half days, nine women came forward and testified about their experiences with Leech. Most, not all, sought out Leech’s services after finding out about them via Groupon.
The pattern laid out by the women was that they would purchase a gift certificate or coupon via Groupon and then would set up an appointment with Leech at his home studio in Angola. The studio was located in an outbuilding behind his house. Also included at the complex were a swimming pool, a hot tub and a sauna.
Many of the women testified that they sought a massage to deal with muscle pain in the back, neck or shoulder area. Leech specialized in deep-tissue massage, and his method was to try to work out knots in the muscles through full-body massage.
As recounted by the women, they would show up at Leech’s studio, where they would discuss in what areas of their body they were experiencing pain and whether they preferred a lighter or deeper type of massage. From there, Leech would leave while the women undressed and got into position on the table, lying on their backs to start. It varied what state of undress the women would be in; some would be completely nude, while others kept underwear on. All would cover their bodies with a full-length sheet while the massage would go on.
Once the women were ready, Leech would come in and begin the session with 10 to 15 minutes of guided meditation music. The women testified that Leech would then ask them to put on an eye mask, which several women who had experience with massages testified was unusual to them.
All the women testified that Leech would usually begin at the arms and begin to work down the chest, bringing his hands down their breasts, massaging the top of their breasts. While one of the women testified that Leech had accidentally touched her nipples, the rest said he stopped short of touching them there. All the women said they did not tell Leech to touch them there, and Leech did not tell them that he was going to touch that area.
On the witness stand, one woman said the experience was “highly uncomfortable.”
The women said Leech would then move down to their legs, where he would massage their calves. They would then flip over on their stomachs, where they said Leech would work his hands up, massaging their thighs, coming very close to their genitals without actually touching them. One of the women testified that Leech massaged her buttocks. Another said she had gotten 20 massages from Leech and that, at first, the massages were professional but gradually became uncomfortable to the point she stopped seeking out Leech’s services.
“He was different,” she said of how their professional relationship ended. “He changed. He wasn’t as friendly as he used to be. I just started to feel uncomfortable.”
Almost all of the women said while they were uncomfortable with what Leech was doing, they did not stop the massage, unless the massage itself became uncomfortable, in which case Leech would usually stop and move on to another area. At the end of the massage, the women said Leech would put on the meditation music one more time and then leave the room while the women got dressed. Two of the women testified that after the massage session, Leech whispered, “I’m done,” in their ear to signal that it was over.
Leech testified in his own defense, and said that his technique and procedure was communicated to the clients before every appointment. He denied touching the women’s breasts or genitals, and that massaging their gluteal muscles was part of the full-body massage treatment.
Testifying on Leech’s behalf was retired massage therapist Christopher Asay, who said massaging the areas around the chest and buttocks is fairly typical in massage practices, as those areas contain muscles that can be manipulated to both heal pain and help a client relax.
“It’s not intended to be sexual,” he testified. “It’s got a purpose.”
Asay said he served as Leech’s continuing education instructor on three occasions, mostly in the area of Thai-style massage. He also said that his understanding of state regulations of massage practices states that a masseuse does not need a separate license if they are practicing at their home.
Garey also called three female clients of Leech who testified to his technique and protocol and that what would be happening during the massage was communicated beforehand. While the state does not have to prove motive, Garey said the prosecution has shown no reason why Leech would commit these acts.
“There’s nothing the state has presented that shows that Mr. Leech’s acts were sexual in nature,” he said in asking for acquittal.