
Sussex P&Z approves Armada site plan

Cluster subdivision planned along Harmons Hill Road near Route 5 intersection
March 11, 2025

At its March 5 meeting, the Sussex County Planning & Zoning Commission approved the final site plan for cluster subdivision Armada with 67 single-family home lots on 47 acres on the south side of Harmon Hills Road, about a mile west of Route 5 between Lewes and Long Neck.

According to the plan, environmentally sensitive areas will be preserved, including 15 acres among 27 acres of trees, with lots at least 150 feet from wetlands areas.

A section of Phillip's Branch nontidal wetlands on the fringes of the eastern and southern boundaries of the property will also be protected by a 30-foot buffer. The community will have a 30-foot forested buffer around the perimeter, which will add to a 30-foot buffer along the adjacent Wetherby subdivision, which has site work underway.

Sidewalks will be provided on one side of all interior streets, and a 2,900-foot walking trail will connect to natural areas and a network of trails. Water will be provided by Artesian Water Co. and sewer services by Artesian Wastewater Co.

Amenities include a playground, pavilion and walking trail, which must be completed by issuance of the 34th building permit. Traffic volume on Harmons Hill Road is projected at 3,478 vehicles per day.

The project will require road improvements with 12-foot travel lanes and 8-foot shoulders on Harmons Hill Road along the frontage of the parcel, and the community's entrance will align with the Independence community entrance. The developer may be required to contribute funds to off-site improvements.


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