Downtown Milton sustains Hurricane Sandy damage
Businesses in downtown Milton prepared for Sandy by sandbagging their doors but the Broadkill River surged high enough to breech intended protection.
“We have flooding in all the areas we expected,” said Win Abbott, town manager.
Water flowed underneath doors at Urban Studio Salon and Vintage Café on Federal Street and also into Milton Public Library beneath the gift shop door, Abbott said.
“The library is quite a mess. The carpet is saturated and so are items on the floor,” he said.
Abbott said because some food in the café was tainted, all food in the restaurant is being thrown away.
Library and business owners will assess damages before estimating repair costs.
“They’re going to be hurting for a while,” Abbott said.
He said Front Street and Magnolia streets would be closed a few days until water recedes. Electricity in town was briefly interrupted after a tree on Union Street clipped a line.