
Coastal Aid, God and the Pacific Northwest

November 21, 2012

I hope everyone has a nice holiday being thankful for many blessings.

The Coastal Aid fundraiser at the Rusty Rudder was awesome.  Lots of good people having fun and raising money for the folks to the north of us.

Last I heard they raised over $60,000.  This community knows how to get it done.

Here is a photo from the event and one of my favorite fall images.

My motto for the rest of my life is Get Outside.  Nature is beautiful and it doesn't care that it is beautiful.  It just is.  These past few mornings two planets - Venus in the east and some other planet straight off to the west - have been smiling at each other.  Behind them, twinkling stars and the God universe singing its eternal one song.  Go God!

So get outside and breathe in the wonderful oxygen from God's garden , pray for peace and pray for our troops and pray for our leaders so they can make good decisions.

Now I'm off to Seattle to see Megan and Ross and Maisy Peach - maybe even some rain.  I'm taking all my technology so I'll send back some photos.  Be good!

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