Ask The Trainer

Fitness quotes to live by

April 27, 2013

I’ve always been a sucker for inspirational quotes that motivate us to get off the couch, get moving and achieve our goals. So here are a few of my favorites and why I believe they hold true in the quest for fitness, health and self-accomplishment.

You are what you eat

No matter how hard you work or how much time you spend in the gym, it’s important to understand the food you put in your mouth will directly affect your health, performance and physical appearance. So if you want good results, you must be willing to change your diet and give up some of your favorite foods in order to get the body of your dreams. Foods with large amounts of sugar, sodium and fat must be replaced by lean proteins, quality carbohydrates and lots of colorful vegetables. Only then will you strip your body of unwanted fat and expose the lean, tight muscle underneath.

The only workout you’ll ever regret is the one you didn’t do

Sometimes the hardest part of a workout is walking through the gym door when there are a thousand things you would rather do. But once you’re finished, the feeling of commitment, accomplishment and self-worth can be a natural high. When you start seeing the results a consistent workout regimen can produce, it will be well worth the effort, and you surely won’t regret it.

Don’t find the time to exercise, make the time to exercise

Let’s face it, we all have the same 24 hours a day to finish our daily responsibilities, and with work, family and other obligations, it can sometimes be hard to find time to work out. Those who are committed to getting in shape will make time to exercise. If we want results, fitness must be a priority not to be taken lightly, and we must find ways to work out regardless of the daily challenges life presents. Once we establish fitness as a priority, everything else will fall in place.

By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail

Getting in shape takes time, hard work and commitment, and if you think it’s going to happen without preparation, you’re sadly mistaken. You must learn to plan healthy meals so you won’t end up eating fast foods when traveling or at work. You’ll need to plan your training around your work and social schedule so you’re consistent and don’t miss workouts. You’ll even need to plan vacations with gyms, or activities that will provide exercise and physical recreation. The good news is, with a little practice, planning for fitness takes little time and becomes second nature.

The only thing that can stop me is me

When it comes down to it, it’s up to you to change your life and get in shape. It doesn’t matter whether you have the best trainer, most expensive equipment or great genetic potential; only you can make the conscious decision to change your lifestyle. Until you are truly ready to commit to eating correctly and exercising on a regular basis, all the time and money in the world won’t make a difference.

Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently

If you’ve tried getting in shape before and failed, don’t give up; it’s just a temporary bump in the road and a learning experience that could give you an advantage next time you try to reach your goals. If you stay persistent, a series of small failures will eventually add up to big success, because you will have learned from your mistakes. Be sure to keep moving in the right directions and view each setback as a small detour on the road to accomplishing your ultimate goal.

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