Have you ever had one of those jobs where you get just as much as you give.
Yes, it's still a job and therefore complaint-worthy, but at the same time you truly enjoy the people you work with and really get a lot out of it.
That's how I feel about waitressing.
Yes, I wish I was independently wealthy and didn't have to waitress part-time in addition to working full-time. But, being a waitress is endlessly useful.
It teaches how to deal with the public. It teaches patience.
Being a waitress teaches about food, about selling food and about what people like.
But, one of the best parts of being in a group of waitresses is the conversation. Talking to the other waitresses is like a free poll group or think tank.
I can ask nearly anything and get honest replies. And, it's amazing that in a group of seven women, at least one of us has tried or had experience with just about everything.
Q: What teeth whiteners work best?
A: The white-strips but don't use them more than 2-3 days in a row.
Q: What do you do about a moody significant other?
A: Go out with the girls and let him figure it out on his own.
Q: Where do you go for crabs?
A: Surfing Crab, north of Lewes; unless you want hushpuppies, then go to Lazy Susan's.
Nearly every question known to man can be answered by a group of seven women. If only the world were run this way.
Here's what I am eating this weekend. Note: It was a rough week and depression is best cured, in my opinion, with chocolate and strawberry shortcake.
Quick Smores Pie
1 graham cracker crust - purchased or made with crushed graham crackers and butter
2 boxes chocolate pudding
Milk to make chocolate pudding
Mini marshmallows
1. Whip up the chocolate pudding per the box instructions. Chill for at least 5-10 minutes in the fridge.
2. Then dump the pudding into your pie shell and smooth out.
3. Press the mini marshmallows gently into the top of the pudding.
4. If you have a kitchen torch, then slightly torch the tops of the marshmallows. If you don't, turn on the broiler and place the pie under it for a minute or so. The marshmallows should be slightly tinged - not melted.
5. Enjoy!