
Bishop Burke Council of Knights of Columbus installs new officers

August 25, 2013

Installation of officers from the Bishop Burke Council No. 11285, Knights of Columbus, was conducted recently at St. Jude the Apostle Church in Lewes.

The Bishop Burke Council Knights operate from Mary Mother of Peace Church in Millsboro and are dedicated to charitable activities in Sussex County. The council currently has more than 130 members and has been in existence since 1986.

Pictured are (l-r) Jack McGinley, three-year trustee; Roy Gorson, one-year trustee; Jerry McCafferty, two-year trustee; Bob McDermott, advocate; Charles Smith, warden; Mike Donohoe, financial secretary and Len Henry, recorder.

Any Catholic male over the age of 18 interested in joining the Knights may call Jack McGinley at 302-945-0698 for more information.


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