The American Legion Auxiliary recently held an Initiation Ceremony for 16 new members at the post on Legion Road in Millsboro. New members were escorted into the ceremony by Unit 28 President Tina Washington and Membership Chair Jackie Rooney.
Past Department President Beth McGinn conducted the initiation where the ladies received information on the auxiliary, their auxiliary pins, American flags and a guardian angel from Chaplain Carol Kandravi. Afterward, the new members and their guests enjoyed a lunch provided by the auxiliary.
Gathered at the ceremony are in back (l-r) Linda Shelley, Edith Wilson, Betsy Voight, Susan Veronesi, Sue Ross, Mary Price and Barbara Paulish; middle row Mary Patterson, Judy Miller, Robin Lovelace, Gloriann Johnstone, Donna Horath, Lois Clark, Deborah Cellucci, Carole Cameron and Kimberly Bennett. Seated are Unit 28 Chaplain Carol Kandravi, Past Department President Helen Skelton, Past Department President Carol Feeley, Unit 28 President Tina Washington, Unit 28 Treasurer Karen Marvel, Sgt.-at-Arms Liz Shepherd, Historian Jackie Rooney and Past Department President Beth McGinn.