Past Poll Results
Should Daylight Saving Time be eliminated?
Yes - 63%
No - 30%
Not sure - 7%
Total votes - 979
Do you think mandates are driving up the cost of energy?
Yes - 67%
No - 19%
Not sure - 14%
Total votes - 775
Would a medical school help solve Sussex County’s doctor shortage?
Yes - 38%
No - 40%
Not sure - 22%
Total votes - 909
What is your favorite season?
Spring - 23%
Summer - 31%
Fall - 42%
Winter - 4%
Total votes - 807
Was your last energy bill higher than expected?
A lot higher - 54%
A little higher - 31%
Lower or about normal - 15%
Total votes - 904
What should Rehoboth do about the canal dock?
Keep it - 52%
Remove it - 30%
Get more info - 18%
Total votes - 782
Have you had enough snow yet this winter?
Bring on spring - 69%
Keep it coming - 19%
Maybe a little more - 12%
Total votes - 928
Did you watch the Super Bowl?
All of it - 50%
Some of it - 29%
None of it - 21%
Total votes - 831
Is remote learning via iPads or computers effective for snow days?
Yes - 35%
No - 38%
For some - 27%
Total votes - 891
What are your primary accommodations when traveling?
Hotels - 79%
Home rentals - 10%
Camping/RV - 3%
A little bit of each - 8%
Total votes - 706
Should all Delaware schools have school resource officers or constables?
Yes - 76%
No - 17%
Not sure - 7%
Total votes - 1,082
Have you ever done a polar bear plunge?
Yes - 14% 99
No - 84% 589
Plan to - 2% 15
Total votes - 703
How cold is too cold?
Below 50 - 22%
Below freezing - 32%
Single digits - 39%
It’s never too cold - 7%
Total votes - 937
Who are you rooting for in the NFC Championship?
Philadelphia Eagles - 52%
Washington Commanders - 35%
Neither - 13%
Total votes - 1,219
How would you rate Delaware’s snow removal on roadways?
Adequate - 44% 481
Needs improvement - 37% 405
Terrible - 19%
Total votes - 1,087
Should Sussex County consider a moratorium on development?
Yes - 76%
No - 13%
In certain areas - 11%
Total votes - 912
Should Rehoboth establish laws to prevent historic homes from being demolished?
Yes - 64%
No - 28%
Not sure - 8%
Total votes - 990
Which of these snow activities is your favorite?
Sledding - 57%
Building a snowman - 19%
Snow angel - 8%
Snowball fight - 16%
Total votes - 408
Are you wishing for snow?
Yes, bring it on - 43%
No way - 44%
Don’t care - 13%
Total votes - 1,031
Did you spend more than expected in 2024?
Yes, a bit more - 58%
Not really - 28%
About the same - 14%
Total votes - 676
Are you planning New Year’s resolutions this year?
Yes - 14%
No - 77%
Maybe - 9%
Total votes - 987
Should short-term rentals be taxed the same as hotels, motels and bed and breakfasts?
Yes - 66%
No - 28%
Not sure - 6%
Total votes - 829
What do you think of Delaware's minimum wage increase to $15 per hour beginning Jan. 1?
Too high - 35%
Too low - 25%
Just right - 40%
Total votes - 929
Do you believe the reassessment will result in higher taxes for you?
Yes - 89%
No - 8%
Doesn’t apply to me - 3%
Total votes - 971
Is affordable workforce housing possible in eastern Sussex?
Yes - 23%
No - 66%
Not sure 11%
Total votes - 836
Do you support building upscale cottages in Cape Henlopen State Park?
Yes - 17%
No - 73%
Need more info - 10%
Total votes - 961
Should Cape move forward with another referendum next spring?
Yes, but scaled back - 16%
Yes, same as before - 12%
No - 72%
Total votes - 897
Are you planning to attend any local Christmas parades?
Yes - 31%
No - 58%
Undecided - 11%
Total votes - 690
Should the state consider a permanent homeless village at former Troop 7 site?
Yes, year round - 37%
Yes, seasonal - 7%
No - 56%
Total votes - 902
How old is your car?
Less than 5 years - 37%
5-10 years - 32%
More than 10 years - 29%
I don’t have a car - 2%
Total votes - 952
Is it too early to put up holiday lights?
Yes - 54%
No - 30%
Don’t care either way - 16%
Total votes - 897
How do you feel about Sussex County’s future?
Optimistic - 35%
Pessimistic - 49%
Indifferent - 16%
Total votes - 924
When should campaign signs be removed after an election?
Within two weeks - 90%
Within 30 days (state law) - 8%
Within 60 days - 2%
Total votes - 1,017
Are you planning to vote on Election Day?
Yes - 26%
No - 6%
Already have - 68%
Total votes - 1,075
Are you OK with homeless living in tent cities if they are overseen regularly?
Yes - 45%
No - 45%
Not sure - 10%
Total votes - 988
Should there be more transparency with campaign finance?
Yes - 94%
No - 4%
Not sure - 2%
Total votes - 821
Are you planning to vote early when it begins Friday, Oct. 25?
Yes - 60%
No - 30%
Not sure yet - 10%
Total votes - 789
Who’s your choice for House District 14?
Mike Simpler - 51%
Claire Snyder-Hall - 26%
Neither - 23%
Total votes - 584
Who’s getting your vote for House District 20?
Nikki Miller - 42%
Stell Parker Selby - 34%
Neither - 24%
Total votes - 564
Who’s your choice for Senate District 6?
Kim Hoey Stevenson - 43%
Russ Huxtable - 38%
Neither - 19%
Total votes - 722
Who’s your choice for Sussex County Council District 3?
Jane Gruenebaum - 38%
Mark Schaeffer - 43%
Neither - 19%
Total votes - 804
Who’s your choice for House of Representatives?
Sarah McBride - 29%
John Whalen III - 54%
Neither - 17%
Total votes - 987
Who’s getting your vote for U.S. Senate?
Lisa Blunt Rochester - 38%
Eric Hansen - 35%
Dr. Michael Katz - 7%
None of the above - 20%
Total votes - 844
Who’s getting your vote for lieutenant governor?
Ruth Briggs King - 43%
Kyle Evans Gay - 29%
Neither - 28%
Total votes - 779
Who’s getting your vote for governor?
Matt Meyer - 34%
Mike Ramone - 51%
Neither - 15%
Total votes - 944
What’s the most important issue in this year’s election?
Environment - 6%
Education - 5%
Infrastructure - 17%
Overdevelopment - 58%
Public safety - 14%
Total votes - 846
Have you played pickleball?
Yes, love it - 7%
Yes, tried it - 5%
Never - 88%
Total votes - 824
Were you surprised by any of the primary results?
Yes, a few - 10%
Yes, several - 30%
No - 60%
Total votes 681
The new roundabout near Five Points makes traffic flow:
Better - 33%
Worse - 32%
About the same - 35%
Total votes - 942
Are you voting in the Sept. 10 primary?
Yes - 43%
No - 22%
Already have - 13%
Can’t - 22%
Total votes - 874
Who's your preferred Democratic candidate for District 14?
Kathy McGuiness - 19%
Marty Rendon - 12%
Claire Snyder-Hall - 13%
None of the above - 56%
Total votes - 1,014
Who’s your preferred Republican gubernatorial candidate?
Jerrold Price - 4%
Mike Ramone - 43%
Bobby Williamson - 3%
None of the above - 50%
Total votes - 1,112
Who’s your preferred Democratic gubernatorial candidate?
Bethany Hall-Long - 12%
Matt Meyer - 29%
Collin O’Mara - 6%
None of the above - 53%
Total votes - 973
Do you have a disaster preparedness kit?
Yes - 23%
No - 73%
What’s that? 4%
Total votes - 696
Are you ready for summer to end?
Yes! I love fall - 61%
No … never! - 39%
Total votes - 893
Which Delaware neighbor has the worst drivers?
Pennsylvania - 49%
New Jersey - 39%
Maryland - 12%
Total votes - 964
Do endorsements of political candidates sway your vote?
Yes - 4%
No - 87%
Sometimes - 9%
Total votes - 906
How much of the Paris Olympics did you watch?
A lot - 26%
A little - 25%
Not much - 49%
Total votes - 962
Does Delaware have more roadside trash than other states?
Yes - 36%
No - 40%
About the same - 24%
Total votes - 801
Have you spotted a spotted lanternfly?
Yes, I killed it - 24%
No - 67%
What’s that? - 9%
Total votes - 730
Did Delaware steal the orange crush from Maryland?
Yes - 32%
No - 25%
What? 43%
Total votes - 780
Do letters to the editor influence your opinion on issues?
Yes - 7%
No - 69%
Sometimes - 24%
Total votes - 892
Is it OK to save space on a crowded beach?
Yes - 24%
No - 72%
Not sure - 4%
Total votes - 953
Do you think offshore wind turbines will affect tourism?
Yes - 37%
No - 60%
Not sure - 3%
Total votes - 1,139
What’s your favorite type of ice cream?
Soft - 38%
Hard - 54%
None - 8%
Total votes - 765
Should students’ cellphones be banned in schools?
Yes - 81%
No - 13%
Not sure - 6%
Total votes - 1,017
How long are you willing to wait for a seat at a restaurant?
Under 30 minutes - 89%
30 to 60 minutes - 10%
Over an hour - 1%
Total votes - 827
What’s your favorite Boardwalk treat?
Ice cream - 29%
French fries - 47%
Pizza - 9%
Saltwater taffy - 3%
Something else - 12%
Total votes - 840
How long does it take you to get to work?
Under 20 minutes - 23%
20 to 60 minutes - 23%
Over an hour - 4%
Work at home/retired - 50%
Total votes - 776
How hot is too hot?
Over 95 - 52%
Over 85 - 39%
It’s never too hot - 9%
Total votes - 935
Travel plans this summer?
Yes - 33%
No - 48%
Staycation - 19%
Total votes - 747
Should non-resident property owners get a vote in municipal elections?
Yes - 38%
No - 59%
Not sure - 4%
Total votes - 990
Should the Cape Region towns share Rehoboth’s wastewater outfall?
Yes - 26%
No - 51%
Not sure - 23%
Total votes - 611
Should non-resident property owners get a vote in municipal elections?
Yes - 38%
No - 59%
Not sure - 4%
Votes - 990
How often do you go to the beach in the summer?
At least once a week - 23%
A few times a month - 22%
Rarely, if ever - 55%
Votes - 825
Have you ever used a service like VRBO or Airbnb?
Yes, often - 11%
Yes, a few times - 32%
No - 57%
Total votes - 833
How well do you know the Cape Region's history?
Very well - 22%
Somewhat - 49%
Not well - 29%
Total votes - 734
How much does public art add to a community?
A lot - 31%
A little - 34%
Nothing - 35%
Total votes - 867
How often do you use public transportation to get around the Cape Region?
Often - 1%
Occasionally - 10%
Never - 89%
Total votes - 854
What’s your favorite part of the beach area?
Beach - 46%
Boardwalk - 18%
Restaurants - 18%
Other - 18%
Total - 793
When is the last time you got a parking ticket?
Within the last three years - 12%
Longer than three years - 50%
Never - 38%
Total votes - 783
How long have you lived in Delaware?
All my life - 36%
Less than 10 years - 15%
More than 10 years - 42%
I don’t live in DE - 7%
Total votes - 1,063
Do you vote in school board elections?
Every time - 34%
Sometimes - 30%
Never - 36%
Total votes - 676
Have you ever participated in a 5K or other charity run/walk?
Often - 10%
A few times - 35%
Never - 55%
Total votes - 799
Do you frequent a local farmers market?
Yes - 29%
No - 39%
Occasionally - 32%
Total votes - 780
Should a state board have oversight of hospital budgets?
Yes - 19%
No - 70%
Not sure - 11%
Total votes - 925
What do you think of self-checkouts?
Convenient - 36%
Inconvenient - 35%
Depends on the store - 29%
Total votes - 937
Should a terminally ill person be allowed to end their own life?
Yes - 78%
No - 12%
Not sure - 10%
Total votes - 1,021
Has the pollen been worse this year?
Yes - 63%
No - 9%
About the same - 28%
Total votes - 888
Are you more likely to vote in favor of Cape’s referendum without a pool?
Yes - 28%
No - 51%
Don’t live in district - 21%
Total votes - 1,161
Should Rehoboth have loaned its city manager $750,000 to facilitate a move to Delaware?
Yes - 5%
No - 87%
Maybe lesser amount - 8%
Total votes - 1,108
How much money do you spend weekly on groceries?
Under $50 - 5%
$50 to $100 - 30%
Over $100 - 65%
Total votes - 759
Have you filed your taxes?
Yes - 73%
No - 22%
It’s April already? 5%
Total votes - 756
Were you excited about the solar eclipse?
Yes - 29%
No - 64%
Huh? 8%
Total votes - 889
Do you donate blood?
Regularly - 11%
Occasionally - 24%
Never - 65%
Total votes - 647
Should Delaware ban social media for children under 14 like Florida?
Yes - 67%
No - 24%
Not sure - 9%
Total votes - 947
Are there enough public restrooms in the Cape Region?
Yes - 38%
No - 54%
Not sure - 8%
Total votes - 1,183
Are you taking a spring vacation this year?
Yes - 25%
No - 69%
Already did - 6%
Total votes - 833
Have you ever rented a storage unit?
Yes - 50%
No - 49%
I might need one - 1%
Total votes - 820
Are you planning to vote in the Cape school district referendum?
Yes - 42%
No - 23%
Don’t live in the district - 35%
Total votes - 768
Should Lewes allow outdoor music on restaurant patios?
Yes - 56%
No - 38%
Not sure - 6%
Total votes - 994
Should there be stronger speeding enforcement in Delaware?
Yes - 70%
No - 25%
Not sure - 5%
Total votes - 1,021
Is it time to get rid of Daylight Saving Time?
Yes - 68%
No - 26%
Not sure - 6%
Total votes - 912
Do you donate to your local fire department?
Yes - 59%
No - 25%
Sometimes - 16%
Total votes - 804
Do you participate in local elections?
Yes - 66%
No - 22%
Sometimes - 12%
Total votes - 756
Should local governments add impact fees to fund fire and EMS?
Yes - 61%
No - 30%
Not sure - 9%
Total votes - 935
How do you feel about roundabouts?
Love ’em - 24%
Hate ’em - 44%
Indifferent - 32%
Total votes - 982
What should Rehoboth do to make up its $3.4 million budget deficit?
Raise fees on tourists - 16%
Raise property taxes - 9%
Cut expenses - 41%
Combo of all three - 34%
Total votes - 1,081
How much will you pay to park in the summer?
Under $3 per hour - 33%
$3 to $5 per hour - 8%
$5 or more per hour - 4%
I won’t pay to park - 55%
Total votes - 846
How many miles has your car traveled?
Under 50,000 - 39%
50-100,000 - 27%
Over 100,000 - 34%
Total votes - 845
Who are you rooting for in the big game?
49ers - 24%
Chiefs - 34%
Usher - 7%
Not watching - 35%
Total votes - 925
Do you follow local high school sports?
Yes - 26%
No - 56%
Sometimes - 18%
Total votes - 901
Have you ever participated in the Polar Plunge?
Yes - 14%
No - 84%
I want to - 2%
Total votes - 802
How much time each day do you spend on social media?
Less than an hour - 28%
1-2 hours - 31%
None for me - 41%
Total votes - 827
What’s your take on wintry weather?
Bring on the snow! - 20%
I enjoy all seasons - 33%
Hurry, summer! - 47%
Total votes - 883
Should Delaware coastal towns support offshore wind farms?
Yes - 32%
No - 62%
Not sure - 6%
Total votes - 1,137
How do you feel about solar farms in Sussex County?
Bring ‘em on - 32%
OK, but in secluded areas - 28%
Keep ‘em away - 41%
Total votes - 1,115
Should coastal towns have to chip in for beach replenishment projects?
Yes - 67%
No - 26%
Not sure - 7%
Total votes - 796
Should Milton add downtown parking meters?
Yes - 19%
No - 71%
Not sure - 10%
Total votes - 740
How do Delaware drivers compare to those from neighboring states?
Better - 30%
Worse - 26%
About the same - 44%
Total votes - 711
How would you grade Delaware drivers?
Great - 5%
Passable - 46%
Terrible - 49%
Total votes - 1,276
Where are you planning to ring in 2024?
Party - 10%
Couch - 38%
Bed - 52%
Total votes - 1,130
Do you attend church on Christmas Eve?
Yes - 23%
No - 58%
Sometimes - 19%
Total votes - 749
Should the state charge Rehoboth more than $1 for use of Deauville Beach?
Yes - 41%
No - 25%
Where’s that? 34%
Total votes - 834
Cape Region crime is:
Rising - 73%
Falling - 3%
About the same - 24%
Total votes - 919
How’s your Christmas shopping going?
Done - 27%
Working on it - 43%
Haven’t started - 22%
I don’t celebrate - 8%
Total votes - 789
Should there be a speed limit for bicycles on the trails?
Yes - 67%
No - 26%
Not sure - 7%
Total votes - 899
State: 82% of new vehicles sold by 2032 must be zero emission. Do you agree?
Yes - 20%
No - 75%
Not sure - 5%
Total votes - 1,211
Have you ever donated money to preserve land?
Yes - 23%
No - 64%
Willing to - 13%
Total votes - 723
Will you attend a local Christmas parade this year?
Yes - 26%
No - 63%
Undecided - 11%
Total votes - 953
Will you be Black Friday shopping?
Yes - 12%
No - 83%
Undecided - 5%
Total votes - 726
Will you consider an electric vehicle the next time you buy a car?
Yes - 17%
No - 74%
Undecided - 9%
Total votes - 1,206
Are you traveling for Thanksgiving?
Yes, driving - 23%
Yes, flying - 3%
No - 74%
Total votes - 951
Are you offended by “Plantation” in the names of roads and communities?
Yes - 10%
No - 88%
Not sure - 2%
Total votes - 1,232
How hard is inflation hitting your wallet?
Hard - 56%
Mildly - 36%
Not at all - 8%
Total votes - 908
When do you start decorating for Christmas?
After Halloween - 7%
After Thanksgiving - 51%
In December - 25%
I don’t decorate - 17%
Total votes - 910
Daylight Saving Time: Would you rather it be dark in the morning or early evening?
Morning - 66%
Evening - 23%
Don't care - 11%
Total votes - 985
How much snowfall do you want this winter?
Little to no snow - 51%
Moderate amount - 19%
Bring it on! - 30%
Total votes - 1,009
Are you taking part in trick or treating this year?
Yes, collecting - 7%
Yes, giving - 30%
No - 63%
Total votes - 719
How often do you go out to eat?
Rarely - 24%
A few times a month - 33%
Once or twice a week - 33%
Several times a week - 10%
Total votes - 977
Which upcoming holiday do you most look forward to?
Halloween - 6%
Thanksgiving - 46%
Christmas - 48%
Total votes - 780
Should dogs be allowed in retail stores?
Yes - 14%
No - 39%
Only service animals - 47%
Total votes - 1,120
Would you welcome apartments, condos or townhouses near your home?
Yes - 24%
No - 67%
Not sure - 9%
Total votes - 820
When is the last time you attended a local government meeting?
Within the last month - 10%
Within the last year - 11%
Some time ago - 30%
Never - 49%
Total votes - 768
What fall festival are you looking forward to the most?
Sea Witch - 63%
Jazz Fest - 24%
Zombie Fest - 13%
Total votes - 504
Which issue is most important to you?
Traffic/road safety - 59%
Environment - 24%
Affordable housing 17%
Total votes - 961
Should there be term limits for Delaware legislators?
Yes - 90%
No - 7%
Not sure - 3%
Total votes - 906
Should horseshoe crabs be off limits for harvesting?
Yes - 59%
No - 24%
Not sure - 17%
Total votes - 824
Should developers be assessed a school impact fee for all new homes built?
Yes - 87%
No - 10%
Not sure - 3%
Total votes - 1,004
Do you find 5G poles distracting?
Yes - 21%
No - 64%
In certain places - 15%
Total votes - 835
Are solar farms negatively affecting Delaware’s agriculture industry?
Yes - 35%
No - 46%
Not sure - 19%
Total votes - 824
Would you support wind farms built farther off Delaware’s coast?
Yes, if out of sight - 19%
I support all locations - 41%
No offshore wind - 40%
Total votes - 1,391
Should the state reveal what was found at the Wolfe Neck archaeological site?
Yes - 95%
No - 4%
Not sure - 1%
Total votes - 1,409
Should dogs be allowed on the Rehoboth Boardwalk and beach in the summer?
Yes - 18%
No - 58%
Limited hours - 24%
Total votes - 1,061
What’s the best part of fall at the beach?
Less traffic - 41%
Warm ocean/bay water - 5%
Fall festivals - 1%
All of it - 53%
Total votes - 938
Are you looking forward to fall?
Boo, summer’s over - 27%
Bring on pumpkin spice - 39%
I love all seasons - 34%
Total votes - 842
How many streaming services to subscribe to?
1-3 - 47%
4-6 - 16%
None - 37%
Total votes - 715
How many times have you been to the beach this summer?
0-5 - 76%
6-10 - 10%
11 or more - 14%
Total votes - 1,015
Do you feel safe when driving on Route 1?
Most of the time - 33%
50-50 - 37%
Never - 30%
Total votes - 951
Should Dewey retain free parking Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights?
Yes - 78%
No - 17%
Not sure - 5%
Total votes - 726
Is it OK to reserve seats for performances at the Rehoboth Bandstand?
Yes - 11%
No - 75%
In certain circumstances - 14%
Total - 896
Should Dewey extend its parking season to May 1 through Sept. 30?
Yes - 30%
No - 64%
Not sure - 6%
Total votes - 805
Have you gone back-to-school shopping yet?
Yes - 12%
No, but soon - 35%
It’s way too early! - 54%
Total votes - 365
Should a Cape logo be painted on Lewes BPW’s new water tower facing the high school?
Yes - 57%
No - 33%
Not sure - 10%
Total votes - 934
How hot is too hot?
90 degrees and above - 44%
80 degrees and above - 9%
It’s the humidity - 47%
Total votes - 826
The cell coverage in the Cape Region is:
Mostly good - 49%
Spotty - 39%
Bad - 18%
Total votes - 792
Should towns raise the height limit for homes in the floodplain?
Yes - 62%
No - 28%
Not sure - 10%
Total votes - 923
Should Delaware beach towns ban the sale of marijuana within town limits?
Yes - 59%
No - 35%
Not sure - 6%
Total votes - 988
What is your preferred method to cool off?
Ocean/bay - 12%
Pool - 16%
A/C - 71%
Total votes - 762
Traffic this summer compared to last year is:
Better - 3%
Worse - 75%
About the same - 21%
Total votes - 1,098
How often do you go to the beach?
Several times a week - 14%
A few times a month - 15%
Occasionally - 39%
Never - 32%
Total votes - 851
Are you planning to attend a Fourth of July event?
Yes - 25%
No - 69%
Undecided - 6%
Total votes - 910
Are speed cameras in Delaware a good idea?
Yes - 56%
No - 40%
Not sure - 4%
Total votes - 1,037
Should towns require residents to pay a fee toward a donation to volunteer fire departments?
Yes - 45%
No - 48%
Not sure - 7%
Total votes - 938
Underground parking near the beach is:
A good idea - 30%
A bad idea - 61%
No opinion - 9%
Total votes - 872
Have you enjoyed the cooler weather this spring?
I wish it was colder - 6%
Yes, great weather - 69%
I wish it was warmer - 25%
Total votes - 846
Should roadway gates between residential communities be allowed?
Yes - 29%
No - 51%
In certain situations - 20%
Total votes - 790
How has the Canadian wildfire smoke affected your life?
A little - 45%
A lot - 21%
Not at all - 34%
Total votes - 950
Do you attend summer concerts in town parks or at the Rehoboth Bandstand?
Often - 7%
Occasionally - 31%
Never - 62%
Total votes - 791
How often do you visit state parks?
At least weekly - 23%
Monthly - 17%
A few times a year - 40%
Never - 20%
Total votes - 846
Should Delaware public schools offer free breakfast and lunch?
Yes - 45%
No - 25%
Only for low-income students - 31%
Total votes - 999
Are parking tickets too expensive in the Cape Region?
Yes - 56%
No - 29%
Not sure - 15%
Total votes - 881
How do you feel about roundabouts?
Easy to use - 44%
Totally confusing - 33%
No strong feelings - 23%
Total votes - 919
Should financial literacy be included in high school curriculum?
Yes - 86%
No - 4%
Should be earlier - 10%
Total votes - 1,051
Does the Cape Region need more dog parks?
Yes - 47%
No - 46%
Not sure - 7%
Total votes - 942
Should barriers be added to the Route 1 median between Dover and Five Points?
Yes - 63%
No - 23%
In certain areas - 14%
Total votes - 954
Should Rehoboth Beach build a public parking garage?
Yes - 61%
No - 35%
Not sure - 4%
Total votes - 1,073
Should every school have an armed officer or constable?
Yes - 71%
No - 23%
Not sure - 6%
Total votes - 991
Should property owners who don’t live in town have a vote in Lewes?
Yes - 44%
No - 51%
Not sure - 5%
Total votes - 969
Now that marijuana is legal in Delaware, will you consume it?
Yes - 20%
No - 70%
I already was - 10%
Total votes - 1,118
Should Delaware residents be required to complete training before buying a handgun?
Yes - 70%
No - 28%
Not sure - 2%
Total votes - 1,026
Do you pick up trash when you go for a walk?
Yes - 49%
No - 37%
I don’t walk - 14%
Total votes - 791
Cape Region traffic this summer will be:
Better than last year - 1%
Worse than last year - 86%
About the same - 13%
Total votes - 977
Should Rehoboth allow dogs on the beach/boardwalk before 10 a.m. in the summer?
Yes - 53%
No - 40%
Don’t care - 7%
Total votes - 1,108
Are there too many roundabouts in the Cape Region?
Yes - 56%
No - 42%
Round-a-what? - 3%
Total votes - 837
Should Lewes BPW partner with Sussex County for wastewater treatment?
Yes - 56%
No - 24%
Not sure - 20%
Total votes - 541
Are you planning a home garden this spring/summer?
Yes - 48%
No - 45%
Undecided - 7%
Total votes - 769
Have you played pickleball?
Play regularly - 3%
Tried it a few times - 9%
No - 88%
Total votes - 807
Would a bypass around Milton help east-west traffic movement in northern Sussex County?
Yes - 50%
No - 23%
Not sure - 27%
Total votes - 808
Spring break plans?
Get me out of here - 18%
No plans/staycation - 77%
Undecided - 4%
Total votes - 637
Does clearly identifying cameras curb bad behavior?
Yes - 56%
No - 31%
Not sure - 13%
Total votes - 884
What should be done about Daylight Saving Time?
Keep it - 31%
Get rid of it - 55%
Don’t care either way - 14%
Total votes - 936
Which abbreviation is correct to you?
St. Paddy’s Day - 23%
St. Patty’s Day - 41%
Either is fine - 36%
Total votes - 775
How would you rate yourself as a driver?
Great - 62%
OK - 36%
Bad - 2%
Total votes - 793
How do you use the Cape May-Lewes Ferry?
Drive on - 40%
Walk on - 19%
Both equally - 15%
I’ve never used it - 26%
Total votes - 915
Should business have to pay annually to have an awning?
Yes - 7%
No - 89%
Not sure - 4%
Total votes - 935
Should the Rehoboth library stay downtown or move out?
Stay - 44%
Leave - 29%
Why not both? 27%
Total votes - 907
Is roadside trash in Sussex County worse than other places?
Yes - 52%
No - 39%
Not sure - 10%
Total votes - 889
Should Milton allow backyard chickens?
Cluck yes - 48%
Cluck no - 31%
Who cares? - 21%
Total votes - 962
Do you donate to your local fire department?
Yes - 58%
No - 28%
Occasionally - 14%
Total votes - 784
Should public officials be required to sign a conflict-of-interest form?
All government officials - 93%
Only employees, not elected officials - 2%
No one should - 5%
Total votes - 970
Who are you rooting for in the big game?
Eagles - 58%
Chiefs - 28%
Rihanna - 14%
Total votes - 835
Would you like to see more snow this winter?
My shovel is ready - 29%
Maybe a dusting - 23%
Beach weather now - 48%
Total votes - 977
Have you ever participated in a polar plunge?
Yes - 14%
No - 85%
Plan to soon - 1%
Total votes - 845
Do you support marijuana legalization legislation?
Yes - 50%
No - 45%
Not sure - 5%
Total votes - 1,204
Will you consider an electric vehicle when making your next car purchase?
Yes - 21%
No - 77%
Already have one - 2%
Total votes - 1,131
Will stronger traffic enforcement result in safer roads?
Yes - 54%
No - 39%
Not sure - 7%
Total votes - 980
Do you observe the speed limit?
Yes - 38%
May exceed by 10 mph - 54%
What speed limit? - 8%
Total votes - 894
Is a slogan important to a town’s identity?
Yes - 23%
No - 74%
Not sure - 3%
Total votes - 889
Should Lewes require parking permits for its beach streets?
Yes - 33%
No - 59%
Not sure - 8%
Total votes - 821
Replenishment of Delaware’s beaches is:
Worth the money - 57%
Not worth the money - 37%
I don’t go to the beach - 11%
Total votes - 967
How often do you go to the library?
Weekly - 8%
Monthly - 6%
A few times a year - 16%
Rarely, if ever - 70%
Total votes - 770
Going into 2023, I am:
Optimistic - 50%
Pessimistic - 27%
Indifferent - 23%
Total votes - 985
What are your New Year’s Eve plans?
Going out - 10%
Staying in, but staying up - 39%
Going to bed - 51%
Total votes - 678
Should Rehoboth spend up to $50 million to redo Baltimore and Wilmington avenues?
Yes - 24%
No - 67%
Not sure - 9%
Total votes - 1,110
Should Lewes use paid parking spaces for more bicycle parking?
Yes - 28%
No - 67%
Not sure - 5%
Total votes - 751
Should Milton add downtown parking meters?
Yes - 20%
No - 71%
Not sure - 9%
Total votes - 812
Should Delaware ban the sale of new gas-powered cars by 2035?
Yes - 12%
No - 70%
Good idea, but unrealistic - 18%
Total votes - 1,095
A McDonald’s in Milton would be:
A great addition - 37%
A big mistake - 28%
No strong opinion - 35%
Total votes - 822
Should Cape consider a second high school to accommodate continued growth?
Yes - 44%
No - 43%
Not sure - 13%
Total votes - 1,015
How much holiday shopping have you completed?
All/most - 23%
About half - 22%
Haven’t started - 55%
Total votes - 764
Should towns have say over trees on private property?
Yes - 15%
No - 80%
Not sure - 5%
Total votes - 1,059
Would you pay more to enter state parks to keep them preserved?
Yes - 60%
No - 30%
I don’t go to state parks - 10%
Total votes - 1,001
Should local towns ban gas-powered lawn equipment?
Yes - 13%
No - 76%
Wait a few more years - 11%
Total votes - 982
Is it too early to put up Christmas decorations?
Ho ho ho - 31%
No no no - 40%
Is it spring yet? 29%
Total votes - 921
Do you like unseasonably warm weather in November?
Yes - 71%
No - 25%
Don't care - 4%
Total votes - 790
Should the state limit surf-fishing permits that allow driving on the beach?
Yes - 58%
No - 24%
No one should drive on - 18%
Total votes - 1,094
Have you ever attended Return Day?
Yes - 33%
No - 65%
Hope to - 2%
Total votes - 837
Are you rooting for the Phillies in the World Series?
Yes - 64%
No - 19%
I don’t watch sports - 17%
Total votes - 1,009
Have you ever placed a candidate’s sign in your yard?
Yes - 29%
No - 65%
I will for the right candidate - 6%
Total votes - 907
Will you be partaking in any Halloween events this year?
Yes - 28%
No - 67%
Undecided - 5%
Total votes - 916
Would you welcome live music on restaurant patios in Rehoboth?
Yes - 51%
No - 42%
Not sure - 7%
Total votes - 1,001
How is inflation hitting your wallet?
Hard - 61%
Mildly - 35%
Not at all - 4%
Total votes - 1,023
Should grocery stores charge for paper bags?
Yes - 19%
No - 78%
Not sure - 3%
Total votes - 1,063
Is Delaware prepared for a hurricane?
Yes - 15%
No - 70%
Not sure - 15%
Total votes - 938
Should parking tickets be voided if you can prove you paid for parking?
Yes - 92%
No - 2%
Depends on situation - 6%
Total votes - 1,059
Would you like to see more movies and TV shows filmed in Delaware?
Yes - 47%
No - 43%
Not sure - 10%
Total votes - 945
Would you like to see a restaurant at Cape Henlopen State Park?
Do parking meters factor into your choice to visit a town?
Yes - 65%
No - 25%
Sometimes - 10%
Total votes - 994
Has a political candidate ever knocked on your door?
Yes, recently - 21%
Yes, long time ago - 35%
No - 44%
Total votes - 879
How close to Delaware did you grow up?
First State born and bred - 41%
Neighboring state - 41%
Elsewhere - 18%
Total votes - 1,154
Are you ready for some football?
Yes - 56%
No - 27%
I don’t like sports - 17%
Votes - 900
Should all public school students get a free lunch?
Yes - 49%
No - 46%
Not sure - 5%
Total votes - 1,063
Will you be voting early in the primaries?
Yes - 29%
No - 59%
Not voting - 12%
Total votes - 841
Do you consider the water quality before swimming in the ocean or bay?
Yes - 54%
No - 28%
I don’t swim - 18%
Total votes - 885
Is forgiving $10,000 in student loan debt a good idea?
Yes - 29%
No - 66%
Not sure - 5%
Total votes - 1,303
Do you think political signs influence voters?
Yes - 14%
No - 64%
Very few - 22%
Total votes - 984
What’s your favorite recent news trend?
Lower gas prices - 41%
Heat wave breaking - 47%
Back-to-school soon - 12%
Total votes - 777
Do you have end-of-the-summer vacation plans?
Yes - 27%
No - 71%
Not sure - 2%
Total votes - 780
Would offshore wind farms negatively affect your beach experience?
Yes - 33%
No - 62%
Not sure - 5%
Total votes - 1,210
Should Georgetown Historical Society remove the Confederate flag?
Yes - 43%
No - 54%
Not sure - 3%
Total votes - 1,211
My main vacation this summer is:
A few hours from home - 21%
Elsewhere in the USA - 19%
Abroad - 7%
No vacation for me - 53%
Total votes - 945
Should Delaware allow same-day registration for voting?
Yes - 33%
No - 63%
Not sure - 4%
Total votes - 805
Should Delaware allow early voting for elections?
Yes - 47%
No - 50%
Not sure - 3%
Total votes - 1,153
Have you had a case of COVID since March 2020?
Yes - 32%
No - 61%
Possibly, but didn’t test - 7%
Total votes - 1,022
Should e-bikes be allowed on the Cape Region’s paved trails?
Yes, all e-bikes - 33%
Only lower-powered - 21%
No - 46%
Total votes - 1,157
Should homes without off-street parking be given dedicated space on the street?
Yes - 36%
No - 37%
Case by case - 26%
Total votes - 908
Should towns have a say on tree removal on private small-lot residential properties?
Yes - 19%
No - 77%
Not sure - 4%
Total votes - 1,000
Removing all Route 1 traffic lights from I-95 to Five Points is:
A great idea - 38%
A bad idea - 41%
To be determined - 21%
Total votes - 918
Have you ever used a service like VRBO or Airbnb?
Yes, often - 8%
Yes, a few times - 28%
No - 64%
Total votes - 907
Saving a spot on a crowded beach is:
OK - 22%
Wrong - 43%
OK in certain circumstances - 35%
Votes - 892
How many times have you gone to the beach this year?
More than 10 times - 12%
5-9 times - 9%
1-4 times - 23%
Haven’t gone yet - 56%
Total votes - 964
Are you planning to attend a Fourth of July event?
Yes - 31%
No - 62%
Undecided - 7%
Total votes - 915
Should Rehoboth allow demolitions during summer months?
Yes - 27%
No - 54%
Only small-scale demos - 19%
Total votes - 945
Should Delaware create a non-political inspector general position?
Yes - 59%
No - 26%
Not sure - 15%
Total votes - 748
When is the last time you took a ride on a DART bus?
Within last year - 9%
Within three years - 5%
Within five years - 17%
Longer/never - 69%
Total votes - 1,026
Is $2.5M too much for Lewes to save a prominent 0.6-acre lot from development?
Yes - 49%
No - 40%
Not sure - 11%
Total votes - 882
Do you support raising the age to purchase most guns to 21?
Yes - 68%
No - 30%
Not sure - 2%
Votes - 1,317
Do you support the proposed ban on assault weapons in Delaware?
Yes - 48%
No - 50%
Not sure - 2%
Total votes - 1,574
When is the last time you rode the Cape-May Lewes Ferry?
Within the last year - 17%
1-3 years ago - 23%
Longer than 3 years ago - 48%
Never - 12%
Total votes - 1,072
Which renewable energy source do you prefer?
Wind farms - 28%
Solar farms - 43%
Something else - 30%
Total votes - 822
Does Delaware need stricter gun control laws?
Yes - 48%
No - 46%
Not sure - 6%
Total votes - 1,274
Are gas prices forcing you to drive less?
Yes - 56%
No - 42%
I have an electric car - 2%
Total votes - 928
Compared to five years ago, I recycle:
More - 38%
Less - 11%
About the same - 51%
Total votes - 939
If marijuana becomes legal, will you consume it?
Yes - 23%
No - 70%
Already do - 7%
Total votes - 1,116
Do you shop at local farmers markets?
Most weeks - 15%
Occasionally - 57%
Never - 28%
Votes - 900
Do you follow local youth sports?
Very much - 14%
A little - 25%
No - 61%
Total votes - 841
Would you welcome affordable or workforce housing next to your home?
Yes - 28%
No - 60%
Not sure - 12%
Total votes - 1,133
How do you prefer public art be displayed?
Temporarily - 35%
Permanently - 7%
No preference - 36%
I don’t like public art - 22%
Total votes - 841
Traffic this summer will be:
Worse - 86%
About the same - 13%
Better - 1%
Total votes - 1,176
Should potential loss of trees be a factor in subdivision approval?
Yes, big factor - 80%
Yes, small factor - 12%
No - 8%
Total votes - 1,059
Have you considered buying an electric car?
Yes - 26%
No - 72%
Already have one - 2%
Total votes - 1,125
Have you considered installing solar panels on your home?
Yes - 30%
No - 60%
Already have - 6%
Don’t own a home - 4%
Total votes - 924
Should Sussex County require fire sprinklers for new home construction?
Yes - 48%
No - 46%
Not sure - 6%
Total votes - 1,039
How often do you visit state parks?
At least weekly - 19%
Monthly - 19%
A few times a year - 43%
Never - 19%
Total votes - 864
Should Lewes BPW partner with Sussex County for wastewater treatment?
Yes - 53%
No - 26%
Not sure - 21%
Total votes - 658
Should Rehoboth Beach add a dog park?
A $300 refund to Delawareans is:
Helpful - 41%
Unnecessary - 39%
Not enough - 20%
Total votes - 1,060
How much attention do you pay to your local government?
A lot - 43%
Some - 42%
Little to none - 15%
Total votes - 890
How do you merge down to one lane?
Get over right away - 78%
Wait until the end - 17%
Avoid it altogether - 5%
Total votes - 838
Should Delaware follow neighboring states in allowing mobile sports betting?
Yes - 44%
No - 46%
No sure - 10%
Total votes - 865
Should rare or prominent trees receive the same preservation attention as historic homes?
Yes - 66%
No 14%
Case by case - 20%
Total votes - 967
Should medical aid in dying be available to terminally ill people?
Yes - 82%
No - 11%
Not sure - 7%
Total votes - 847
Has the high price of gas forced you to change your driving habits?
Yes - 53%
No - 45%
I have an electric vehicle - 2%
Total votes - 1,057
Should coastal towns and the county set up disaster relief funds?
Yes - 67%
No - 24%
Not sure - 9%
Total votes - 824
How much do you know about your town’s history?
A lot - 35%
A little - 44%
No much - 21%
Total votes - 793
Do you think roundabouts are safer than traditional intersections?
Yes - 37%
No - 54%
Not sure - 9%
Total votes - 1,100
Proposed metered parking at Roosevelt Inlet is:
A good idea - 23%
A bad idea - 65%
Where’s that? - 12%
Total votes - 889
Would you stay in a tiny home when traveling?
Yes - 58%
No - 33%
Not sure - 9%
Total votes - 880
When visiting a beach town, what primary method of transportation do you use?
Drive in and park - 81%
Uber/Lyft/taxi - 2%
Bus/trolley/shuttle - 3%
Walk - 14%
Total votes - 904
How often do you use a Cape Region trail?
Almost daily - 11%
Every few weeks - 11%
Every month or so - 20%
Never - 58%
Total votes - 828
With the mask mandate lifted, will you continue to wear a covering indoors?
All the time - 23%
Sometimes - 38%
Never - 39%
Total votes - 1,257
Who are you rooting for in the big game?
Bengals - 37%
Rams - 8%
Don’t care - 55%
Total votes - 1,059
Should there be a cap on surf-fishing permits to drive on beaches?
Yes - 59%
No - 22%
No one should drive on beaches - 19%
Total votes - 1,109
How much are you willing to pay to park in beach towns?
$2 per hour - 28%
$3 per hour - 5%
$4 per hour - 7%
I won’t pay to park - 60%
Total votes - 968
Is it time for Delaware to legalize marijuana?
Yes - 59%
No - 37%
Not sure - 4%
Total votes - 1,227
Should Lewes require parking permits for beach's residential streets?
Yes - 43%
No - 50%
Not sure - 7%
Total votes - 858
Did you know Red Mill Pond is a manmade body of water?
Yes - 46%
No - 47%
What pond? - 7%
Total votes - 919
Is permanently allowing to-go alcohol sales a good thing?
Yes - 53%
No - 37%
Not sure - 10%
Total votes - 985
Do you wear a N95 or KN95 mask when in public?
Always - 24%
Sometimes - 13%
Never - 63%
Total votes - 1,051
What is an appropriate minimum buffer from wetlands and waterways?
Is $9 million too much to underground utilities on two streets in Rehoboth?
Yes - 65%
No - 21%
Not sure - 15%
Total votes - 950
How well does Delaware handle snow?
Do you know someone who’s had a breakthrough case of COVID?
Yes - 62%
No - 34%
Possibly - 4%
Total votes - 1,060
How do you feel going into 2022?
Optimistic - 28%
Cautious - 52%
Pessimistic - 20%
Total votes - 735
How would you rate your 2021?
Which part of the Christmas season is your favorite?
Should there be a speed limit on local trails?
Yes - 64%
No - 28%
Not sure - 8%
Total votes - 908
When it comes to a Christmas tree, real or fake?
Real - 30%
Fake - 55%
No tree for me - 15%
Total votes - 934
Would you mind seeing a wind farm on the ocean horizon off Rehoboth?
Yes - 34%
No - 60%
Not sure - 6%
Total votes - 1,287
Have you visited Winter Wonderfest or Schellville this year?
Yes - 11%
No - 76%
Planning to - 13%
Total votes - 950
How far along are you with your holiday shopping?
Haven’t started yet - 35%
Some of it is done - 26%
Nearly done/finished - 39%
Total votes - 784
Are you worried about the new Omicron variant of COVID?
Yes - 31%
No - 49%
Not sure yet - 20%
Total votes - 1,037
Are you planning to shop at local small businesses this holiday season?
What’s your favorite part of Thanksgiving?
Will you travel out of state for Thanksgiving?
Yes - 21%
No - 78%
Undecided - 1%
Total votes - 929
Would you like to see Punkin Chunkin return to Sussex County?
Yes - 60%
No - 30%
Not sure - 10%
Total votes - 1,000
What to do with treated wastewater?
Spray irrigation onto land - 53%
Outfall into river/ocean - 16%
Some other way - 32%
Total votes - 733
Are you excited about Aldi opening outside Rehoboth Beach?
Yes - 44%
No - 45%
What’s Aldi? - 11%
Total votes - 1,013
Would you be in favor of a village for people experiencing homelessness?
Yes - 46%
No - 33%
Depends where it is - 22%
Total votes - 1,063
What should be done about Daylight Saving Time?
Will you participate in trick or treating this year?
How do you feel about candy corn?
Home demolition in Rehoboth is:
Destroying history - 45%
A sign of progress - 31%
Not regulated enough - 24%
Total votes - 845
Are coastal towns doing enough to prepare for sea-level rise?
Yes - 22%
No - 63%
Not sure - 15%
Total votes - 879
Are you getting a flu shot this year?
Yes - 70%
No - 26%
Undecided - 4%
Total votes - 1,057
Do you decorate your home for Halloween?
Yes - 36%
No - 60%
Considering it - 6%
Total votes - 874
Should Beebe Healthcare require all employees to get the COVID vaccine?
Does Milton need a Royal Farms?
Have you ever attended the Firefly Music Festival in Dover?
Yes - 6%
No - 90%
Want to - 4%
Total votes - 1,015
How religious are you?
Are you watching football this season?
Are you anxious to receive a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine?
Yes - 35%
No - 36%
I’m not vaccinated - 29%
Total votes - 1,325
What should be done about the Lewes menhaden fishing net reel?
Leave it where it is - 72%
Move it to a more appropriate place - 11%
What's a net reel? - 17%
Total votes - 789
How prepared are you if a hurricane hits?
Very - 19%
Adequately - 56%
Poorly - 25%
Total votes - 790
Do you support vaccine mandates for private businesses?
Yes - 42%
No - 55%
Not sure - 3%
Total votes - 1,481
Should the Route 1 speed limit through Dewey be decreased?
Yes, year round - 35%
Yes, summer only - 32%
No - 33%
Total votes - 924
Should fire sprinklers be required in all new homes?
Yes - 46%
No - 46%
Not sure - 8%
Total votes - 952
Should a developer be required to replace trees it cuts down?
Is it time for a parking garage in Rehoboth?
When is the last time you went to a movie theater?
Within six months - 8%
Within a year - 2%
Longer than a year - 90%
Total votes - 1,060
My main vacation this summer is:
Are you wearing a mask in public places again?
Yes - 38%
No - 52%
Considering it - 10%
Total votes - 1,278
Should hospitals require employees to get a COVID vaccine?
Yes - 67%
No - 30%
Not sure - 3%
Total votes - 1,322
Should students, teachers and staff be required to wear masks in school this fall?
Will a bonfire business lead to more commercialization of Lewes Beach?
Yes - 55%
No - 32%
Not sure - 13%
Total votes - 776
Should the state drop the fishing requirement for drive-on beaches?
Yes - 25%
No - 70%
Not sure - 5%
Total votes - 1,044
Are you worried about the Delta variant?
Yes - 48%
No - 49%
What’s that? - 3%
Total votes - 1,049
What is the ideal outside temperature for you?
Lower than 70 degrees - 20%
70-80 degrees - 64%
80-90 degrees - 13%
90 degrees or above - 3%
Total votes - 1,061
What is your favorite season?
Spring - 14%
Summer - 21%
Fall - 57%
Winter - 8%
Total votes - 901
How often should buildings like Henlopen Hotel be inspected?
Annually - 61%
Every 5 years - 31%
Every 10 years or longer - 8%
Total votes - 920
Is Clear Space Theatre getting a fair shake in Rehoboth?
Yes - 30%
No - 62%
Not sure - 8%
Total votes - 2,307
Are you bothered by 5G poles?
Yes - 23%
No - 73%
What’s 5G? - 4%
Total votes - 942
How do you feel about roundabouts?
Easy to use 41%
Totally confusing - 41%
No strong feelings - 18%
Total votes - 931
When do you go to the beach?
How do you feel about social media?
Love it - 3%
It’s OK - 35%
Hate it - 62%
Total votes - 960
POTUS visiting Rehoboth Beach is:
Pretty cool - 44%
Bringing unwelcome interruptions - 50%
What’s POTUS? - 6%
Total votes - 1,197
Are you sad there are no Brood X cicadas in the Cape Region?
Yes, disappointed - 16%
No, they can buzz off - 74%
What? - 10%
Total votes - 787
Towns moving ahead with Fourth of July fireworks and other activities is:
Premature - 21%
Probably the right call - 39%
A no-brainer - 40%
Total votes - 1,067
Will you continue to wear masks in certain situations?
Yes - 64%
No - 30%
Not sure yet - 6%
Total votes - 1,198
What's the better way to fix the Cape Region's worker shortage?
End extra unemployment benefits - 51%
Offer higher pay/incentives - 19%
Why not both? - 30%
Total votes - 1,045
Is Sussex County underrepresented in the Delaware State Legislature?
Yes - 72%
No - 16%
Not sure - 11%
Total votes - 849
Should Delaware ban flavored tobacco?
Yes - 52%
No - 40%
Not sure - 8%
Total votes - 940
Do you own a gun?
Yes - 43%
No - 47%
Thinking about it - 11%
Total votes - 1,000
How well do you understand what’s recyclable in Delaware?
Very - 34%
Somewhat - 45%
Not at all - 12%
I don’t recycle - 9%
Total votes - 849
What’s your go to outdoor spring activity?
Walking/biking trails - 49%
Strolling on the beach - 25%
Shopping - 2%
Staying in my home - 23%
Total votes - 784
Should Delaware legalize marijuana for recreational use?
Yes - 53%
No - 42%
Not sure - 5%
Total votes - 1,248
Should Rehoboth officials rescind the city-wide outdoor mask requirement?
Yes - 48%
No - 48%
Not sure - 4%
Total votes - 1,278
How do you expect Sussex County’s first reassessment since 1974 to affect your tax bill?
Huge increase - 57%
Slight increase - 30%
No or minimal impact - 9%
No effect on me - 4%
Total votes - 1,034
How will the booming real estate market affect the Cape Region?
Positively - 27%
Negatively - 69%
No major effect - 4%
Total votes - 933
Summer 2021 at the Delaware beaches will be:
Busier than ever - 84%
Average - 13%
Slow - 3%
Total votes - 1,151
Automatic voter registration at the DMV is:
A great idea - 68%
A bad idea - 23%
Not sure yet - 9%
Total votes - 976
Delaware’s surf-fishing permit system is:
Good revenue source for parks - 42%
Misused privilege for select few - 52%
Good way to keep fish hooks out of my feet - 6%
Total votes - 912
What are you not looking forward to as COVID restrictions ease up?
More traffic - 54%
Long lines - 10%
No worries - 36%
Total votes - 800
Should elected officials approve rezoning requests without a plan for the property?
Yes - 6%
No - 92%
Not sure - 2%
Total votes 1,181
Have you received at least one dose of the COVID vaccine?
Yes - 63%
No - 21%
Don’t plan to get it - 16%
Total votes - 1,067
Will the appearance of 5G poles in Rehoboth and Dewey negatively affect your experience?
Yes - 27%
No - 67%
Not sure - 6%
Total votes - 979
Which do you believe is correct?
What are you going to do with the next round of stimulus money?
Save - 47%
Spend - 39%
Donate - 14%
Total votes - 788
Is it time for Rehoboth to have a historic preservation commission?
Yes - 57%
No - 33%
Not sure - 10%
Total votes - 821
With some states relaxing COVID restrictions, what should Delaware do?
Relax restrictions - 52%
Status quo - 41%
Tighten restrictions - 7%
Total votes - 1,412
Should minimum wage be increased to $15 per hour?
Yes - 36%
No - 56%
Not sure - 8%
Total votes - 1,128
What should Sussex County do with extra money from transfer taxes?
Fast-track road improvements - 34%
Preserve open space - 40%
More support for police/fire - 12%
Save it - 14%
Total votes - 1,102
Are you more likely to visit a resort town when free parking is offered?
Yes - 67%
No - 26%
Not sure - 7%
Total votes - 1,049
How soon after receiving the vaccine will you resume travel?
Right away - 22%
6 months or so - 38%
More than a year - 16%
I’ve never stopped - 25%
Total votes - 806
Are you OK with President Biden using the Gordons Pond parking lot for Marine One?
Yes - 55%
No - 41%
Not sure - 5%
Total votes - 1,398
How would you grade the state on vaccine rollout?
A or B - 16%
C or D - 41%
F - 43%
Total votes - 924
Did you watch the inauguration of President Biden?
Yes - 48%
No - 46%
Watched clips later - 6%
Total votes - 1,361
Will the COVID situation improve under the Biden administration?
Yes - 49%
No - 42%
Not sure - 9%
Total votes - 1,133
Have you or members of your household had COVID since March?
Yes - 14%
No - 81%
Possibly, but not confirmed - 5%
Total votes - 1,093
Would adding lights to a trail negatively impact nearby residents?
When was the last time you ate inside a restaurant?
Within the last month - 40%
1-6 months ago - 22%
More than 6 months - 38%
Total votes - 1,093
Should Rehoboth’s police chief supervise the beach patrol?
Yes - 19%
No - 72%
Not sure - 9%
Total votes - 1,120
How are you feeling going into 2021?
Optimistic - 36%
Cautious - 47%
Pessimistic - 17%
Total votes - 828
What are your plans for New Year’s Eve?
Going to a party - 8%
Counting down from home - 45%
Going to bed early - 47%
Total votes - 1,131
With Dolle’s moving off the Boardwalk, should the iconic sign remain?
Yes - 53%
No - 41%
Not sure - 6%
Total votes - 902
With vaccines rolling out, when do you expect life to return to normal?
Spring/summer 2021 - 30%
Fall 2021 - 41%
Later or never - 29%
Total votes - 1,082
Should there be a permit parking system for Lewes Beach streets?
Yes - 30%
No - 60%
Not sure - 10%
Total votes - 869
Do you plan to celebrate the holidays with family?
Immediate family only - 51%
Extended family - 18%
Nothing this year - 31%
Total votes - 986
Should Lewes officials dictate what's allowed on historical society's campus?
Yes - 15%
No - 74%
Not sure - 11%
Total votes - 850
Where should Rehoboth officials put its inclusive holiday display?
Are you willing to pay an annual fee to see your primary care physician?
Yes - 14%
No - 74%
Depends on how much - 12%
Total votes - 1,058
Will you get a COVID vaccine when it’s available to the general public?
Yes, ASAP - 42%
Yes, eventually - 33%
No - 25%
Total votes - 1,235
Will you be gathering with family for Thanksgiving?
Yes, with more than 10 people - 19%
Yes, with fewer than 10 people - 31%
No, staying home - 50%
Total votes - 1,150
Are you putting up holiday decorations early this year?
Yes - 44%
No - 49%
Not sure - 7%
Total votes - 1,001
With COVID numbers again on the rise, what should Gov. Carney do?
Tighten restrictions - 53%
Leave it as is - 23%
Reopen the state - 24%
Total votes - 1,210
Will a Joe Biden presidency be good for Delaware?
Yes - 50%
No - 38%
We’ll see - 12%
Total votes - 1,337
Can either presidential candidate do/say anything to change your vote?
How many times have you been tested for COVID?
Once - 22%
Multiple times - 15%
Have not been tested - 63%
Total votes - 975
After what happened in the first debate, will you watch the next one?
Absolutely - 47%
No way - 36%
No sure yet - 18%
Total votes - 965
What is the largest gathering you’ve attended since the March shutdown?
Fewer than 20 people - 69%
20-50 people - 11%
More than 50 people - 20%
Total votes - 901
Will you watch the upcoming presidential debates?
Yes - 64%
No - 27%
Undecided - 9%
Total votes - 1,004
How should trick or treating be handled this year?
Keep it the same - 39%
Bowl of candy on steps/porch - 20%
Cancel it - 41%
Total votes - 1,006
Are you watching football this season?
Yes - 33%
No - 50%
Don’t usually watch - 16%
Total votes - 1,091
Should homeowners’ associations be allowed to ban political yard signs?
Yes - 36%
No - 61%
Not sure - 3%
Total votes - 1,086
Are you planning to vote in Tuesday’s state primary election?
Yes - 48%
No - 30%
Already have by mail - 22%
Total votes - 865
With summer season ending, should state loosen COVID restrictions?
Yes - 53%
No - 43%
Not sure - 5%
Total votes - 1,525
Should the state reconsider decision to postpone fall sports?
Yes - 44%
No - 48%
Not sure - 8%
Total votes - 1,062
How will you vote this year?
In-person - 64%
Mail-in/Absentee - 31%
Not voting - 5%
Total votes - 1,054
Did you watch the conventions?
Yes, Republican - 24%
Yes, Democratic - 16%
Both - 9%
Neither - 51%
Total votes - 1,145
How do you send mail?
Home mailbox - 60%
Blue street mailbox - 14%
At the post office - 26%
Total votes - 820
How do you primarily pay your bills?
Online - 74%
Mail - 25%
In person - 1%
Total votes - 947
Is remote learning effective for elementary school students?
Yes - 15%
No - 69%
Not sure - 16%
Total votes - 918
Will you wear a mask in public after requirements are lifted?
Yes - 29%
In certain situations - 39%
No - 32%
Total votes - 1,380
Are you concerned about mail-in voting?
Very - 52%
A little - 11%
Not at all - 38%
Total votes - 1,205
Do you agree with state’s decision to allow some in-person instruction at schools?
Yes - 58%
No - 27%
Not sure yet - 15%
Total votes - 1,065
When do you think life will return to normal?
By the end of the year - 11%
Early next year - 15%
Later next year - 30%
Maybe never - 43%
Total votes - 1,334
Have you been tested for COVID-19?
Yes - 28%
No - 69%
I plan to - 3%
Total votes - 1,015
Will you visit Rehoboth on Meterless Mondays?
Yes - 20%
No - 58%
Maybe later this summer - 22%
Total votes - 1,002
Should high school sports move ahead this fall?
Yes, as normal - 23%
Yes, with restrictions - 35%
No - 42%
Total votes - 1,004
Should schools reopen this fall?
Yes - 33%
Under the right circumstances - 43%
No - 23%
Total votes - 1,189
How is this unusual summer going for you?
Great - 19%
OK - 57%
Terrible - 24%
Total votes - 1,001
Will the response to COVID-19 influence how you vote this November?
Yes - 48%
No - 48%
Not sure yet - 4%
Total votes - 1,128
This year’s neighborhood fireworks displays were:
Great/fun - 28%
Crazy/unsafe - 40%
Better than no fireworks - 32%
Total votes - 800
Requiring face coverings on the beach is:
Too much - 39%
Necessary - 56%
Not sure - 5%
Total votes - 1,398
Are you concerned about the COVID uptick in Dewey/Rehoboth?
Very - 61%
Somewhat - 18%
Not at all - 21%
Total votes - 1,312
Should visitors be allowed at long-term care facilities during COVID?
Yes, anyone - 5%
Yes, family only - 60%
No - 35%
Total votes - 988
Phase 3 should begin:
Now - 33%
In the next few weeks - 16%
What’s the rush? - 51%
Total votes - 1,052
Should Rehoboth's Belhaven hotel include storefronts on ground level?
Yes - 66%
No - 11%
What’s the Belhaven? - 23%
Total votes - 901
Are face coverings still necessary?
Yes - 68%
No - 25%
Not sure - 7%
Total votes: 1,189
Should the U.S. go to Mars?
Yes - 50%
No - 39%
Not sure - 11%
Total votes - 904
The sidewalk-side barriers on Rehoboth Ave. are a:
Great idea - 25%
Bad idea - 55%
Haven’t seen them - 20%
Total votes - 1,559
Are you making any summer vacation plans?
Yes, regionally - 14%
Yes, traveling in the US - 13%
Yes, going abroad - 2%
Not yet - 71%
Total votes - 1,046
Gov. Carney’s handling of the COVID crisis has been:
Good - 51%
Bad - 30%
So so - 19%
Total votes - 1,327
Are you worried about a summer spike of COVID-19 cases?
Yes - 55%
No - 40%
Not sure - 5%
Total votes - 1,373
Is it time to allow out-of-state visitors?
Yes - 64%
No - 31%
Not sure - 5%
Total votes: 1,856
When restaurants and shops open I’ll:
Go everywhere - 16%
Just my favorites - 22%
Stay home a little longer - 62%
Total votes: 1,159
Have you been to the beach yet?
Yes - 22%
No - 72%
Soon - 06%
Total votes - 1,041
When should the courts and legislature open?
June - 26%
July or later - 30%
Now - 44%
Total votes - 1,140
What’s first when restrictions are lifted?
Haircut/mani-pedi - 47%
Travel - 12%
Eat/drink out - 34%
Have a party - 07%
Total votes - 916
Are we losing our civil liberties?
Yes - 43%
No - 38%
Only temporarily - 19%
Total votes - 1,358
Stay-at-home restrictions are:
Reducing the spread of the virus - 70%
A plot to ruin the economy - 14%
A pointless inconvenience - 16%
Total votes - 1,151
What do we need to open back up?
Reliable testing and a vaccine - 25%
Reliable testing - 23%
A way to take everyone’s temperature - 2%
Nothing, do it now - 50%
Total votes - 1,672
Lockdown protesters are:
Doing more harm than good- 45%
Justified - 25%
Exercising their rights - 30%
Total votes - 1,558
How are you handling family caregiving?
Staying home - 36%
Paying someone - 02%
Not an issue - 62%
Total votes - 745
Have you gotten your $1200 yet?
Yes - 33%
No - 50%
I’m not eligible - 17%
Total votes - 1,021
Is it OK for police to patrol with drones?
Sure - 53%
No way - 32%
OK during pandemic - 15%
Total votes 1,071
Delaware schools should:
Re-open May 15 - 21%
Re-open during summer - 17%
Stay closed until after Labor Day - 62%
Total votes - 1,060
Are you now wearing a mask in public?
Yes - 51%
No - 35%
Sometimes - 14%
Total votes - 1,120
Restructuring the national voting process at this time is:
A great idea - 33%
A really bad idea - 57%
Don’t care - 10%
Total votes - 786
With all this extra time I’m:
Eating/drinking a lot - 53%
Shopping online more - 10%
Caretaking a lot - 10%
Working out/getting creative - 27%
Total votes - 651
Having out-of-staters self-quarantine will:
Be hard to enforce - 53%
Make folks mad - 02%
Keep them home - 04%
All of the above - 41%
Total votes - 1,045
How much has the virus affected your life?
A lot - 52%
It’s a change - 33%
Not much - 15%
Total votes - 1131
Do you miss hugging people?
Yes - 34%
Not at all - 49%
Sometimes - 17%
Total votes - 849
Folks still come to the beach in hard times:
True - 85%
False - 8%
Not sure - 7%
Total votes - 941
Were you prepared for the TP crisis?
Yes - 59%
No - 22%
Sort of - 19%
Total votes - 752
How strong is your patriotism?
100 percent - 84%
50 percent - 11%
0 percent - 5%
Total votes - 696
Would you support a tax increase specifically for fire/EMS?
Yes - 42%
No - 39%
Maybe a small one - 19%
Total votes - 827
Is DelDOT moving in the right direction?
Yes - 42%
No - 33%
It’s debatable - 25%
Total votes - 857
Have you bought a supply of face masks yet?
Yes - 9%
No - 85%
On my list - 6%
Total votes - 903
In February, how long could you last without electricity?
Three hours - 32%
Three days - 43%
Three weeks - 25%
Total votes - 632
Will you observe Lent?
Yes - 36%
No - 58%
What’s Lent? - 6%
Total votes - 702
Should the coronvirus threat reinforce securing our borders?
Yes - 70%
No - 27%
Not sure - 3%
Total votes - 842
Should Lewes allow chair and umbrella rentals at Roosevelt Inlet?
Yes - 54%
No - 38%
Not sure - 8%
Total votes - 752
Pelosi ripping up Trump's speech on national TV was:
Great - 31%
Awful - 61%
Don’t care - 8%
Total votes - 1253
Should Rehoboth sell city property to balance the budget?
Yes - 41%
No - 49%
Not sure - 10%
Total votes - 672
All ready for tax season?
Yes - 53%
Never - 15%
Getting there - 32%
Total votes - 613
How real do you think climate change is?
Very - 55%
Not very - 25%
Not at all - 20%
Total votes - 910
Should Lewes change 1 of its 2 tennis courts into 4 pickleball courts?
Yes - 59%
No - 35%
Not sure - 6%
Total votes - 1713
Should Rehoboth fund a neighborhood shuttle service?
Yes - 42%
No - 50%
Not sure yet - 8%
Total votes - 688
Do you know who will get your vote for President?
Yes - 75%
Not yet - 21%
Nobody - 4%
Total votes - 973
Do you clean your recyclables before disposing?
Of course - 44%
Sometimes - 28%
Not usually - 28%
Total votes - 733
Do you fully understand how to recycle?
Yes - 63%
No - 26%
Not sure - 11%
Total votes - 687
Should feeding seagulls on the beach be fineable?
Yes - 52%
No - 34%
In certain places - 14%
Total votes - 832
The Lewes railroad swing bridge should be:
Fully preserved - 47%
Partially preserved - 10%
Scrapped - 43%
Total votes - 692
What should Lewes do about the BPW feud?
Work it out - 36%
Take full control - 29%
Let the court decide - 35%
Total votes - 453
What should Lewes do about renaming W. Fourth St.?
Full name change - 9%
Honorific name change - 13%
Leave it alone - 78%
Total votes - 809
Is defending the space above our country important?
Yes - 84%
No - 10%
Not sure - 6%
Total votes - 593
Should residential fire sprinklers be required in all new construction?
Yes - 49%
No - 40%
It depends - 11%
Total votes - 794
Where do you usually pour old cooking grease?
Down the drain - 10%
Into a container - 45%
Into the trash - 36%
Other - 9%
Total - 750
A wind power transmission connection in Fenwick Island State Park is:
Fine: 57%
A darned shame - 26%
Still debatable - 17%
Total votes - 716
How’s your holiday shopping going?
Great, almost done - 36%
About halfway there - 13%
Ha ha ha ho ho ho - 51%
Total votes - 582
Beach replenishment:
Is worth the money - 55%
Isn’t worth the money - 35%
I don’t go to the beach - 10%
Total votes - 795
What should become of the RR swing bridge in Lewes?
Preserve for park - 54%
Scrap it - 39%
Not sure - 7%
Total votes - 678
My primary residence is:
In the Cape Region - 62%
On the Delmarva Peninsula - 17%
Farther away - 21%
Total votes - 789
Will you be in the Cape Region for Thanksgiving?
Yes - 60%
No - 38%
Maybe - 2%
Total votes - 624
Where in Rehoboth should the Nativity be placed?
Bandstand - 75%
Chamber of Commerce - 4%
Private property - 21%
Total votes - 1018
Should dune fencing be installed along Lewes Beach?
Yes - 72%
No - 19%
Not sure - 9%
Total votes - 758
Should new homes in Rehoboth be required to have sprinklers?
Yes - 44%
No - 49%
Not sure - 7%
Total votes - 859
Should Lewes rename W. Fourth St. in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.?
Yes - 20%
No - 71%
Not sure - 9%
Total votes - 972
Are you ready for Black Friday?
Yes - 17%
No way - 27%
I’ll shop later - 56%
Total votes - 712
Would you ride a bike on Route 1 between Nassau and Dewey?
Yes - 6%
No - 93%
Not sure - 1%
Total votes - 1010
Offshore wind farms:
Yes please - 54%
No no no - 29%
Maybe - 17%
Total votes - 895
Climate change:
Really concerns me - 33%
Is a serious question - 22%
Doesn’t worry me - 45%
Total votes - 890
Spraying wastewater on fields is:
Better than polluting the bays - 44%
Polluting our drinking water - 31%
Still up for debate - 25%
Total votes - 883
Clear Space Theatre using Rehoboth Convention Center:
Is fine for a while - 52%
Conflicts with other events - 14%
Is a confusing concept - 34%
Total votes - 473
To qualify for appointment to a city committee you should:
Be a resident or own property - 25%
Be familiar with the process - 1%
Have specific qualifications - 3%
All of the above - 71%
Total votes - 803
A Ghost Bike Memorial is:
An appropriate tribute - 34%
A dangerous distraction - 25%
Sorry, I just don’t get it - 41%
Total votes - 724
My job:
I love it - 37%
I hate it - 10%
Bores me - 11%
Don't have one - 42%
Total votes - 651
On Halloween night I will be:
Handing out candy - 32%
Trick or treating - 7%
A non-participant - 61%
Total votes - 638
Should total square footage include balconies?
Yes - 33%
No - 62%
Not sure - 5%
Total votes - 772
Do you understand Dewey Beach politics?
Pretty much - 8%
Somewhat - 8%
No - 84%
Total votes - 636
Milton losing the Zombie Fest was:
Inevitable - 9%
Avoidable - 33%
Not important - 58%
Total votes - 694
Joe Biden is:
Doing great - 15%
Hanging in there - 28%
Falling behind - 57%
Total votes - 960
I prefer to shop:
At a discount store - 12%
Locally - 51%
Online - 37%
Total votes - 685
How often do you use Cape Region trails?
Daily/weekly - 21%
Monthly - 17%
Never - 62%
Total votes - 764
Yes - 55%
No - 42%
Not sure - 3%
Total votes - 1463
Is your family prepared to ride out a storm?
Yes - 80%
No - 10%
Not for long - 10%
Total votes - 644
How often do you read your horoscope?
Daily - 5%
Sometimes - 31%
Never - 64%
Total votes - 724
Sussex County healthcare needs more:
Emergency departments - 16%
Primary care physicians - 73%
Walk-in clinics - 11%
Total votes - 669
Where should Rehoboth put revenue from a lodging tax?
General fund - 16%
Infrastructure - 58%
Beach replenishment - 26%
Total votes - 682
Does Sussex County need more emergency departments?
Yes - 61%
No - 27%
Not sure - 12%
Total votes - 707
Should dogs be allowed on restaurant patios?
Yes - 42%
No - 46%
It depends - 12%
Total votes - 1155
Will a Plantation-Beaver Dam roundabout help Five Points traffic?
Yes - 26%
No - 56%
Not sure - 18%
Total votes - 805
Delaware’s drive-on beaches should be patrolled:
All day, every day - 69%
Occasionally - 27%
Never - 4%
Total votes - 835
Weekday traffic this summer is:
Worse than ever - 77%
Better than usual - 5%
Same as previous years - 18%
Total votes - 951
In Sussex County, DelDOT is doing:
A good job - 50%
A bad job - 40%
Not sure - 10%
Total votes - 1,117
Should the city have control over Lewes BPW?
Yes - 42%
No - 43%
It’s complicated - 15%
Total votes - 520
Most men's bathing suits:
Reveal too much - 9%
Are just fine - 82%
Look like skirts - 9%
Total votes - 596
Most women’s bathing suits today are:
Too revealing - 34%
Just fine - 48%
Not revealing enough - 18%
Total votes - 795
If you could just change one thing:
My paycheck - 23%
A mistake in the past - 52%
My body - 25%
Total votes - 636
Has Rehoboth Farmer’s Market outgrown its space?
Yes - 43%
No - 24%
Not sure - 33%
Total votes - 486
The moon landing is:
Man’s greatest acheivement - 32%
An important step - 45%
Old news - 23%
Total votes - 650
How’s your disposable cash flow?
Great - 38%
Pretty thin - 40%
Nonexistent - 22%
Total votes - 797
I wear shoes that look good but hurt:
A lot - 2%
Sometimes - 17%
Never - 81%
Total votes - 685
Are you offended by the Betsy Ross flag?
Yes - 6%
No - 90%
Not sure - 4%
Total votes - 999
Will you fly the American flag this week?
Yes - 83%
No - 14%
Maybe - 3%
Total votes - 755
Is it OK to save space on a crowded beach?
Yes - 32%
No - 63%
Not sure - 5%
Total votes - 808
When it comes to sentencing, judges should:
Follow strict mandates - 52%
Have more leeway - 34%
Not sure/It depends - 14%
Total votes - 625
Iran shot down our drones We should:
Ignore it - 18%
Fire back somehow - 55%
Don’t know/Other - 27%
Total votes - 731
Should the terminally ill have access to ‘suicide pills’?
Yes - 74%
No - 16%
Not sure - 10%
Total votes - 747
The plastic bag ban is:
Great - 53%
Too much big government - 33%
A dog owner’s nightmare - 14%
Total votes - 893
Is it time to legalize marijuana in Delaware?
Yes - 55%
No as in Never - 39%
Not yet - 6%
Total votes - 862
The Dogfish merger with Boston Beer Company is:
Good for Delaware - 36%
Bad for Delaware - 33%
Not sure - 31%
Total votes - 841
Should the death penalty for convicted murderers be reinstated?
Yes - 76%
No - 22%
Only if they killed peace officers - 2%
Total votes - 769
Impeach the president?
Yes - 38%
No - 58%
Not sure - 4%
Total votes - 1169
Including wetlands when calculating buildable acreage is:
Logical - 35%
Not right - 59%
Negotiable - 6%
Total votes - 761
What kind of TV shows do you prefer?
Games/Comedy - 18%
Drama/Fiction - 47%
News/Documentaries - 35%
Total votes - 622
Do you own a gun?
Yes - 44%
No - 51%
Not now - 5%
Total votes - 929
Will hotel guests notice a 3 percent lodging tax?
Yes - 46%
No - 51%
Not sure - 3%
Total votes - 730
Does a heartbeat signify life?
Yes - 70%
No - 23%
Not sure - 7%
Total votes - 827
Having Punkin Chunkin in Ocean City is:
A great solution - 44%
Not a good idea - 32%
Debatable - 24%
Total votes - 757
An overpass where Rt. 16 meets Rt. 1 is:
A great idea - 38%
A dumb idea - 30%
Debatable - 32%
Total votes - 1074
DelDOT’s acquisition of Bests’ Hardware land will:
Help fix Five Points traffic - 30%
Be a waste of money - 36%
Be sad for the Bests - 34%
Total votes - 1064
Medicare-for-all will:
Increase taxes & big government - 45%
Work well if supported - 51%
Be confusing - 4%
Total votes - 953
Biden for president?
Yes - 51%
No - 43%
Not sure - 6%
Total votes - 1559
Should Lewes build a dune behind its main beach?
Yes - 45%
No - 42%
Not sure - 13%
Total votes - 661
Raising the age to buy cigarettes to 21 is:
Fantastic - 55%
Ridiculous - 36%
A reason to drive to Maryland - 09%
Total votes - 819
Sending immigrants to sanctuary cities is:
Fair - 61%
Not fair - 27%
Still up for discussion - 12%
Total votes - 824
Do you care about Trump’s tax returns?
Yes - 48%
No - 44%
Not really - 8%
Total votes - 1338
Will you celebrate Easter?
Yes - 71%
No - 25%
Not sure yet - 4%
Total votes - 717
How much $$ do you have saved up?
$0-10,000 - 31%
$11,000-100,000 - 18%
$101,000+ - 51%
Total votes - 630
The kiosk on the Lewes library’s Five Points land should:
Stay there - 70%
Be moved - 22%
Be discussed in court - 8%
Total votes - 524
Should Milton pay for bike trail lighting?
Yes - 37%
No - 30%
Use solar - 33%
Total votes - 643
Will you grow your own vegetables this year?
Yes - 30%
No - 54%
Some - 16%
Total votes - 631
Upgrades to the Rehoboth Boardwalk bathrooms are:
Much needed - 63%
Too expensive - 9%
Not necessary - 28%
Total votes - 722
Should you have to provide proof of citizenship to vote?
Yes - 84%
No - 14%
Not sure - 2%
Total votes - 905
Charging extra for using credit cards at parking meters is:
Justifiable - 16%
Greedy - 82%
Not sure - 2%
Total votes - 830
Changing how the Electoral College works is:
A good idea - 31%
A bad idea - 58%
A confusing issue - 11%
Total votes - 718
Got those taxes done yet?
Yes - 45%
In the works - 22%
No - 33%
Total votes - 667
Should Lewes raise taxes to preserve open space?
Yes - 43%
No - 38%
Depends on how much - 19%
Total votes - 670
Should Lewes increase its annual budget for the fire department?
Yes - 65%
No - 23%
Not sure - 12%
Total votes - 645
Those who leave their dogs’ poop unscooped should be:
Much more heavily fined - 25%
Reported - 7%
Shamed on social media - 3%
All of the above - 65%
Total votes - 692
Are future Kalmar Nyckel visits to Lewes worth $3M of dredging?
Yes - 31%
No - 60%
Not sure - 9%
Total votes - 747
Taking a trip to warmer weather this winter?
Yes - 31%
No - 64%
Maybe - 5%
Total votes - 627
Should greyhounds be allowed in the convention center?
Yes - 70%
No - 25%
Not sure - 5%
Total votes - 1083
A valet service into a beach town is:
A form of public transportation - 30%
Only for the rich - 24%
Too farfetched - 46%
Total votes - 623
Is closing First Street to traffic in Rehoboth a good idea?
Yes - 24%
No - 58%
Needs more work - 18%
Total votes - 694
Do you gamble?
Sure - 9%
A little - 29%
No - 62%
Total votes - 746
Did the cold snap cause you problems?
Yes - 13%
No - 77%
Minor - 10%
Total votes - 663
Cell phone coverage in the Cape Region is:
Fine - 19%
Usually fine - 30%
Location/carrier dependent - 51%
Total votes - 669
Should volunteers receive workers’ compensation?
Yes - 23%
No - 69%
Not sure - 8%
Total votes - 618
Super Bowl LIII:
Los Angeles Rams - 31%
New England Patriots - 25%
Don’t care - 44%
Total votes 812
Did Lewes handle the Brittingham property decision correctly?
Yes - 22%
No - 59%
Undecided - 19%
Total votes - 548
Is the Cape Region a coastal city?
Yes - 61%
No - 24%
Not yet - 15%
Total votes - 699
Go Eagles - 49%
No Eagles - 16%
Don’t care - 35%
Total votes - 913
Nancy Pelosi is:
Great - 25%
Scary - 62%
Don’t care - 13%
Total votes - 908
Compared to five years ago, I weigh:
More - 35%
Less - 28%
About the same - 37%
Totl votes - 695
How’s your track record on New Year’s resolutions?
Pretty good - 13%
A few have stuck - 18%
Not for me - 69%
Total votes - 597
Who should manage Rehoboth’s wastewater plant and outfall pipe?
City of Rehoboth - 64%
Sussex County - 29%
Not sure - 7%
Total votes - 483
Do we give too much money to other countries?
Yes - 77%
No - 11%
It depends - 12%
Total votes - 1061
The Wall:
Fund it - 47%
Hate it - 47%
Whatever - 6%
Total votes - 495
Did Rehoboth officials handle the nativity scene correctly?
Yes - 33%
No - 62%
Not sure - 5%
Total votes - 1058
Should Sussex County create more public parks?
Yes please - 66%
No need - 29%
Not sure - 5%
Total votes - 763
What about installing solar lights on public bike paths?
Great idea - 57%
Maybe - 19%
Not in favor - 24%
Total votes - 683
Should public bike paths be lit at night?
Yes - 49%
No - 43%
Not sure - 8%
Total votes - 834
About development along New Road in Lewes:
Protect the environment above all - 60%
Let developers build - 11%
Upgrade the road first - 29%
Total votes - 741
Got your holiday shopping done yet?
Most of it - 26%
Some of it - 24%
No - 50%
Total votes - 620
Clear Space Theatre plans should:
Continue as proposed - 26%
Follow zoning - 47%
Find a new location - 27%
Total votes - 454
Most of my holiday shopping will occur at:
Big stores - 11%
Locally owned stores - 30%
Online retailers - 59%
Total votes - 589
A sweeping prison reform bill is:
A great idea - 69%
Too much too soon - 14%
Not needed - 17%
Total votes - 417
Will you be in Sussex County for Thanksgiving?
Yes - 66%
No - 32%
Close by - 2%
Total votes - 862
Should Kathy McGuiness be both State Auditor and Rehoboth commissioner?
Yes - 14%
No - 80%
Not sure - 6%
Total votes - 868
Feral cats should be:
Left alone - 8%
Neutered and relocated - 56%
Euthanized - 36%
Total votes - 850
Will you get a flu shot?
Already have - 60%
Plan to - 11%
No - 29%
Total votes - 804
I’ve lived in the Cape Region:
My entire life - 25%
Last five years - 11%
Longer than five years - 50%
I’m not local - 14%
Total votes - 796
Are you planning to vote Nov. 6?
Yes - 88%
No - 8%
Not sure yet - 4%
Total votes - 881
What is your favorite part of Halloween?
Candy - 51%
Costumes/parades - 36%
Scary movies - 13%
Total votes - 650
How much should a town protect its old trees?
A lot - 59%
Somewhat - 28%
Don’t care - 13%
Total votes - 727
Has addiction affected your life?
Very much so - 23%
Somewhat - 20%
Not too much - 57%
Total votes - 573
Fire sirens heard town-wide:
Need to stop - 15%
Serve a purpose - 68%
Don’t affect me - 17%
Total votes - 715
I work:
Full time - 51%
Part time - 10%
I don’t work - 39%
Total votes - 715
What to do with treated wastewater?
Spray irrigation/land - 55%
Outfall discharge/water - 20%
Sell some to out-of-state industry? - 25%
Total votes - 528
FEMA’s nationwide text-alert was:
A great idea - 48%
Ridiculous - 41%
Not sent to me - 11%
Total votes - 945
Protecting wildlife with wider wetlands buffers:
Is important - 52%
Isn’t important - 8%
Should be the law - 40%
Total votes - 669
Compared to 5 years ago, I exercise:
More - 30%
Less - 36%
About the same - 34%
Total votes - 639
Parking garages in beach towns are:
Logical - 41%
Smart but expensive - 26%
Unnecessary; walk - 33%
Total votes - 750
The Kavanaugh confirmation hearing is:
Legally justified - 36%
Way beyond civil - 55%
Not important - 9%
Total votes - 685
Assigning K-9s to state parks is:
A great idea - 59%
Too intrusive - 28%
Not sure - 13%
Total votes - 687
Home demolition in Rehoboth is:
Destroying history - 40%
A sign of progress - 38%
Not regulated enough - 22%
Total votes - 697
Is affirmative action still necessary?
Yes - 28%
No - 59%
In some circumstances - 13%
Total votes - 753
The Mueller investigation:
Is totally justified - 43%
Has gone on too long - 54%
Needs a spending cap - 3%
Total votes - 802
I prefer using:
Single-head meters - 50%
Parking kiosks - 12%
Doesn’t matter - 38%
Total votes - 636
Parking permits in Lewes:
Good idea - 51%
Bad idea - 37%
Not sure - 12%
Total votes - 833
I live:
Paycheck to paycheck - 36%
Comfortably - 46%
Quite well - 18%
Total votes - 741
My favorite time to vacation is:
Summer - 19%
Fall - 60%
Winter - 14%
Spring - 7%
Total votes - 678
Saving places on the beach is:
A bad idea - 60%
Perfectly fine - 34%
Not sure - 6%
Total votes - 704
Plastic guns made on a 3D printer are:
A great idea - 11%
Dangerous - 81%
Not sure - 8%
Total votes - 732
Large groups on the beach should:
Stay to the back - 31%
Set up wherever - 51%
Not sure/ It depends - 18%
Total votes - 782
I pray:
Regularly - 47%
Sometimes - 25%
Very rarely - 28%
Total votes - 650
Regarding Thin Blue Line flags on Nassau bridge:
Let the flags fly - 64%
Remove flags from public highway - 25%
Who cares about flags? - 11%
Total votes - 880
What should Lewes do about beach parking?
Enforce public rights of way - 47%
Leave it alone - 22%
Establish continuous shuttle - 31%
Total votes - 636
The former Lewes RR trackbed should be:
A bike path - 64%
A roadway and bike path - 33%
Not sure - 3%
Total votes: 2887
Sussex Tech board members should:
Stay appointed - 8%
Be elected - 80%
Not sure - 12%
Total votes - 566
What hurts more?
A wasp sting - 17%
A Man o’ War sting - 49%
The sting of losing - 34%
Total votes - 422
Did you follow the Thai boys’ rescue?
Yes - 58%
No - 17%
Sort of - 25%
Total votes - 680
Traffic this summer has been:
Better - 5%
Worse - 68%
About the same - 27%
Total votes - 784
Would you walk two miles into a cave?
Yes - 9%
No - 78%
Maybe - 13%
Total votes - 844
Should a photo ID be required in order to vote?
Yes - 84%
No - 13%
Not sure - 3%
Total votes 837
Is a business refusing service a form of discrimination?
Yes - 57%
No - 35%
Not sure - 8%
Total votes - 830
Are you willing to face traffic to see fireworks?
Yes - 10%
No - 85%
Not sure yet - 5%
Total votes - 804
What annoys you most on the road?
Slow drivers in the left lane - 51%
No turn signals - 30%
Drivers in the bus lane - 10%
No headlights when raining - 9%
Total votes - 812
Does your family have a hurricane disaster plan?
Yes - 15%
Sort of - 27%
No - 58%
Total votes - 532
Taking down Civil War statues is:
A good idea - 15%
A dumb idea - 71%
A confusing issue - 14%
Total votes - 789
Is it time to discuss banning single-use plastics?
Yes - 69%
No - 22%
Why? - 9%
Total votes - 639
I eat meat:
All the time - 60%
Occasionally - 34%
Never - 6%
Total votes - 777
Nancy Pelosi:
Is a great leader - 38%
Should retire - 57%
Who? - 5%
Total votes - 1048
Would you offer Roseanne a job on your TV network?
Yes - 40%
No - 56%
Money talks - 4%
Total votes - 864
Holiday traffic:
Worse than ever - 34%
Bad - 24%
I stayed home - 42%
Total votes - 723
Can New Road in Lewes handle traffic from 300 more homes safely?
Yes - 13%
No - 81%
Maybe - 6%
Total votes - 849
Did you watch the Royal Wedding?
Yes - 41%
No - 52%
After - 7%
Total votes - 706
Should marijuana be legalized?
Yes - 57%
No - 38%
Not sure - 5%
Total votes - 870
Is it time to seriously consider national population control?
Yes - 40%
No - 54%
Not sure - 6%
Total votes - 586
Should Dewey doggie daycare be a permitted or conditional use?
Permitted - 57%
Conditional - 26%
Not sure - 17%
Total votes - 470
Is the Korean detente worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize?
Yes - 40%
No - 39%
Not yet - 21%
Total votes - 630
Do you care about which people Stormy Daniels slept with?
Yes - 10%
No - 87%
Sort of - 3%
Total votes - 931
What about: 3 DUIs and you’re off the road for 10 years?
Yes - 84%
No - 10%
Maybe - 6%
Total votes - 692
What about zoning based on population: the more people, the more farmland preserved?
Yes - 68%
No - 20%
Not sure - 12%
Total votes - 601
Would you pay for metal detectors at school entrances?
Yes - 63%
No - 32%
Not sure - 5%
Total votes - 550
Are you ready to pay for more police in schools?
Yes - 40%
No - 53%
Not sure - 7%
Total votes - 658
A travel lane on the beach for support vehicles is:
A good idea - 49%
A bad idea - 26%
Debatable - 25%
Total votes - 672
Overbrook Town Center rezoning application should be:
Passed - 32%
Denied - 62%
Not sure - 6%
Total votes - 815
A strong police presence in a low-crime area:
Deters crime - 28%
Provides security - 30%
Wastes resources - 42%
Total votes - 618
Should we pull our troops out of Syria?
Yes - 49%
No - 33%
Not sure - 18%
Total votes - 586
How long since your last complete physical?
1 year or less - 65%
1-4 years - 16%
5 years or more - 19%
Total votes - 600
How should we 'end gun violence’?
Intensify pre-purchase screening - 47%
Ban automatic weapons - 36%
Censor violent videos - 17%
Total votes - 648
Would you ride shotgun in a driverless car on Rt. 1?
Sure - 11%
Not sure - 8%
No way - 81%
Total votes - 726
How do you deal with feeling low?
Exercise - 41%
Some stiff drinks - 37%
I call someone - 22%
Total votes - 482
I am:
Democrat - 35%
Republican - 40%
Other - 25%
Total - 824
How much do you watch basketball?
A lot - 7%
Some - 23%
Not at all - 70%
Total votes - 688
Should local police consider using Smart Cars for patrol?
Yes - 26%
No - 66%
Not sure - 8%
Total votes - 573
Would you/your group be interested in active shooter training?
Yes - 40%
No - 55%
Not sure - 4%
Total votes - 601
Should we raise the age to 21 to buy any gun?
Yes - 67%
No - 30%
Not sure - 3%
Total votes - 817
Is a nonpartisan agreement on gun control possible?
Yes - 27%
No - 57%
Maybe - 16%
Total votes - 664
Should a few teachers be armed?
Yes - 39%
No - 55%
Not sure - 6%
Total votes - 853
Got those taxes done yet?
Yes - 33%
In progress - 23%
No - 44%
Total votes - 638
How old are you?
Under 30 - 5%
Under 62 - 50%
62+ - 45%
Total votes - 668
Should Rehoboth commissioners livestream their meetings?
Yes - 72%
No - 20%
Not sure - 8%
Total votes - 552
How often do you go to Wawa?
Daily - 14%
Weekly - 38%
Not often - 48%
Total votes - 777
What’s most important when screening for immigration?
Diversity - 6%
Has family here - 7%
Homeland security - 87%
Total votes - 597
Did you get a flu shot?
Yes - 61%
No - 37%
I should have - 2%
Total votes - 800
The winners of the Super Bowl should be:
The Eagles - 56%
The Patriots - 15%
Don’t care/neither - 29%
Total votes - 828
Sussex County’s aging population will need more senior housing.
True - 75%
False - 17%
Not sure - 8%
Total votes - 725
Shutting down the government because of immigration issues is:
OK - 25%
Ridiculous - 70%
Not sure - 5%
Total votes - 763
Do N. Korean threats detract from Hawaii’s tourist appeal?
Yes - 23%
No - 66%
Maybe - 11%
Total votes - 563
I use a chiropractor:
Regularly - 6%
Occasionally - 19%
Never - 75%
Total votes - 603
Oprah for president?
Yes - 11%
No - 79%
Maybe - 10%
Total votes - 972
Entering 2018 I feel:
Optimistic - 40%
Cautiously hopeful - 35%
Doubtful - 25%
Total votes - 586
The most snowfall I’ve seen at one time is:
Less than 12 inches - 2%
1 to 5 feet - 81%
More than 5 feet - 17%
Total votes - 782
For a healthier new year, my top goal is:
Eat better - 40%
Drink less - 11%
Exercise more - 49%
Total votes: 613
For the proposed Sussex Sports Center, the county should:
Loan $1.5 million to build complex - 20%
Donate 1.5 million to build complex - 7%
Not get involved with project - 73%
Total votes: 417
Are you making New Year’s resolutions?
Yes - 19%
No - 74%
Maybe - 7%
Total votes: 590
How should Dewey pay for handicap-accessible dune crossing mats?
Public/private partnership - 46%
Residential fee - 14%
Donations - 40%
Total votes: 252
What's your holiday spending limit?
$200 or less - 24%
$500 or less - 19%
$500 and more - 57%
Total votes: 492
Do you say ‘Thank you’ to a fast food server?
Yes, of course - 96%
No, why bother - 2%
Sometimes - 2%
Total votes - 725
Should all public restrooms be non-gender specific?
Yes - 21%
No - 75%
Not sure - 4%
Total votes - 731
Should LLCs be allowed to vote just like a real person?
Yes - 18%
No - 76%
Not sure - 6%
Total votes - 682
Rehoboth Mayor Paul Kuhns is:
Changing things too fast - 30%
Doing great - 29%
Still learning - 41%
Total votes - 436
How many books did you read this month?
3+ - 23%
1 or 2 - 27%
0 - 50%
Total votes - 577
What should Lewes do with the railroad track?
Remove all of it - 29%
Preserve a portion - 33%
Keep all of it - 38%
Total votes - 605
Does the use of ‘Merry Christmas’ offend you?
Yes - 4%
No - 94%
It depends - 2%
Total votes - 1041
Do you want your ‘Right to Die’ to be legal?
Yes - 44%
No - 53%
Not sure - 3%
Total votes - 1438
When do you plan to decorate for the holidays?
December sometime - 41%
Plan? - 25%
Total votes - 551
Should flood insurance continue to be federally funded?
Yes - 44%
No - 44%
Not sure - 12%
Total votes - 568
If you could, which would you fix first?
Polluted waterways - 17%
Congested roads - 28%
Rising healthcare costs - 55%
Total votes - 663
How often do you eat chicken?
Almost every day - 20%
Less than 5 times a week - 75%
I don't eat meat - 5%
Total votes: 595
At the Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival, I will attend:
0 films - 92%
1 to 5 films - 6%
More than 5 films - 2%
Total votes: 477
How much did you spend on trick-or-treat candy this year?
$0 - 53%
Less than $25 - 35%
More than $25 - 12%
Total votes: 586
Right-to-work legislation will:
Raise wages in Sussex County - 30%
Reduce wages in Sussex County - 46%
What is right-to-work legislation? - 24%
Total votes: 466
Should men have a vote on a woman's right to abortion?
Yes - 42%
No - 53%
Not sure - 5%
Total votes: 670
How are your Christmas season plans coming along?
Great - 20%
A bit - 15%
Not - 65%
Total votes - 483
Is switching the time back and forth still a good idea?
Yes - 26%
No - 62%
Don’t care - 12%
Total votes - 631
Has traffic in Millsboro reached emergency status?
Yes - 68%
Getting there - 23%
No - 9%
Total votes - 604
Dewey Beach’s town manager Marc Appelbaum should:
Resign - 36%
Remain - 57%
Not sure - 7%
Total votes - 1152
Do you use craigslist?
All the time - 6%
Sometimes - 20%
Not much/No - 74%
Total votes - 604
How urgent is it that DelDOT redesign the Five Points intersection?
Extremely - 66%
Fairly - 19%
Not very - 15%
Total votes - 643
Should players be allowed to kneel during the national anthem?
Yes - 31%
No - 62%
It’s complicated - 7%
Total votes - 825
Overbrook Town Center land should be used as a:
Farm - 71%
Housing development - 5%
Shopping center - 24%
Total votes - 661
How old are you?
30 and under - 6%
31-65 - 64%
66 and up - 30%
Total votes - 600
Foreign aid:
Keep it up - 17%
Cut it back - 44%
Cut it out - 39%
Total votes - 543
Repeat sexual offenders should be:
Castrated chemically - 19%
Castrated physically - 46%
In jail or monitored - 35%
Total votes - 567
Should towns annex land to control development?
Yes - 62%
No - 23%
Sometimes - 15%
Total votes - 450
The best way to cull the deer population is:
Longer hunting seasons - 54%
Support natural predators - 12%
Both - 34%
Total votes - 472
How’s your happiness factor?
Great - 41%
Off and on - 43%
Lousy - 16%
Total votes - 493
On Labor Day weekend I will be:
Working: - 16%
Playing - 50%
A little of both - 34%
Total votes - 496
Should Civil War statues be removed from public property?
Yes - 18%
No - 76%
Not sure - 6%
Total votes - 740
This summer, I’ve been to the beach:
A lot - 19%
A few times - 33%
Not at all - 48%
Total votes 675
Used a Realtor recently?
Yes - 24%
No - 74%
About to - 2%
Total votes - 420
Will you watch the eclipse?
Yes - 38%
No - 39%
Maybe - 23%
Total votes: 677
How many Punkin Chunkins have you attended?
4+ - 9%
1-3 - 28%
0 - 63%
Total votes - 689
North Korea:
Diplomacy and sanctions - 56%
Confrontation - 34%
Not sure - 10%
Total votes - 530
More taxes for improved roads?
Yes - 32%
No - 63%
Not sure - 5%
Total votes - 577
The new Milton elementary school's name should be:
H.O. Brittingham - 64%
Discussed and voted on - 29%
Not sure - 8%
Total votes: 555
Should county consultants meetings be open to the public?
Yes - 83%
No - 12%
Not sure - 5%
Total votes - 459
Dewey town manager Mark Appelbaum should:
Be suspended with pay - 14%
Be suspended without pay - 41%
Continue working - 45%
Total votes - 681
My home:
I own it - 45%
The bank and I own it - 45%
I rent - 10%
Total votes - 556
For serious pain I would rather use:
Prescription drugs - 25%
Marijuana CBD - 27%
Aspirin/Ibuprofin etc. - 48%
Total votes - 613
Should a photo ID be required to vote?
Yes - 85%
No - 13%
Not sure - 2%
Total votes - 704
Should towns consider offering their own internet services?
Yes - 47%
No - 47%
Something like that - 6%
Total votes - 508
How many guns do you own?
1-3 - 21%
4+ - 24%
None - 55%
Total votes - 602
Should fireworks be legal in Delaware?
Yes - 39%
No - 42%
Within reason - 19%
Total votes - 701
Is there a noise issue with Hudson Fields concerts?
Yes - 40%
No - 50%
Not yet - 10%
Total votes - 472
How important is it for Lewes to acquire more land for open space?
Very - 62%
Somewhat - 14%
Not at all - 24%
Total votes - 534
My biggest problem with gardening is:
Critters - 17%
Forgetting to water - 16%
Weeds - 67%
Total votes - 405
The worst intersection on Route 1 is:
Dartmouth Dr./Wawa - 47%
Shuttle Rd./County Bank - 29%
Postal Lane/Midway - 24%
Total votes - 558
What should Lewes do about illegal July 4th fireworks?
Enforce the law - 47%
Give warnings - 15%
Continue ignoring - 38%
Total votes - 672
How much is political partisanship fueling gun violence?
A lot- 54%
Somewhat - 16%
Not much - 30%
Total votes - 522
I’ll use the Lewes Park and Ride:
A lot - 8%
A little - 22%
Not sure yet - 70%
Total votes - 431
Oil Drills - 11%
Wind farms - 61%
Nothing - 28%
Total votes - 548
The empty church at Five Points should be:
A brewery - 13%
A homeless shelter - 29%
Removed so an overpass can be built - 58%
Total votes - 402
Money from Sussex real estate transfer tax should:
Be used statewide - 5%
Stay in Sussex Conty - 83%
Be spent on roads - 12%
Total votes - 599
My next vacation will be:
In a foreign land - 20%
Stateside - 48%
A staycation - 32%
Total votes - 474
In a dark parking lot, alone at night, I want:
My phone - 18%
A friend - 28%
A gun - 54%
Total votes - 654
Hurricane season: How prepared are you?
Very - 15%
Adequately - 55%
Poorly - 30%
Total votes - 381
Concern about Russian involvement is US affairs is:
Very real - 44%
Overblown - 52%
Not sure - 4%
Total votes - 748
To balance its budget, Delaware should:
Raise taxes - 17%
Cut spending - 74%
Not sure - 9%
Total votes - 588
How comprehensive is your home security system?
Very - 25%
It’s ok - 24%
Don’t have one - 51%
Total votes - 410
How much of your income depends on tourism?
A lot - 12%
About half - 5%
Not much - 83%
Total votes - 459
Death penalty:
Yes - 71%
No - 18%
Sometimes - 11%
Total votes - 611
Turned on your A/C yet?
Yes - 74%
No - 23%
Thought about it - 3%
Total votes - 563
How does lowering taxes on businesses sound?
Fantastic - 54%
Unreasonable - 30%
Not sure - 16%
Total votes - 464
Should families have access to their loved ones’ autopsies?
Yes - 93%
No - 4%
Not sure - 3%
Total votes - 568
I garden:
For pleasure - 47%
To eat - 15%
As little as possible - 38%
Total votes - 446
Should Delaware consider 'Right to Die’ legislation?
Yes - 80%
No - 14%
Not sure - 6%
Total votes - 480
Is it time to legalize marijuana?
Yes - 61%
No - 35%
Not yet - 4%
Total votes - 682
Where will you be for Easter?
Home/close - 77%
Away - 14%
Don’t care - 9%
Total votes - 462
I eat meat/pork:
A lot - 45%
Sometimes - 49%
Never - 6%
Total votes - 525
About your taxes:
All done - 68%
Almost ready - 16%
There’s still time - 16%
Total votes - 438
Hillary Clinton should:
Make a comeback - 12%
Be an advisor - 12%
Retire - 76%
Total votes - 702
Should Sussex County be more proactive about trash?
Yes - 93%
No - 5%
Not sure - 2%
Total votes - 506
Health insurance:
Have at work - 53%
Pay for my own - 14%
Medicare or Medicaid - 27%
Have none - 6%
Total votes - 542
The U.S. military budget should:
Expand - 61%
Stay the same - 21%
Be reduced - 18%
Total votes - 519
Marijuana’s medicinal value is:
Very real - 63%
Debatable - 30%
Nonexistent - 7%
Total votes - 544
Is it time for statewide property reassessment?
Yes - 38%
No - 56%
Not sure - 6%
Total votes - 493
Rehoboth Main Street
Should keep going - 46%
Has served its purpose - 39%
Not sure - 15%
Total votes - 679
When were you last in Milton?
A week - 32%
A month - 18%
Last summer - 12%
Been a while - 38%
Total votes - 480
Who should write the Sussex land-use plan?
Consultants - 62%
Staff - 16%
Elected officials - 22%
Total votes - 311
I get most of my news from:
TV/Radio - 28%
Print - 11%
Internet - 61%
Total votes - 496
Sussex County’s comprehensive land-use plan should be:
Completely rewritten - 55%
Updated - 35%
Left alone - 10%
Total vote - 353
Should robots replacing humans in the workforce pay taxes?
Yes - 49%
No - 46%
Not sure - 5%
Total votes - 418
What priority should affordable housing have in Lewes?
High - 36%
Medium - 21%
Low - 43%
Total votes - 508
When were you last in Lewes?
Within 7 days - 50%
Within a month - 18%
Been a while - 32%
Total votes - 465
How long could you take solitary confinement?
One day - 28%
Three days - 18%
A week or more - 54%
Total votes - 372
Is solitary confinement humane?
Yes - 68%
No - 17%
If only for a few days - 15%
Total votes - 489
How often do you go out to hear live music?
A lot - 11%
A couple of times a year - 25%
Not much - 64%
Total votes - 550
Do you support strictly legal immigration?
Yes - 79%
No - 11%
Up for debate - 10%
Total votes - 590
Should state parks be gun-free?
Yes - 48%
No - 48%
Not sure - 4%
Total votes - 768
Superbowl LI:
Atlanta Falcons - 43%
New England Patriots - 24%
Not interested - 33%
Total votes - 570
Should Rehoboth ban canopies from the beach?
Yes - 68%
No - 28%
Not sure - 4%
Total votes - 697
Optimist or pessimist?
Looking forward to 2017 - 54%
Feeling a little edgy - 29%
Roll the dice! - 17%
Total votes - 424
Is Route 1 safer now?
Yes - 18%
No - 78%
Need more buses - 4%
Total votes: 492
How about this winter?
Bring on more snow - 41%
I’m flying south - 26%
Need freeze to kill bugs - 33%
Total votes: 421
My drug of choice:
Alcohol - 25%
Coffee - 37%
Marijuana - 11%
None of the above - 27%
Total votes: 540
Which phrase do you prefer?
Happy Holidays - 15%
Merry Christmas - 83%
Other - 2%
Total votes - 528
How many pounds will you gain this holiday season?
Ten+ - 11%
Around five - 36%
Zero, I hope! - 53%
Total votes - 307
So, about your 2016 New Year's resolution...
I did it!! - 15%
Trying again in 2017 - 32%
Sigh - 54%
Total votes: 192
Is a $137 fine too much for running a red light?
Yes - 42%
No - 53%
Not sure - 5%
Total votes - 548
Are you ready for Jan. 20?
Yes - 51%
No - 25%
Whatever - 24%
Total votes - 476
How much of your income do you usually save?
10 percent or more - 43%
5 percent - 24%
0 percent - 33%
Total votes - 382
Is a Cape High Wellness Center parental consent form realistic?
Yes - 47%
No - 37%
Not sure - 16%
Total votes - 255
Is it OK for Cape High Wellness Center to offer contraceptive options?
Yes - 70%
No - 25%
Not sure - 5%
Total votes - 601
Do you support establishing normal relations with Taiwan?
Yes - 62%
No - 17%
Don’t know - 21%
Total votes - 401
Does ‘affordable housing’ lead to more crime?
Yes - 47%
Not necessarily - 49%
Not sure - 4%
Total votes - 554
Would you support a Death with Dignity act in Delaware?
Yes - 82%
No - 10%
Not sure - 8%
Total votes - 480
FAA/Fed. Gov. - 44%
The state - 8%
My town - 5%
The homeowner - 43%
Total votes - 469
Should Rehoboth’s ocean outfall plans proceed?
Yes - 50%
No - 38%
Not sure - 12%
Total votes - 352
I plan to shop:
Thanksgiving night - 3%
Black Friday - 8%
Some other day - 89%
Total votes - 418
Traveling for Thanksgiving?
Yes - 23%
No - 70%
Not far - 7%
Total votes - 422
Will you be attending Winter Wonderfest?
Yes - 37%
No - 30%
Bah Humbug - 33%
Total votes - 352
Has too much development already taken place in eastern Sussex County?
Yes - 84%
No - 11%
Just about - 5%
Total votes: 648
Where will you be on election night?
With politicians - 3%
With family/friends - 29%
At a bar - 5%
Home in bed - 62%
Total votes: 501
Should a municipality be allowed to control drone use?
Yes - 72%
No - 23%
Not sure - 05%
Total votes - 414
How much did you spend on trick-or-treat candy this year?
$0 - 53%
Less than $25 - 34%
More than $25 - 13%
Total votes - 458
When were you last in Rehoboth Beach?
Last week - 53%
Last month - 21%
Been a while - 26%
Total votes: 494
Do you like Cape’s new starting times?
Yes - 29%
No - 40%
Not sure - 31%
Total votes - 275
The new sign ordinance is:
An improvement - 24%
Worse than before - 43%
Not sure - 33%
Total votes - 233
Does beach replenishment make economic sense?
Yes - 65%
No - 30%
Not sure - 5%
Total votes - 480
Does it still make sense to change the time twice a year?
Yes - 24%
No - 70%
Not sure - 6%
Total votes - 478
How prepared are you for a natural disaster?
Very - 18%
Somewhat - 52%
Not very much - 30%
Total views - 338
Rate your financial stress, with 3 being the highest:
Total votes 385
What irritates you the most?
Media hype - 38%
Political advertising - 22%
Lack of facts in the news - 40%
Total votes - 488
Should Lewes Farmers Market stay in George Smith park?
Yes - 67%
Not sure - 16%
No - 17%
Total votes - 354
How likely are you to adopt a pet from a shelter?
Very - 45%
Somewhat - 13%
Not very - 42%
Total votes - 422
I live in Sussex County:
Year round - 76%
Part time - 15%
Not a resident - 9%
Total votes - 535
Square footage requirements in Rehoboth restaurants should:
Change - 26%
Stay the Same - 52%
Not sure - 22%
Total votes - 301
How much did the 9/11 anniversary affect you?
A lot - 36%
Some - 37%
Not much - 27%
Total votes - 379
How profitable was your summer?
Very - 22%
Average - 45%
Disappointing - 33%
Total votes - 272
Should Sussex County require a traffic study before voting on Gills Neck Village Center?
Yes - 84%
No - 14%
Not sure - 2%
Total votes - 667
Should Lewes invest in a solar farm?
yes - 48%
No - 43%
Not sure - 09%
Total votes - 414
Is it OK to leave a 9-year-old alone for over half an hour?
Yes - 41%
No - 50%
Not sure - 09%
Total votes - 587
Four months: Started shopping for Christmas yet?
Yes - 14%
No - 36%
You gotta be kidding - 50%
Total votes - 403
Social media: Have you unfollowed people because of the election?
Yes - 24%
No - 28%
Thought about it - 11%
I don’t do social media - 37%
Total votes - 405
How liberal are you?
Very - 15%
Mostly - 18%
On some issues - 30%
Not at all - 37%
Total votes - 504
How much have you watched the Olympics?
A lot - 29%
Some - 26%
Not much - 45%
Total votes - 440
How many visitors do you get in the summer?
A lot - 25%
Some - 57%
Not enough - 18%
Total votes - 344
Do we need a new grocery store in the Lewes, Cape High area?
Yes - 37%
No - 60%
Not sure - 4%
Total votes: 559
How often do you go to the beach?
More than once a week - 22%
A few times a month - 30%
Once a year or less - 48%
Total votes: 399
Have you been to the new Lewes Library yet?
Yes - 19%
No - 74%
Soon - 7%
Total votes: 388
How many conventions did you watch?
One - 23%
Two - 28%
None - 49%
Total votes: 510
The new Rt. 1 crosswalks are:
Making walking, biking much safer - 29%
Slowing automobile traffic progress - 55%
Creating a whole new feeling - 16%
Total votes - 324
Would more busses help the traffic situation?
Yes - 33%
No - 56%
Not sure - 11%
Total votes - 397
How much are the Route 1 improvements helping?
A lot - 10%
Some - 27%
Not much - 63%
Total votes - 403
Should open space acquisitions remain a requirement in land-use planning?
Yes - 86%
No - 10%
Not sure - 04%
Total votes - 317
New zoning for Gills Neck Village Center in Lewes should:
Be approved - 27%
Be denied - 64%
Be discussed more - 9%
Total votes - 374
Would you buy the Bradley house?
Sure - 32%
No way- 57%
Don’t know - 11%
Total votes - 454
Britain leaving the European Union is:
Foolish - 38%
Smart - 39%
Not sure - 23%
Total votes - 350
How safe do you feel in an airport?
No worries - 18%
I stay aware - 48%
Very nervous - 12%
No airports thanks - 22%
Total votes - 441
How long should you own property in a town before you can vote there?
One month - 32%
Three months - 9%
Six months - 51%
Not sure - 8%
Total votes - 371
Should the law differentiate between online viewing vs. downloading pornography?
Yes - 43%
No - 41%
Not sure - 16%
Total votes - 242
Should there be a federal database to track all gun sales?
Yes - 67%
No - 30%
Not sure - 3%
Total votes - 294
How honest are you?
Very - 68%
Mostly - 27%
Sorta - 5%
Total votes - 299
Should Sussex County increase zoning protection of natural areas?
Yes - 82%
No - 11%
Not sure - 7%
Total votes - 298
What is most important for Cape elementary schools?
Students close to home - 80%
Schools racially balanced - 09%
Income-based diversity - 11%
Total votes - 395
Will you watch Rehoboth Beach fireworks this year?
Yes - 22%
No - 65%
If I can - 13%
Total votes - 435
Is Sussex County too dependent on real estate transfer taxes?
Yes - 70%
No - 17%
Not sure - 13%
Total votes - 380
Should hunting on Sundays in Delaware be allowed?
Yes - 60%
No - 38%
Not sure - 02%
Total votes - 781
When were you last in the real estate market?
Recently - 21%
A year or two - 21%
A long time - 58%
Total votes - 348
Should Cape schools adopt a districtwide dress code?
Yes - 77%
No - 22%
Not Sure - 1%
Total votes - 508
Should the fate of wildlife be important in land-use decisions?
Yes - 80%
No - 16%
Not sure - 4%
Total votes - 444
How closely do you follow Sussex County Council?
Very closely - 21%
Moderately - 39%
Not much - 40%
Total votes - 350
Should land use decisions be based on existing infrastructure?
Yes - 71%
No - 22%
Huh? - 07%
Total votes - 395
Is the Delaware Cape Region your primary home?
Yes - 69%
No - 25%
I wish - 06%
Total votes - 504
Does legally carrying a concealed weapon appeal to you?
Yes - 51%
No - 46%
Not sure - 03%
Total votes - 568
Have you decided who should be the next president?
Yes - 74%
No - 19%
Almost - 7%
Total votes - 497
What concerns you the most?
Crime - 48.1%
Environment - 18.5%
Money worries - 33.4%
Total votes - 401
Is addiction a disease that kills?
Yes - 86.0%
No - 10.8%
Not sure - 3.2%
Total votes - 342
To view this site I am using a:
Computer - 69.9%
Phone - 9.5%
Tablet - 20.6%
Total votes - 461
How do you get most of your news?
Print, TV, radio - 44.9%
Social media - 8.4%
Websites - 46.7%
Total votes - 345
Does the U.S. incarceration system need revamping?
Yes - 75.8%
No - 16.2%
A bit - 8.0%
Total votes - 388
Would you choose to live near a busy bike path?
Yes - 37.5%
No - 53.3%
Not sure - 9.2%
Total votes - 501
Do you have a gun in your home?
Yes - 46.4%
No - 46.2%
I wish - 7.4%
Total votes - 565
Overbrook Town Center:
Yes - 24.5%
No - 71.4%
What? - 4.1%
Total votes - 789
Have terrorist attacks changed your travel plans?
Yes - 18.2%
No - 54.7%
What plans? - 27.1%
Total votes - 358
Should Apple unlock the iPhone for the Feds?
Yes - 51.9%
No - 42.5%
Not sure - 5.6%
Total votes - 497
Are your taxes filed?
Yes - 48.9%
No - 35.6%
In the works - 15.5%
Total votes - 362
Does Dewey Beach need to move its alderman court?
Yes - 32.5%
No - 35%
Not sure - 32.5%
Total votes - 151
The most important issue for Dewey Beach is:
Balancing family friendly and nightlife - 43.3%
Finding money for improvements - 11%
Flooding - 37.6%
Preserving the north end - 8.1%
Total votes - 319
Should the Earl Bradley home in Lewes be demolished?
Yes - 73.6%
No - 21.7%
Not sure - 4.7%
Total votes - 488
Should we pay 5 cents for a plastic bag?
Yes - 30.9%
No - 62.5%
Why? - 6.6%
Total votes - 525
Should police departments be required to report how they use confiscated funds?
Yes - 89.4%
No - 9.8%
Not sure - 0.8%
Total votes - 480
When did you last consume marijuana?
Within 24 hours - 37.6%
Within the week - 5.4%
Within the month or logner - 57%
Total votes - 258
When did you last consume alcohol?
Within 24 hours - 37.7%
Within the week - 26.3%
Within the month or longer - 36%
Total votes - 419
Should locally produced alcohol be sold at farmers markets?
Yes - 60.6%
No - 35.2%
Not sure - 4.2%
Total votes - 457
I eat organic foods:
All the time - 7.7%
Occasionally - 51.9%
Never - 40.4%
Total votes - 337
Do we need to rethink beach replenishment strategy?
Yes - 73.1%
No - 18.2%
Not sure - 8.7%
Total votes - 379
Wrought-iron fences around public trees are:
The perfect protection - 25.5%
A liability - 13.3%
Good looking - 29.1%
A nuisance - 32.1%
Total votes - 330
What should legislators focus on?
The budget - 39.3%
State infrastructure - 52.2%
Their campaigns - 1.9%
Other - 6.6%
Total votes - 366
How many presidential debates have you watched recently?
More than three - 24.9%
One or two - 17.7%
Zero - 57.4%
Total votes - 413
Ten years ago I was:
More liberal - 19.9%
More conservative - 12.6%
About the same - 67.5%
Total votes - 382
Superbowl Sunday:
Denver Broncos - 32.9%
Carolina Panthers - 34.3%
Do not care - 32.8%
Total votes - 551
How will you weather the storm?
Play in the snow - 16.8%
Binge-watch TV - 55.8%
Cook - 17.6%
Do taxes - 9.8%
Total votes - 376
How much money did you spend on Powerball tickets this month?
$0 - 29.6%
Less than $100 - 67.5%
More than $100 - 2.8%
Total votes: 422
Does Sussex County need a moratorium on residential building?
Yes - 72.4%
No - 23.1%
Not sure - 4.5%
Total votes: 446
The recent warm weather is because of:
Climate change - 17.6%
El Nino - 69%
Not sure why - 13.4%
Total votes: 374
Should Dewey Beach charge a fee for beach weddings?
Yes - 43.3%
No - 54.5%
Not sure - 2.2%
Total votes: 453
Delaware Freedom of Information Act
Has a strong impact - 12.4%
Works in some cases - 26.9%
Is a joke - 60.7%
Total votes: 201
Should the historical society move into the old Lewes library?
Yes - 48.6%
No - 43.6%
Not sure - 7.8%
Total votes - 617
Is a $45-85 tax for clean water ok with you?
Sure - 24.2%
Maybe $20 - 10.9%
No new taxes - 64.9%
Total votes - 350
When did you last go to a public library?
This week - 16.3%
This month - 9.9%
This year - 13.4%
Been a while - 60.4%
Total votes - 424
Should Sussex County Council elect a new president?
Yes - 71.8%
No - 17.3%
Not sure - 10.9%
Total votes - 202
Should DelDOT and county council establish transportation districts?
Yes - 68.8%
No - 18.1%
Not sure - 13.1%
Total votes - 221
Should Sussex County Council delay major decisions until Sam Wilson returns?
Yes - 20.5%
No - 72.7%
Not sure - 6.8%
Total votes - 307
I do most of my gift shopping
Online - 41.5%
Locally - 27.4%
Wherever - 31.1%
Total votes - 241
How is the shopping coming?
All done - 25.3%
Not even started - 35%
Getting there - 39.7%
Total votes - 257
Is it time for a Dewey Beach town trash service?
Yes - 66%
No - 21.5%
Not sure - 12.5%
Total votes - 209
Where would a Rehoboth area homeless shelter be most useful?
Downtown - 15.6%
Rt. 1 - 39.6%
West Rehoboth - 29.2%
Not sure - 15.6%
Total votes - 424
Is this the beginning of World War III?
Yes - 34%
No - 32.9%
Not yet - 33.1%
Total votes - 441
Going shopping on Black Friday?
Online - 11.9%
In the store - 3.4%
Both - 6.3%
No - 78.4%
Total votes - 319
On Thanksgiving I will be:
With a lot of people - 32.2
With a few people - 52%
Alone - 15.8%
Total votes - 394
Have you been to Paris?
Many times - 8.4%
Once or twice - 25.9%
No - 65.7%
Total votes - 370
Offshore seismic airgun testing
Hurts all marine life - 71.7%
Is somewhat harmful - 8.1%
Is necessary - 20.2%
Total votes - 346
Kathy McGuiness for Lieutenant Governor?
Yes! - 51.8%
No thanks - 33.8%
Not sure yet - 14.4%
Total votes - 564
How much paid vacation do you receive a year?
2 weeks or less - 27.6%
2-4 weeks-31%
5 or more weeks - 41.4%
Total votes - 294
Is George Smith park a good site for the farmers market?
Yes - 78.4%
No - 12.7%
Not sure - 8.9%
Total votes - 495
Who likes the change in school start times?
I do - 54.2%
I do not - 26%
Not sure yet - 19.8%
Total votes - 308
Do you understand the ordinance Rehoboth will be voting on?
Yes - 38.3%
No - 52.7%
Sort of - 9%
Total votes - 245
Would you like to eliminate the daylight savings time change?
Yes - 62%
No - 29.4%
Do not care - 8.6%
Total votes - 476
Have you tried vaping?
Yes - 10%
No - 68.3%
What? - 21.7%
Total votes - 309
A six month residency requirement before voting is:
Fine - 37.3%
Too short - 37.3%
Too long - 25.4%
Total votes - 450
Is Punkin Chunkin dead?
Yes - 74%
No - 12.8%
Not sure - 13.2%
Total votes - 439
Delaware law enforcement is racially:
Color blind - 52.9%
Somewhat fair - 32.3%
Really biased - 14.8%
Total votes - 325
My car is:
Paid for - 73%
Being paid for - 22.7%
Leased - 4.3%
Total votes - 418
In the 2016 presidential election:
Joe will run - 28.1%
Joe will not run - 56%
Joe will run and win - 15.9%
Total votes: 452
My favorite recreation is:
Going to the beach - 62.2%
Organized sports - 5.7%
Fishing, hiking and biking - 32.1%
Total votes: 296
How should police treat addicts?
Put them in jail - 31.2%
Help them get treatment - 60%
Not sure - 8.8%
Total votes: 365
How many refugees should the US accept?
None - 74.5%
10,000 - 5.7%
20,000 or more - 19.8%
Total votes - 495
Crowds this summer have been:
Overwhelming - 32.4%
Pretty awful - 25.2%
No worse than usual - 42.4%
Total votes - 429
Delaware’s biggest problem is:
Drugs and alcohol - 26.2%
Lack of good jobs - 27.8%
Sprawl and traffic - 46%
Total votes - 554
Do you check your work email on your days off?
Yes - 55.2%
No - 36.1%
I try not to - 8.7%
Total votes - 310
Crime in our area is:
Increasing - 82.6%
Not a big deal - 5%
About the same - 12.4%
Total votes - 426
How much of your assets is in stocks and bonds?
Very little - 40.1%
About half - 30.1%
A majority - 29.8%
Total votes - 282
A six-month moratorium on some sign applications is:
A great idea - 50.7%
A bad idea - 15.8%
Better than nothing - 33.5%
Total votes - 284
My house is:
Too small - 13.7%
Too big - 21.6%
Just right - 64.7%
Total votes - 306
Over Labor Day weekend I will be
Home - 75.2%
Vacationing - 12%
Working - 12.8%
Total votes - 383
What do you think Joe Biden will choose to do?
Run for president - 30.4%
Retire - 53.8%
Return to state politics - 15.8%
Total votes - 450
Surveillance cameras in public places are:
Necessary - 49.3%
Useful in spots - 44.1%
A bad idea - 6.6%
Total votes - 442
Who should be in charge of Delaware Animal Welfare?
SPCA - 58.3%
State of Delaware - 28.6%
Not sure - 13.1%
Total votes - 297
The last time I left Delaware was:
A week ago - 49.2%
A month ago - 23.8%
A year ago - 11.8%
Been a very long time - 15.2%
Total votes - 400
Should the lion-hunting dentist be extradited?
Yes - 53.5%
No - 37.8%
Not sure - 8.7%
Total votes - 497
Donald Trump is:
Great - 23.9%
The worst - 33.2%
Going to keep life interesting - 42.9%
Total votes - 615
The last time I went in the ocean was:
Last week - 31.4%
This summer - 18.6%
A long time ago - 50%
Total votes - 442
Do you find the Sandra Bland video disturbing?
Very - 29.3%
Not really - 38.3%
What video? - 32.4%
Total votes - 376
I think about racism
A lot - 15.2%
Sometimes - 29.4%
Not often - 55.4%
Total votes - 361
The stock market is:
Strong - 24%
Hanging in there - 52%
About to crash - 24%
Total votes - 317
Donald Trump is:
Amusing - 26.8%
Fantastic - 38%
Dangerous - 35.2%
Total votes - 585
Should Joe Biden run for president?
Yes - 23.5%
No - 73.4%
Not sure - 3.1%
Total votes - 654
Should Dewey Beach change its rental license application?
Yes - 47.5%
No - 27.5%
Not sure - 25%
Total votes - 200
My credit score is:
750+ - 73.2%
500-749 - 22%
300-499 - 4.8%
Total votes - 328
Signs and billboards in Sussex County are:
Well regulated - 12%
Becoming annoying - 33.1%
Way out of hand - 54.9%
Total votes - 381
The Confederate flag represents:
Southern pride - 51.1%
Slavery - 33.1%
A rebellious spirit - 15.8%
Total votes - 626
Did you attend Firefly?
Yes - 2.7%
No - 90.3%
I wish - 7%
Total votes - 415
Aquaculture in the inland bays will be
Great - 63.3%
A mistake - 16.2%
An ongoing issue - 20.5%
Total votes - 278
The proposed Overbrook Town Center is:
Great - 30.2%
Just awful - 50.2%
Inevitable - 19.6%
Total votes - 556
What to do about people incarcerated for possession of marijuana?
Let them go - 67.4%
Let them rot - 22.3%
Form a committee - 10.3%
Total votes - 399
How much does corruption penetrate professional sports?
A lot - 84.5%
Not too much - 12.4%
Very little - 3.1%
Total votes - 323
Should Rehoboth limit how many swimming pools there are?
Yes, too many - 12.3%
No, butt out - 65.3%
Noise is the issue - 22.4%
Total votes - 594
In 25 years the Cape Region will be:
Suburban - 43.3%
Urban - 46.1%
Not sure - 10.6%
Total votes - 312
The Cape Region is:
Rural - 28.7%
Suburban - 55.6%
Urban - 15.7%
Total votes - 363
To control development, should the Cape Region incorporate as a city?
Yes - 27%
No - 22.8%
What a dumb idea! - 50.2%
Total votes - 333
This summer I will be:
Working full time - 45.5%
Working part time - 12.5%
Not working! - 42%
Total votes - 312
Should an independent analytical review of Dewey Beach police be done?
Yes - 61.4%
No - 28.2%
Not sure - 10.4%
Total votes - 277
How long will you spend at the beach this season?
All summer - 36.5%
Most weekends - 16.5%
A few weeks - 10.2%
Not long - 36.8%
Total votes - 375
Should the NSA be allowed to dragnet records of all our phone calls?
Yes - 27.3%
No - 68.5%
They do that? - 4.2%
Total votes - 336
Should printing 3-D guns be illegal?
Yes - 66%
No - 27.1%
Not sure - 6.9%
Total votes - 332
When did you last leave this country?
Within 6 months - 16.4%
Within 2 years - 19.6%
Been a while - 45.7%
Never - 18.3%
Total votes - 438
Should there be more than one right answer to a school test question?
Sure, why not? - 21.1%
No way - 71.9%
They do that? - 7%
Total votes - 313
Sussex Tech should be
A prep school - 5.6%
A tech school - 87.3%
Don’t know - 7.1%
Total votes - 338
Should Delaware taxes be raised?
Yes - 46.%
No way - 46.2%
Some of them - 7.8%
Total votes - 971
Is Lewes ready for valet parking?
Sure, why not? - 44.7%
No way - 49.4%
Not sure - 5.9%
Total votes - 409
What should the church do with the Bradley house?
Demolish then build - 31.8%
Restore it - 32%
Demolish and make it open space - 31.4%
Not sure - 4.8%
Total votes - 503
Should Rehoboth extend the pool moratorium?
Yes - 48%
No - 41.2%
Not sure - 10.8%
Total votes - 294
Milton Elementary schools should:
Stay the same - 27.9%
Be organized by age - 45.8%
Be rebuilt into one big building - 26.3%
Total votes - 251
Should the death penalty be repealed in Delaware?
Yes - 56.4%
No - 40.5%
Not sure - 3.1%
Total votes - 754
Which students should start earliest?
Elementary - 28.6%
Middle/High - 61.4%
Not sure - 10%
Total votes - 319
Will you celebrate Easter with family?
Yes, thank heavens - 51.3%
No - 28.5%
Sort of - 20.2%
Total votes - 353
Social media is:
Fantastic - 12.1%
Too much - 69.9%
Not a big deal - 18%
Total votes - 345
Are your taxes done?
Yes, thank heavens - 57.6%
Not yet - 30.9%
I have not started on them - 11.5%
Total votes - 382
Bodenweiser pleads no contest
I am shocked - 6%
I am not surprised - 78%
Who? - 16%
Total votes - 336
Overbrook Town Center should:
Be built - 39.2%
Be smaller - 6.5%
Be denied - 54.3%
Total votes - 400
How big is your heating bill?
Bigger than usual - 62.2%
Same as most winters - 21.8%
Not too bad! - 16%
Total votes - 381
How big a problem is prostitution in Sussex County?
Huge - 15.8%
Not too bad - 20.8%
Huh? - 63.4%
Total votes - 457
How much in bills is sitting on your desk?
$0-100 - 44.2%
$100-500 - 19.5%
$500-1,000 - 14.7%
$1,000+ - 21.6%
Total votes - 421
July 5th fireworks in Rehoboth Beach
Will be fine - 47.9%
Will be too late - 22.1%
Why did they do that? - 30%
Total votes - 353
Your doorbell rings. You
Open it immediately - 5.9%
Look to see who it is first - 81.8%
Usually ignore it - 12.3%
Total votes - 539
Should we allow oil drilling off the Delaware coast?
Yes - 43.1%
No - 52.1%
Not sure - 4.8%
Total votes - 607
For president:
Jeb Bush - 17.9%
Hillary Clinton - 45.7%
Someone else - 36.4%
Total votes - 850
Stormwater runoff is:
A major problem - 57%
A minor problem - 25.1%
Why would that be a problem? - 17.9%
Total votes - 302
How close has substance abuse come to your life?
Very - 36.7%
Somewhat - 19%
Not at all - 44.3%
Total votes - 336
Should new developments have sidewalks?
Yes - 71.6%
No - 9.4%
It depends - 19%
Total votes - 464
Would you sue if you were bypassed for promotion?
Yes - 16.1%
No - 64.8%
Not sure - 19.1%
Total votes - 341
Delaware minimum hourly wage should be:
$8.25 - 28%
$9-10 - 32.1%
$11-15 - 39.9%
Total votes - 496
Do you have your end-of-life affairs in order?
Yes - 36.3%
Not at all - 33.8%
Sort of - 29.9%
Total votes - 328
Do you pay extra money for a special license plate?
Yes - 26%
No - 71.5%
I wish - 2.5%
Total votes - 389
Is it time for a subdivision moratorium in eastern Sussex County?
Yes - 80.9%
No - 16.1%
Not sure - 3%
Total votes - 534
How much should the city of Lewes give the new library?
$100,000 or less - 59.3%
$500,000 or less - 11.7%
$1 million - 29%
Total votes - 290
Are people taking sea level rise seriously enough?
Yes - 12%
No - 61.5%
What sea level rise? - 26.5%
Total votes - 374
Are charter schools segregating students?
Yes - 41.7%
No - 47.3%
Not really - 11%
Total votes - 364
Should Milton disband its police department?
Yes - 23.3%
No - 71.2%
Not sure - 5.5%
Total votes 490
Should e-cigarettes be banned from the beach?
Yes - 49.9%
No - 45.5%
Not sure - 4.6%
Total votes - 433
I have health insurance through:
My work - 67.2%
The government - 21%
Nobody - 11.8%
Total votes - 433
The last time I exercised was:
Yesterday - 38.4%
A few days ago - 26.7%
Can’t remember - 34.9%
Total - 146
During 2014 I:
Kept my New Year’s resolutions - 14%
Kept a few - 22.4%
Forgot - 63.6%
Total votes: 143
During the holiday season I:
Drink more than usual - 24%
Drink the same - 37.3%
Don’t drink - 38.7%
Total votes: 217
This holiday season I mostly:
Shopped locally - 52.6%
Shopped online - 42.7%
Shopped in the city - 4.6%
Total votes: 302
For the holidays I:
Will travel - 27.5%
Will stay home - 68.3%
Don’t know yet - 4.2%
Total votes: 356
Which would you rather have in your back yard?
RV Park - 42.9%
Soup Kitchen - 43.5%
Chicken Plant - 13.5%
Total votes: 517
Were you alive on Pearl Harbor day?
Yes - 14.5%
No - 83.5%
On the way! - 2%
Total votes - 397
Should Sussex County Council approve the proposed RV parks?
Yes - 16.47%
No - 81.5%
Not sure - 2.1%
Total votes - 1,284
Are you ready for Christmas?
Pretty good shape - 36.6%
Barely started - 40%
Bah humbug - 23.4%
Total votes - 303
The riots in Missouri were:
Justified - 5.6%
Not justified - 90.7%
Not sure 3.7%
Total votes - 641
On Black Friday I will be:
At the mall - 5.3%
Shopping online - 5.6%
Other !!! - 89.1%
Total votes - 303
How is your cholesterol level?
Low/great - 53.5%
High/needs work - 36%
Not sure - 10.5%
Total votes - 303
College and pro, how many football games have you watched so far?
0-2 - 39.1%
3-6 - 12.1%
7 or more - 48.8%
Total votes - 373
The idea of drones guarding our borders is:
Great - 68.2%
Scary - 18.9%
Not sure - 12.9%
Total votes - 349
Another ground war in Iraq is:
Inevitable - 45%
Possible - 27%
Not an option - 28%
Total votes - 318
Last Tuesday I:
Voted - 81.5%
Had absentee voted - 4.2%
Did not vote - 14.3%
Total votes - 455
If terminal, would you like to have the right-to-die?
Yes - 86%
No - 6.5%
Not sure - 7.5%
Total votes - 542
Know whom you will vote for next week?
Yes - 79.5%
Not yet - 8%
Not voting - 12.5%
Total votes - 439
Will you get a flu shot this year?
Yes - 61.9%
No - 33.6%
Not sure - 4.5%
Total votes - 420
My estate will go to:
My family - 87.6%
A school - 1.4%
Charity - 11%
Total votes - 362
Who is going to win the World Series this year?
San Francisco Giants - 33.3%
Kansas City Royals - 39.3%
What is baseball? - 27.4%
Total votes - 257
Will you miss Punkin Chunkin?
Yes - 24.8%
No - 68.7%
Somewhat - 6.5%
Total votes: 508
Should Coach Collick stop praying with his students?
Yes - 23.3%
No - 75.1%
Not sure - 1.6%
Total votes - 634
Have you been bullied at work?
Yes - 39.9%
No - 45.8%
No but I know it happens - 14.3%
Total votes - 273
Did you know there is a (fracking) oil boom going on?
Yes - 79.4%
No - 16.9%
That is not true - 3.7%
Total votes - 267
Who should have final say on a development?
The town - 71.3%
The county - 19.6%
The state - 9.1%
Total votes - 362
In public, are you ready to run, hide and fight?
Yes - 15.4%
No - 6.1 5
What? - 78.5%
Total votes - 293
Do you have identity theft insurance?
Yes - 16%
No - 78.7%
I wish - 5.3%
Total votes - 244
My primary residence is:
In Sussex County - 72.6%
In Delaware - 7.5%
On the Delmarva Peninsula - .4%
None of the above - 19.4%
Total votes - 464
Ever been to an AA meeting?
Yes - 22.9%
No - 68.9%
Not yet - 8.2%
Total votes - 341
What is most important for an addict?
Help getting clean - 82.5%
Punishment in jail - 12%
Not sure - 5.5%
Total votes - 326
When can you read email that is not yours?
Is our community too litigious?
yes - 78.2%
No - 13.1%
Not sure - 8.7%
Total votes - 229
For Dewey Beach Town Council:
Dave Davis - 26.2%
Gary Mauler - 26.2%
Courtney Riordan - 47.6%
Total votes - 107
Climate change: Is it real?
Yes - 58.2%
No - 38.1%
Not sure - 3.7
Total votes - 430
The affordable care act is:
An improvement - 27.7%
Confusing but ok - 7.2%
An unaffordable step backwards - 65.1%
Total votes - 458
Own my home - 88.2%
Rent - 8.1%
Have other arrangements - 3.7%
Total votes - 347
Did you know Matt Haley?
Yes - 29.4%
No - 42.5%
Wish I had - 28.1%
Total votes - 381
Should Rehoboth install car-charging stations?
Yes - 50%
No - 45.9%
Not sure - 4.1%
Total votes - 388
Is Jeremiah’s in Dewey too junky?
Yes - 36.1%
No - 46.4%
Not really - 17.5%
Total votes - 302
The Lewes Historic Preservation Commission is:
Doing fine - 27.1%
Too strict and fussy - 54.2%
Not strict enough - 18.7%
Total votes - 214
Showfield community in Lewes should be:
Developed - 26%
Denied - 65%
Not sure - 9%
Total votes - 288
For mayor of Rehoboth Beach:
Sam Cooper - 54.9%
Tom McGlone - 39.9%
Not sure - 5.2%
Total votes - 867
My main 2014 vacation is:
At the beach - 30.3%
In the USA - 21.9%
Abroad - 15.5%
A staycation - 32.3%
Total votes - 310
Does Sussex County need its own code of ethics?
Yes - 66.5%
No - 28.1%
Not sure - 5.4%
Total votes - 260
Dewey Beach should
Stay the same - 32.9%
Become more family oriented - 34.7%
Loosen up - 32.4%
Total votes - 383
Rehoboth wastewater should be
Ocean outfall - 37.6%
Sprayed on fields - 53.9%
Not sure - 8.5%
Total votes - 612
Have you read “The Miseducation of Cameron Post?”
Yes - 5.4%
No - 77.3%
Not yet - 17.3%
Total votes - 242
Is a manufactured home a dwelling?
Yes - 89.8%
No - 8.8%
Not sure - 1.4%
Total votes - 410
I go to church:
Frequently - 42.2%
A few times a year - 18.8%
Never - 38.9%
Total votes: 398
Are you ready for a major hurricane?
Yes - 41.7%
No - 32.8%
Sort of - 25.5%
Total votes: 290
Should Lewes approve the Highland Heights development?
Yes - 21.6%
No - 65.1%
Not sure - 13.3%
Total votes: 421
Should the Office of Highway Safety spend $270,000+ on NASCAR drivers?
Yes - 6.7%
No - 90.8%
Not sure - 2.4%
Total votes: 327
Should Dewey Beach outlaw $1 drinks?
Yes - 32.8%
No - 62.6%
Not sure - 4.7%
Total votes: 516
Americans are becoming:
More materialistic - 69%
More spiritual - 8.4%
Neither - 22.6%
Total votes: 274
I expect this summer to be:
Hotter than last - 36.6%
Rainier than last - 15.4%
About the same - 48%
Total votes: 227
People I see around me are getting:
Healthier and more fit - 20.4%
Less healthy and fit - 35.2%
About the same - 44.4%
Total votes: 270
How much time are you on Facebook each day?
An hour or more - 21.1%
Less than an hour - 36%
What is Facebook? - 42.9%
Total votes: 303
Texting and driving is:
Decreasing - 3.9%
Increasing - 60.8%
About the same - 35.3%
Total votes: 309
Beau Gooch for Sussex sheriff?
Yes - 47.7%
No - 31%
Not sure - 21.3%
Total votes: 300
Should federal gas taxes be raised to pay for road improvements?
Yes - 25.2%
No - 72%
Not sure - 2.8%
Total votes - 354
Would you support a festival venue south of Harbeson?
Yes - 59.2%
No - 31.1%
Not sure - 9.7%
Total votes - 360
Should Dewey accept money from bars for extra police?
Yes - 74.4%
No - 22.8%
Not sure - 2.8%
Total votes - 399
Has the mission of the NAACP changed?
Yes - 52%
No - 30.1%
Yes and No - 17.9%
Total votes 269
When did you last eat fast food?
Within 3 days - 31.8%
Within a week or so - 23.9%
Within a month or so - 44.3%
Total votes - 289
My favorite summer activity is:
On the water - 35.8%
Picnics/beach - 43.7%
Making money - 20.5%
Total votes - 215
Should car-charging stations be provided by local towns?
Yes - 30%
No - 61%
It depends - 9%
Total votes - 344
Should casinos be given special tax breaks?
Yes - 39.7%
No - 58.8%
Not sure - 1.5%
Total votes - 601
Should Lewes hire a city planner?
Yes - 51.6%
No - 37.9%
Not sure - 10.5%
Total votes - 248
Should property taxes be raised to pay for cleaner water resources?
Yes - 24.5%
No - 71%
Not sure - 4.5%
Total votes - 379
Do you support a gas tax to fund highway improvements?
Yes - 21%
No - 75.5%
Not sure - 3.5%
Total votes: 482
National Common Core education standards are:
Great - 16.1%
Ridiculous - 69.3%
Better than nothing - 14.6%
Total votes - 260
Beau Biden for governor?
Yes - 40%
No - 53.6%
Not sure - 6.4%
Total votes - 512
How Free do you think information is in Delaware?
Very - 11.8%
Somewhat - 41.5%
So not - 46.7%
Total votes - 212
How fast do you drive?
Speed limit - 32.1%
7 miles over - 47.3%
10+ miles over - 20.6%
Total votes - 349
How safe do you feel when shopping online?
Very - 30.1%
So So - 52.1%
Not at all - 17.8%
Total votes - 292
Are your taxes done?
Yes - 72.6%
No - 18.8%
Almost - 8.6%
Total votes - 329
Fees for developers to upzone/raise density should be:
Low - 7.2%
Moderate - 12.9%
High - 79.9%
Total votes - 279
What kind of food eater are you?
Carnivore - 90.9%
Vegan/Vegetarian - 5.9%
Raw/Other - 3.2%
Total votes - 254
Should live music be permitted outside the ferry terminal?
Yes - 76.5%
No - 20.5%
Not sure - 3%
Total votes - 362
Do you make an effort to shop at locally owned/operated businesses?
Always - 50.3%
Sometimes - 45.7%
Never - 4.1%
Total votes: 368
The Affordable Care Act, Obamacare, is
Great - 24.9%
Not bad - 4.3%
Not good - 70.8%
Total votes - 1430
How is the snowplowing in your neighborhood?
Great - 40.1%
Not bad - 26.2%
Not good - 33.7%
Total votes - 279
Would fully expanding the airport in Georgetown benefit Sussex County?
Yes - 76.7%
No - 15%
Not sure - 8.3%
Total votes - 433
Should Dewey Beach welcome a year-round brewpub?
Yes - 83.5%
No - 14.5%
Not sure - 2%
Total votes - 405
I smoke marijuana
Every day - 9.4%
Occasionally - 8.6%
Never - 82%
Total votes - 383
I drink alcohol
Every day - 31.8%
Occasionally - 48.4%
Never - 19.8%
Total votes - 403
For Milton Town Council my first choice would be:
Gwendolyn Jones - 34%
Estelle Parket Selby - 41.3%
Emory West - 24.7%
Total votes - 150
Do you support the death penalty?
Yes - 62%
No - 33.1%
Not sure - 4.9%
Total votes - 519
Should smoking bebanned year-round in public places?
Yes - 70.9%
No - 24.3%
It depends - 4.8%
Total votes - 538
Should bicycling be the official state sport?
Yes - 25.6%
No - 67.2%
Not sure - 7.2%
Total votes - 265
Does a prediction of 2-4 inches of snow warrant closing the schools?
Yes - 27%
No - 52.2%
It depends - 20.8%
Total votes - 389
Edward Snowden should:
Be tried and convicted - 43.6%
Be granted immunity - 33.2%
Saty in Russia - 23.2%
Total votes - 319
Do you support police using surveillance drones?
Yes - 36.8%
No - 35.8%
Under strict conditions - 27.4%
Total votes - 400
Do you favor a new elementary school on Rt. 24?
Yes - 35.2%
No - 54.4%
Not sure - 10.4%
Total votes - 383
Would you go to the Sochi Olympics if you could?
Yes - 10.1%
No - 88.4%
Not sure - 1.5%
Total votes - 474
How is the Sussex County economy doing?
Improving - 38.2%
Declining - 30.1%
Steady - 31.7%
Total votes - 249
When Delaware approves medical marijuana clinics, I will:
Take advantage - 19.8%
Not go near them - 42.8%
Keep an open mind - 37.4%
Total votes - 353
Should Sussex County Council return to night meetings?
Yes - 74.7%
No - 15.6%
Not sure - 9.7%
Total votes 225
Will you be buying a car this year?
Yes - 16.6%
No - 68.7%
I wish - 14.7%
Total votes - 265
How are you feeling about the future?
Optimistic - 39.5%
Pessimistic - 30.8%
So-so - 29.6%
Total votes: 334
How often do you eat organic food?
Daily - 11.6%
Weekly - 15.4%
Not often - 73%
Total votes: 267
Have you made any resolutions for the New Year?
Yes - 24.1%
No - 71.7%
Already gave up - 4.2%
Total votes: 237
Do you support right-to-work zones?
Yes - 60.7%
No - 30.1%
Not sure - 9.2%
Total votes: 239
On New Year’s Eve I will
Stay home - 77.6%
Go out - 16.8%
Work - 5.6%
Total votes - 375
How much extra will you spend on the holidays?
$0-$250 - 32.9%
$250-$750 - 29.1%
$750+ - 38%
Total votes - 258
Has “Made in USA” affected your shopping choices this year?
Yes - 55.4%
No - 37.7%
A little - 6.9%
Total votes - 130
How much will you leave your children?
$0-$50k - 36%
$51-$250k - 23.8%
$250-$1M - 21.3%
$1+M - 18.9%
Total votes - 239
Is government surveillance undermining our freedom?
Yes - 62.2%
No - 33.2%
Not sure - 4.6%
Total votes - 325
Is your tree up yet?
Yes - 57.4%
No - 38%
Soon 4.6%
Total votes - 305
The new chicken processing plant near Millsboro is:
Fine - 41.7%
Not good - 47.9%
What it is - 10.4%
Total votes - 405
Who should be responsible for Sussex land drainage and flooding?
County - 32.8%
Developer - 47%
State - 20.2%
Total votes - 238
When do you shop for the holidays?
All year - 42.1%
BlackFriday into December - 25%
The last moment - 32.9%
Total votes - 152
Is a gun shop a sporting goods store?
Yes - 42.4%
Yes but gun shops should be zoned separately - 17.1%
No - 40.4%
Total votes - 245
Have you tried to use the Healthcare website?
Yes and it worked - 9.2%
Yes but it did not work - 19.8%
No - 71%
Total votes - 262
I spend more on
Air conditioning - 20%
Heat - 44.2%
Not much difference - 35.8%
Total votes - 226
Should the Social Security office move from Georgetown to Lewes?
Yes - 47.4%
No - 47.5%
Not sure - 5.1%
Total votes - 435
Is a propane tank farm still open space?
Yes - 12.4%
No - 78.4%
Not sure - 9.2%
Total votes - 217
Should the Sussex County slogan YOUR BUSINESS PARTNER be changed?
Yes - 56.6%
No - 13.2%
Not important - 30.2%
Total votes - 212
Should Sussex County pass and enforce a dog barking ordinance?
Yes - 49.5%
No - 46.6%
Not sure - 3.9%
Total votes - 311
My preferred pain meds are:
Over the counter - 73.7%
Behind the counter - 13.7%
Herbal - 12.6%
Total votes - 183
NSA surveillance has:
Gone too far - 59%
Been effective - 33%
Not done enough - 8%
Total votes - 251
World Series: Go
Boston - 34%
St. Louis - 27.5%
Away 38.5%
Total votes - 200
My car was:
Made in America - 53.1%
Not made in America - 29.1%
Assembled in America - 17.8%
Total votes - 230
I get most of my news from:
Print - 9.1%
The internet - 46.9%
TV/Radio - 44%
Total votes - 375
Sussex retail and residential building height limit should:
Stay at 42 feet - 61.5%
Be 60 feet - 32%
Not sure - 6.5%
Total votes - 291
Should they raise the debt ceiling?
Yes - 61.9%
No - 35.6%
Not sure - 2.5%
Total votes - 565
Should the county consider a botanic garden to be open space?
Yes - 59.3%
No - 33.7%
Not sure - 7%
Total votes - 172
Safe Haven should:
Stay open - 38.7%
Close - 48.2%
Not sure - 13.1%
Total votes - 191
Should Sussex County be one sewer district?
Yes - 52.1%
No - 34.2%
Not sure - 13.7%
Total votes - 190
Obamacare will
Be good - 58.2%
Not be good - 35%
Be better than nothing - 6.8%
Total votes - 739
The Sussex County Council is
Pro-development - 79.7%
Pro-environment - 5.1%
Balanced between the two - 15.2%
Total votes - 197
Did you know Bobby Jacobs of the old Slam Dunk?
Yes - 24.4%
No - 54.2%
Knew of him - 21.4%
Total votes - 201
Do you have health care insurance?
Yes - 64%
Yes, individually bought - 23.9%
No - 12.1%
Total votes - 264
A military strike in Syria?
Stop the chemical weapons - 52.2%
Quit playing God - 7.8%
Take care of home first - 40%
Total votes: 515
How do you like the new Lewes Library design?
Like - 59.8%
Not very much - 22%
Not sure - 18.2%
Total votes: 209
Hillary for president?
Yes - 38.9%
No - 56.4%
Not sure - 4.7%
Total votes - 445
Special education in our schools needs:
More funding - 36.1%
Less funding - 19.6%
More audits - 44.3%
Total votes - 158
Do you treat your lawn with chemicals?
Yes - 29.1%
No - 57.4%
Occasionally - 13.5%
Total votes - 258
Coyotes should be:
Managed during a hunting season - 36%
Hunted 24/7/365 - 27.9%
Left alone - 36.1%
Total votes - 258
This summer has been:
Very profitable - 18.8%
Pretty good - 38.1%
Not profitable - 43.1%
Total votes - 160
This year I have enough money for a
Big vacation - 17.9%
Little vacation - 22%
Staycation - 60.1%
Total votes - 223
14 new crosswalks on Route 1 will:
Save pedestrian lives - 22%
Increase gridlock - 72%
What is a crosswalk? - 6%
Total votes - 354
What's the longest distance you've bicycled in one trip?
0-9 miles - 44.1%
10-99 miles - 49.1%
100-999 miles - 5.4%
1000+ miles - 1.4%
Total votes: 222
Since January I have:
Lost weight - 37.6%
Gained weight - 21.7%
Stayed the same - 40.7%
Total votes: 221
A law saying you can't grow weeds taller than a foot is:
Fine with me - 53.2%
Infringing on my rights - 23.4%
One more law - 23.4%
Total votes: 316
Police brutality is:
Increasing - 38.6%
Decreasing - 4.3%
Not a problem - 57.1%
Total votes: 329
Sussex Councilwoman Joan Deaver is:
Doing a great job - 25.3%
Doing OK - 14.2%
Not doing too well - 32.4%
Who? What? - 28.1%
Total votes: 324
A gun shop in West Rehoboth
Is fine - 16.2%
Is a bad idea - 72.3%
Is legal - 11.5%
Total votes - 585
Is it getting hotter?
Yes - 53.8%
No - 21.8%
Not really - 24.4%
Total votes - 225
Should Dewey levy a tax on businesses that make 200K or more a year?
Yes - 28%
No - 68.7%
Not sure - 3.3%
Total votes - 268
Should a sheriff be able to make arrests?
Yes - 54%
No - 36.4%
Not sure - 4%
What would Wyatt Earp say? - 5.6%
Total votes: 354
Spending 100 million on a presidential trip to Africa:
Was worth it - 35.4%
Was not worth it - 64.6%
Total votes - 526
Zoning for houses on the beach:
Should be stricter than houses inland - 74.8%
Should be the same as houses inland - 17.9%
Should be deregulated - 7.3%
Total votes - 218
George Zimmerman is:
Guilty of murder - 33.6%
Innocent - 48.2%
Not sure - 18.2%
Total votes - 455
Edward J. Snowden is a:
Hero - 31%
Traitor - 51.1%
Not sure - 17.9%
Total votes - 223
On July 4 I will:
Go see fireworks - 25.6%
Stay home - 56.3%
Be with friends - 18.1%
Total votes - 254
Our military involvement in Syria should:
Be kept to a minimum - 86.8%
Continue as we are - 8.1%
Be expanded - 5.1%
Total votes - 197
Do you understand Dewey Beach politics?
Yes - 11%
No - 85.5%
Sort of - 3.5%
Total votes - 227
Do we need cement barriers to protect pedestrians on Route 1?
Yes - 38.3%
No - 41.8%
Use something else - 19.9%
Total votes - 287
How many years left on your mortgage?
21-30 - 25%
11-20 - 16.4%
1-10 - 15.7%
0 - 42.9%
Total votes - 280
The Obama administration:
Is accomplishing a lot - 47.9%
Is functioning - 8.4%
Is not doing too well - 43.7%
Total votes - 557
Does Sussex County Council take land use planning seriously?
Yes - 14.8%
No - 77%
Not sure - 8.2%
Total votes - 270
Should a sea level rise threat disclosure be included in real estate documents?
Yes - 69.1%
No - 26%
Not sure - 4.9%
Total votes - 246
Turned on your AC yet?
Yes - 85.4%
No - 10.9%
Soon - 3.7%
Total votes - 321
The Rehoboth scooter law:
Is a fair compromise - 22.2%
Is fine - 27%
Is too strict - 50.8%
Total votes - 244
How often do you wear a seatbelt when you drive?
Always - 92.5%
Often - 3.5%
Not much - 4%
Total vote - 398
Would you support a new casino in Delmar near the auto racetrack?
Yes - 21.9%
No - 75.1%
Not sure - 3%
Total votes - 402
Life without Facebook would be:
Awful - 6%
Fine - 69.8%
OK - we have options - 24.2%
Total votes - 331
The fields near Canary Creek in Lewes
Should be tested for artifacts - 30.2%
Should stay open - 40.8%
Would be great as soccer fields - 29%
Total votes - 162
Who mows your lawn?
A family member - 55.1%
We pay a lawn service - 35.7%
We have no lawn - 9.1%
Total votes - 263
The Rehoboth Art League
Should expand - 43.2%
Should stay the same - 30.7%
Should relocate some operations off-campus - 26.1%
Total votes - 88
Due to technical difficulties, this poll was closed prematurely.
I think the economy is:
Better than last year - 34.5%
Worse than last year - 34.2%
About the same - 31.3%
Total votes - 319
How should single-payer health insurance be funded?
Payroll taxes - 25.9%
Income taxes - 8.3%
Tax the rich - 30.7%
Other - 35.1%
Total votes: 205
Do you favor road signs saying - Only trash throws out trash?
Yes - 50.6%
No - 32.1%
Say something else - 17.3%
Total votes: 330
Is beach replenishment a good investment?
Yes - 65%
No - 28.6%
Not sure - 6.4
Total votes - 280
Should shellfish aquaculture be allowed in the Inland Bays?
Yes - 75.8%
No -14.3%
Not sure - 9.9%
Total votes - 182
Should amplified music be allowed at Lewes Canalfront Park?
Yes - 46.6%
No - 48%
Not sure - 5.4%
Total votes - 294
Delaware at its widest is:
35 miles - 48.3%
60 miles - 41.9%
100 miles - 9.8%
Total votes - 377
Rehoboth police cars should be:
Blue and white - 54.6%
Black and green - 12.8%
No opinion - 32.6%
Total votes - 242
Does Sussex County need a land use planner?
Yes - 70.8%
No - 24.3%
Not sure - 4.9%
Total votes - 243
Delaware minimum wage should be:
$7.25 - 23.3%
$8.00 - 13.2%
$8.25+ - 63.5%
Total voes - 257
Do you support outlawing the death penalty?
Yes - 22.8%
No - 73.6%
Not sure - 3.6%
Total votes - 382
Is it safe to ride a scooter on Route 1?
Yes - 6.2%
No - 85.8%
In some places - 8%
Total votes - 351
Should the county approve the homeless women veterans facility?
Yes - 84.4%
No - 10%
Not sure - 5.6%
Total votes - 270
Is a patio an extension of a structure?
Yes - 29.2%
No - 53.6%
If it is attached - 17.2%
Total votes - 291
How closely did you follow the election of the pope?
Very - 19.4%
Somewhat - 36.4%
Not at all - 44.2%
Total votes - 283
When would you rather have more light?
Morning hours - 11.3%
Evening hours - 76.7%
All the same to me - 12%
Total votes - 266
Got your taxes done?
Yes - 47.2%
Have not started - 32.2%
Working on them - 20.6%
Total votes - 267
Sequester tax cuts are:
A good idea - 54.3%
A lousy idea - 34.3
Not sure - 11.4%
Total votes - 245
The water at my home is:
Pretty good - 55.2%
Ok - 25.8%
Not so good - 19%
Total votes - 248
For Mayor of Milton:
Marion Jones - 71.9%
Cliff Newlands - 15.2%
Not sure - 12.9%
Total votes - 256
Are you observing Lent?
Yes - 22.3%
No - 69.5%
A little - 8.2%
Total votes - 269
How much will you spend on vacations this year?
$0-$500 - 40.6%
$600-$3,000 - 34.3%
$4,000-$10,000 - 19.9%
$10,000+ - 5.2%
Total votes - 271
Should cell phones be allowed inside the Sussex County Courthouse?
Yes - 25.1%
No - 72.4%
Not sure - 2.5%
Total votes - 279
Do RV parks generate less traffic than housing developments?
Yes - 33.6%
No - 51.7%
Not sure - 14.8%
Total votes: 271
Does Cape Henlopen School District need a stricter dress code?
Yes - 67.4%
No - 22.7%
Not sure - 9.9%
Total votes: 282
How often do you listen to NPR?
Daily - 22.5%
Occasionally - 17.1%
Never - 60.4%
Total votes: 280
Should the Love Creek RV park be built?
Yes - 30.1%
No - 64.1%
Not sure - 5.8%
Total votes: 345
Should slot machines be legalized at fraternal organizations in DE?
Yes - 74.9%
No - 22.8%
Not sure - 2.3%
Total votes - 298
2016 primary:
Hillary Clinton - 40%
Joe Biden - 9.9%
Other - 50.1%
Total votes - 403
Did you watch Downton Abbey or the NFL playoffs?
Downton Abbey - 19.4%
Football - 58.8%
Neither - 21.8%
Total votes - 340
How many pets do you have?
3+ - 17.4%
1-2 - 47.6%
0 - 35%
Total votes - 340
Did your 2013 paycheck shrink?
Yes - 75%
No - 10.5%
No paycheck - 14.5%
Total votes - 276
How are your New Year resolutions holding up?
Great - 18.1%
Not so good - 7.7%
Did not bother - 74.2%
Total votes - 155
Abortions: I am
Against all - 20.5%
OK sometimes - 21.9%
Pro-choice - 57.6%
Total votes - 288
How do you think your savings will fare this year?
Grow - 27.3%
Shrink - 35.1%
What savings? - 37.6%
Total votes - 271
Did you wait up till midnight for the new year?
Yes - 49.6%
No - 46.6%
Tried - 3.8%
Total votes - 260
Should there be a limit on how many people live in the USA?
Yes - 43.3%
No - 48.9%
Not sure - 7.8%
Total votes - 268
Schools should:
Increase police presence - 21.7%
Arm the teachers - 18.4%
Increase security measures - 59.9%
Total votes - 217
That green thing in my living room is a:
Christmas tree - 79.4%
Holiday tree - 2.5%
No tree here - 18.1%
Total votes - 277
How much can Obama really do about shooter tragedies?
Not much - 59.9%
Some things - 28.3%
A lot - 11.8
Total votes - 304
Traveling for the holidays?
Yes - 20.3%
No - 67.8%
A little - 11.9%
Total votes - 202
Should Cape Henlopen School District adopt a stricter dress code?
Yes - 83.5%
No - 13.8%
Not sure - 2.7%
Total votes - 254
Is the nature of crime changing in the Cape Region?
Yes - 80.4%
No - 9.8%
Not sure - 9.8%
Total votes - 265
Will you go see the new Twilight movie?
Yes - 3.2%
No - 96.4%
Not sure - .4%
Total votes - 251
Are you an organ donor?
Yes - 63.7%
No - 31.4%
I think about it - 4.9%
Total votes - 226
Should Bodenweiser be allowed to go to church?
Yes - 42.9%
No - 52.1%
Not sure/Who? - 5%
Total votes - 280
How much extra will you spend during the holidays?
$100 or less - 20.1%
$100-$700 - 46.2%
$800-$1500 - 14.8%
$1500+ - 18.9%
Total votes - 169
How long ago did you check your smoke alarm batteries?
Recently - 34.2%
A few months ago - 32.9%
Along time - 32.9%
Total votes - 146
Who should own/be responsible for Silver Lake?
Rehoboth Beach - 52.4%
Dewey Beach - 2.2%
State of Delaware/DNREC - 45.4%
Total votes - 227
Have you had your flu shot this year?
Yes - 58.4%
No - 38.2%
Still time - 3.4%
Total votes - 267
Should the Daylight Savings time change be eliminated?
Yes - 65.1%
No - 33.1%
Not sure - 1.8%
Total votes - 384
Should the Electoral College be eliminated?
Yes - 73.3%
No - 21.1%
Not sure - 5.6%
Total votes - 465
How much cash do you keep on hand?
$100 or less - 56.7%
$100-$500 - 23.2%
$500+ - 20.2%
Total votes - 436
How long will you spend preparing for the storm?
An hour or less - 41.9%
A few hours - 38.3%
Most of a day or more - 19.8%
Total votes - 248
For U.S. Senate:
Tom Carper - 49.3%
Andrew Groff - 3.3%
Alex Pires - 31.9%
Kevin Wade - 15.5%
Total votes - 304
Are we in for a rough winter?
Yes - 45.6%
No - 31.6%
Not sure - 22.8%
Total votes - 263
Should children be vaccinated?
Yes - 89.5%
No - 5.9%
Not sure - 4.6%
Total votes - 238
Should the court have reversed the decision to put Leslie Small to death?
Yes - 13.1%
No - 77.2%
Not sure - 9.7%
Total votes - 175
Will you watch the vice-presidential debate?
Yes - 59.3%
Maybe - 11%
No - 29.7%
Total votes - 290
Made up your mind who will get your vote?
Yes - 84.1%
Mostly - 9.1%
Not yet - 6.8%
Total votes - 353
Does sea level rise in Delaware concern you?
Yes - 37.4%
Somewhat - 17.4%
No - 45.2%
Total votes - 270
Is it safe to install septic systems close to the coast?
Yes - 25.5%
No - 59.9%
Not sure - 14.6%
Total votes - 212
Should schools be liable for serious sports injuries?
Yes - 30.4%
No - 61.2%
Not sure - 8.4%
Total votes - 237
Do you smoke?
Yes - 11%
Occasionally - 6.8%
No - 82.2%
Total votes - 309
How important is it to buy products made in America?
Very - 77.6%
Somewhat - 15%
Not very much - 7.4%
Total votes - 214
My first choice in the Dewey elections is:
Denise Campbell - 40%
Gary Mauler - 4.3%
Courney Riordan - 8.3%
Rick Solloway - 47.4%
Total votes - 348
The Boy Scouts of America should:
Be open to all young men - 66.3%
Be more selective - 33.7%
Total votes - 246
Is this political year more vicious than usual?
yes - 66.7%
No - 28.1%
Not sure - 5.2%
Total votes - 171
West Nile virus concerns me:
A lot - 21%
Somewhat - 36.1%
Not much - 42.9%
Total votes - 219
Cape Henlopen schools are:
Great - 11.6%
Better than average - 31.4%
Average - 57%
Total votes - 223
Rehoboth Beach lakes should have:
Natural buffers - 63.5%
Manmade buffers - 21.2%
No buffers - 15.3%
Total votes - 156
Will you vote in the primaries?
Yes - 67.2%
No - 28.4%
Not sure - 4.4%
Total votes - 225
Was Paul Ryan a good choice for Romney VP?
Yes - 49.7%
No - 34.9%
Not sure - 15.4%
Total votes - 312
Is this the hottest summer ever?
Yes - 58.6%
No - 25.5%
This is normal - 15.8%
Total votes - 278
Do you believe in global warming?
Yes - 50.7%
No - 40.2%
A little - 9.2%
Total votes: 306
Do Libertarians have a chance?
Yes - 12.8%
No - 77%
Not sure - 10.2%
Total votes: 196
Has an addict affected your life?
Yes - 56%
No - 37.7%
A little - 6.3%
Total votes: 207
Is gambling in Dewey inevitable?
Yes - 36.7%
No - 53.7%
Not sure - 9.6%
Total votes: 229
Will you watch the Olympics?
Yes, a lot - 26.6%
Yes, sometimes - 43.3%
No - 30.1%
Total votes: 282
I listened to Dan Gaffney:
A lot - 23.2%
Some days - 18.1%
Never - 58.7%
Total votes - 380
Super sized sodas should be:
Available - 78%
Outlawed - 22%
Total votes - 291
I like to be:
On the water - 40.1%
In the water - 30.5%
On land - 29.4%
Total votes - 197
The health care act is:
Great - 24%
Awful - 55.2%
Confusing - 20.8%
Total votes - 346
The lowest I let my checking account balance go is:
$0-$100 - 46.7%
$100-$500 - 14.7%
$500+ - 38.6%
Total votes - 259
On July 4, I will be:
Playing: 22.6%
Working - 18.3%
Staying home - 59.1%
Total votes - 235
Our regional economy is:
Improving - 29.7%
Stalled - 37.8%
Declining - 32.4%
Total votes - 259
I eat red meat
1-3 days a week - 62.6%
4-7 days a week - 22.9%
Not at all - 14.5%
Total votes - 249
Have you been a victim of age discrimination?
Yes - 55.4%
No - 39%
No but someone I know has - 5.6%
Total votes - 177
To balance my town's budget I would:
Cut back services - 64.3%
Form a committee - 13.4%
Raise taxes - 22.3%
Total votes - 224
Should bands have to pay Dewey Beach $109 every time they perform?
Yes - 18.9%
No - 77.6%
Not sure - 3.5%
Total votes - 286
What should happen to Prime Hook?
Maintain status quo - 17%
No freshwater marsh/all saltwater - 33.5%
Keep freshwater marsh/restore duneline - 49.5%
Total votes - 194
Your choice for DE Senator is:
Tom Carper - 42.5%
Alex Pires - 48.4%
Keith Spanarelli - 1.6%
Kevin Wade - 7.5%
Total votes - 318
Obama's foreign policy is:
Strong - 28.7%
Mediocre - 12.5%
Weak - 58.8%
Total votes - 272
Park at the Bay Bridge, take the bus to the beach...
It can happen - 37.2%
It'll never work - 44.7%
Maybe - 18.1%
Total votes - 226
Reality shows are:
Great - 8.4%
OK - 17.3%
Boring - 74.3%
Total votes - 237
Is the Cape Henlopen School Board micromanaging?
Yes - 76.8%
No - 10.2%
Not sure - 13%
Total votes - 177
100 foot buffers around inland bays are:
Necessary - 73.3%
Negotiable - 18.9%
Not sure - 7.8%
Total votes - 180
Have you turned on an air conditioner yet?
Yes - 49.5%
No - 46.3%
Almost - 4.2%
Total votes - 283
During the year, I'm in Sussex County
Full time - 64.8%
Part time - 17.4%
Occasionally - 17.8%
Total votes - 281
Should all state agencies hold more public hearings?
Yes - 76.4%
No - 19.4%
Not sure - 4.2%
Total votes, 144
Lewes needs:
Bill Landon - 5.4%
Bonnie Osler - 34.6%
Dennis Reardon - 21.4%
Rob Morgan - 7.9%
Ted Becker - 30.7%
Total votes - 280
Should foreign DE students receive in-state college tuition rates?
Yes - 11%
No - 84.5%
Not sure - 4.5%
Total votes - 309
Does possession of less than a gram of marijuana justify an arrest?
Yes- 36.4%
No- 61.4%
Not sure - 2.2%
Total votes - 324
Have you ever adopted an animal from a shelter?
Yes - 60.8%
No - 33.9%
Not yet - 5.3%
Total votes - 227
Should underwater turbines be installed at IR Inlet?
Yes - 63.8%
No - 25.3%
Not sure - 10.8%
Total votes - 224
I buy lottery tickets:
Regularly - 19%
Occasionally - 50.7%
Never - 30.3%
Total votes - 221
If you felt threatened, would you
Stand your ground - 50.2%
Flee - 24.9%
Not sure - 24.9%
Total votes: 225
Where would you go to shop for a specialty item?
Amazon - 44.2%
eBay - 9.2%
Online store - 9.8%
Search engine - 19.6%
Other - 17.2%
Total votes - 163
How do you keep track of your favorite local stores?
Facebook- 14.5%
Twitter - .9%
Their website - 65.5%
Foursquare - .9%
Email newsletter - 18.2%
Total votes - 110
How are you leaning?
Obama - 42.5%
Romney - 44%
Other - 13.5%
Total votes - 348
We should get out of Afghanistan:
In 2014 - 12.4%
Now - 83.5%
Never - 4%
Total votes - 249
Should digital billboards be allowed in Sussex County?
Yes- 31.6%
No- 65.8%
Not sure - 2.6%
Total votes - 269
Do you understand the Affordable Health Care Act?
Pretty much - 31%
Not really - 58.6%
What is that? - 10.4%
Total votes - 203
I will be:
Buried - 23.7%
Cremated - 64.1%
Not sure - 12.2%
Total votes - 262
Should the U.S.A. be the world's enforcement agent?
Yes - 10.3%
No - 86.6%
Not sure - 3.1%
Total votes - 262
Does Sussex County need a land use planner?
Yes - 64.3%
No - 28.4%
Not sure - 7.3%
Total votes - 109
What percentage of animal shelters should be no-kill?
100 percent - 56.2%
50percent- 20.5%
10 percent- 23.2%
Total votes - 185
Is your health controlled by what you eat?
Yes - 52.5%
Somewhat - 37.5%
Not much - 10%
Total votes - 219
Where were you during the Storm of '62?
Here- 23.4%
Not here - 45.5%
Not born yet- 31.1%
Total votes - 244
Got your taxes done yet?
Yes - 43.8%
No - 46%
In the works - 10.2%
Total votes - 226
Have you been a victim of bullying?
Yes- 48.2%
No - 45.3%
Someone close to me was - 6.5%
Total votes- 170
Should a Lewes library annex be built at Five Points?
Yes - 40.2%
No - 51.2%
Not sure - 8.5%
Total votes - 281
Sandi Minard's actions stopping a school bus were:
Justified - 65.1%
Out of line - 30.7%
Not sure - 4.2%
Total votes - 401
Do you support a Lewes-Rehoboth water taxi?
Yes - 79.9%
No - 15.4%
Not sure - 4.7%
Total votes - 403
What does Valentine's Day cost you?
$20 or less - 54.9%
$20-$100 - 29.3%
$100+ - 15.8%
Total votes - 164
Should Catholic institutions be forced to offer birth control?
Yes - 27%
No - 70.4%
Not sure - 2.6%
Total votes 304
How religious are you?
Very - 21.3%
Moderately - 37.5%
Not much - 41.2%
Total votes - 267
Should Milton borrow $3+ million for public water?
Yes - 41.6%
No - 45.8%
Not sure - 12.7%
Total votes - 166
Sussex County Council represents the Cape Region:
Really well - 14.6%
Sometimes - 31%
Poorly -54.4%
Total votes - 158
Should older drivers be road tested?
Yes - 67.3%
No - 27.3%
Not sure - 5.4%
Total votes - 278
An improved Gordons Pond path will be:
An asset - 63.9%
Bad for wildlife - 23%
Not sure - 13.1%
Total votes - 193
Is $10/gallon gas in our future?
Yes - 28.9%
No - 58.5%
Not sure - 12.6%
Total votes - 270
How much do you gamble?
A little - 33.2%
A lot - 5.6%
Never - 61.2%
Total votes - 268
Today your vote would go to:
Obama - 35.6%
Romney - 39.2%
Other - 25.2%
Total votes - 436
Should a photo ID be required to vote?
Yes - 80.5%
No - 18.1%
Not sure - 1.4%
Total votes - 359
The US Postal Service should:
Stay as one entity - 56.2%
Be contracted out - 38.2%
Not sure - 5.5%
Total votes - 217
Dogfish Head's rezoning application should be:
Passed - 95.6%
Denied - 3.8%
Not sure - 0.7%
Total votes: 1959
The best place for my money is:
A bank/credit union - 33.3%
Stocks and bonds - 23%
Under the mattress - 43.7%
Total votes: 213
Which costs you more?
Cooling the house - 17.1%
Heating the house - 55.5%
About the same 27.5%
Total votes - 211
Should Dewey Beach have budgeted for holiday lighting?
Yes - 66%
No - 31%
Not sure - 3%
Total votes - 197
Dewey Beach should have:
Property taxes - 47%
Gross receipts taxes - 14.4%
No new taxes - 38.6%
Total votes - 202
Have you been sexually assaulted?
Yes - 24.6%
No - 68.4%
Sort of - 7%
Total votes - 228
Should our taxes subsidize green energy development?
Yes - 39.6%
No - 57.1%
Not sure - 3.3%
Total votes - 240
Should our taxes subsidize the oil companies?
Yes - 4.5%
No - 93.9%
Not sure - 1.6%
Total votes - 245
Should drug-sniffing dogs patrol school halls?
Yes- 72.4%
No - 24.6%
Not sure - 3%
Total votes - 337
What should Rehoboth do about the bufferless house on Silver Lake?
Nothing - 38.8%
Stop Construction - 36.6%
Pass a law for the future - 24.7%
Total votes - 320
How much have you spent on Christmas so far?
Over $400 - 28.1%
$100-$399 - 21.1%
$0-$99 - 50.8%
Total votes - 242
Do you miss the NBA games?
Yes - 1.2%
No - 98.8%
Not sure - 0%
Total votes - 329
Should there be a constitutional amendment making congress balance the budget?
Yes - 78.1%
No - 18.4%
Not sure - 3.6%
Total votes - 196
Where will you be on Thanksgiving?
In southern Delaware - 52.9%
In Delaware - 16%
Other places - 31.1%
Total votes - 257
Thinking of shopping late Thanksgiving night?
Yes - 10.9%
No - 86%
Not sure - 3.1%
Total votes - 293
Should welfare recipients be required to pass random drug testing?
Yes - 86.4%
No - 10.7%
It depends - 2.9%
Total votes - 486
Children in public school should say the Pledge of Allegiance:
Daily - 87.7%
Weekly - 3.7%
Never - 8.6%
Total votes - 268
Should Jusst Sooup be permitted to serve food onsite?
Yes - 63.3%
No - 29%
Not sure - 7.8%
Total votes - 411
Do you believe in ghosts?
Yes - 49.6%
No - 43%
Not sure - 7.4%
Total votes - 256
Should Milton's elementary schools be reorganized?
Yes - 26.9%
No - 64%
Not sure - 9.1%
Total votes - 350
Do you support withdrawing all our troops from Iraq?
Yes - 70.8%
No - 9.3%
Not this way - 19.9%
Total votes - 277
Should state taxpayers be responsible for rebuilding Prime Hook dunes?
Yes - 22.4%
No - 62.2%
Partially - 15.4%
Total votes - 254
Do you support the Wall Street protesters?
Yes - 42.1%
No - 46%
Somewhat - 11.9%
Total votes - 311
Should use of a tanning salon be restricted to 18 years and older?
Yes - 83.3%
No - 12.8%
Not sure - 3.9%
Total votes - 180
Should Sussex Sheriff's deputies receive more law enforcement training?
Yes - 66.4%
No - 26.3%
Not sure - 7.4%
Total votes - 217
If you could do it again, would you still have children?
Yes - 68.5%
No - 23.9%
Not sure - 7.6%
Total votes - 276
I care most about:
The financial situation - 74.3%
The environment - 8.7%
Health issues - 17%
Total votes - 171
Should beer and wine be sold in Delaware grocery stores?
Yes please - 71.1%
No way - 24.1%
Not sure - 4.8%
Total votes - 353
November, 2012: How are you leaning?
Pres. Obama - 35.7%
A Republican - 50.4%
Not sure - 13.9%
Total votes - 361
Do you believe in the death penalty?
Yes - 77.7%
No - 17.4%
Not sure - 4.9%
Total votes - 305
Will you use medical marijuana when it becomes legal and available in Delaware?
Yes - 40%
No - 49.4%
Not sure - 10.6%
Total votes - 255
Should the sale of fireworks be legalized in Delaware?
Yes - 49.1%
No - 45.6%
Not sure - 5.3%
Total votes - 283
When does an embryo become a human being?
At conception - 51.2%
During pregnancy - 27%
At birth - 21.7%
Total votes - 244
Was finding a parking place harder than usual this season?
Yes - 47.9%
No - 45.7%
Not sure - 6.4%
Total votes - 188
Did you follow the Makeover buzz?
Yes, a lot - 15%
Yes, somewhat - 31.9%
No - 53.1%
Total votes - 260
How many miles is it from your primary residence to the Lewes/Rehoboth area?
0-20 - 58.8%
20-75 - 6.6%
75+ - 34.6%
Total votes - 182
What would you do if your water/sewer bill were raised 90 percent?
Pay it - 5.2%
Move - 26.3%
Fight it - 68.5%
Total votes - 330
This weekend I will be:
At the beach - 27.2%
Working - 17.8%
At home - 55%
Total votes - 169
Should Rehoboth build restrooms at each end of the Boardwalk?
Yes - 75.6%
No - 21.4%
Not sure - 2.9%
Total votes - 308
My quality of life is:
Better than 5 years ago - 32.1%
Worse than 5 years ago - 43.9%
About the same - 24.1%
Total votes - 237
Delaware's recycling program is:
Really good - 22.3%
OK - 34.9%
Below standard - 42.8%
Total votes - 166
Should Milton impose a rental tax to help pay down the deficit?
Yes - 41.7%
No - 49.7%
Not sure - 8.6%
Total votes - 163
Does Sussex need stricter enforcement of sign laws?
Yes - 69.4%
No - 23.1%
Not sure - 7.5%
Total votes - 160
How many miles per gallon does your vehicle get on the highway?
0-15 - 10.5%
16-30 - 68.5%
31+ - 21%
Total votes: 276
Are you more physically active than you were 10 years ago?
Yes - 25.4%
No - 58.4%
About the same - 16.3%
Total votes: 209
How would you characterize the roads in Delaware?
Pretty good - 43.9%
Pretty bad - 21.8%
About average - 34.3%
Total votes: 239
How are the crowds this summer compared to last summer?
Bigger - 46.8%
Smaller - 22.2%
About the same - 31%
Total votes: 203
Should Rehoboth provide a place for people to change into/out of bathing suits?
Yes, for free - 59.1%
Yes, if they pay - 25.8%
No - 15.1%
Total votes - 298
Should Lewes designate land for a dog park?
Yes - 57.6%
No - 40%
Not sure - 2.4%
Total votes - 245
Should the use of chemicals on lawns be discouraged?
Yes - 66.9%
No - 26.9%
Not sure - 6.1%
Total votes: 245
Should Rehoboth provide a place for people to change into/out of bathing suits?
Yes, for free - 59.1%
Yes, if they pay - 25.8%
No - 15.1%
Total votes - 298
Should Lewes designate land for a dog park?
Yes - 57.6%
No - 40%
Not sure - 2.4%
Total votes - 245
Is it OK for Sussex County Council to open its meetings with a prayer?
Yes - 70.2%
No - 28.2%
Not sure - 1.6%
Total votes - 373
How much does health insurance cost you a month?
$0-$99 - 29.9%
$100-$399 - 35.8%
$400+ - 34.2%
Total votes - 187
Will you vote to re-elect Gov. Markell in 2012?
Yes - 31.9%
No - 54.6%
No sure - 13.6%
Total votes - 257
Will you vote for Obama in the next presidential election?
Yes - 29.7%
No - 62.7%
Not sure - 7.6%
Total votes - 391
Should the federal government be in the home mortgage business?
Yes - 17.3%
No way - 78.4%
Not sure - 4.3%
Total votes - 208
Should tourists be allowed to change clothes in Rehoboth's public restrooms?
Yes - 64.4%
No - 30.6%
Not sure - 5%
Total votes - 320
Rehoboth's enforcement efforts are:
Too hard on business - 53.1%
Too lax - 17.9%
On the mark - 29.1%
Total votes - 179
Rehoboth Beach should:
Be more family friendly - 48%
Be more like Key West - 19.3%
Stay in the middle - 32.7%
Total votes - 306
If convicted, should Earl Bradley be neutered?
Yes - 71.4%
No - 11.6%
Why - 16.9%
Total votes - 301
How involved is the CIA in the 'Arab Spring'?
Very - 48.5%
Moderately - 30.3%
Not so much - 21.2%
Total votes - 99
A person drinks too much at a bar, and gets in an accident: Whose fault is it?
Drinker - 64%
Bar owner - 2.9%
Both - 33.1%
Total votes - 378
Should the U.S. debt ceiling be raised?
Yes - 31%
No - 60.9%
Not sure - 8.1%
Total votes - 197
Should Israel go back to its 1967 borders?
Yes - 25.2%
No - 63.4%
Not sure - 11.4%
Total votes - 202
Should Derrick Powell be put to death?
Yes - 73.6%
No - 19.8%
Not sure - 6.6%
Total votes - 182
How many times will you go to the beach this summer?
Lots and lots - 37.7%
Some - 29.9%
Not much - 32.4%
Total votes - 204
All caught up on your bills?
Yes - 59.4%
No - 31.2%
Just barely - 9.4%
Total votes 234
Can you find Bulgarus on a map without assistance?
Yes - 36.9%
No - 36.9%
Where? 26.2%
Total votes 130
Should the use of medical marijuana be permited in Delaware?
Yes - 59.9%
No - 36.6%
Not sure - 3.4%
Total votes - 292
Should Social Security funds be separated from the general budget?
Yes - 90.6%
No - 3.7%
Not sure - 5.8%
Total votes - 191
Should Planned Parenthood's federal funding be withdrawn?
Yes - 44.1%
No - 51.3%
Not sure - 4.6%
Total votes - 306
Donald Trump for president?
Yes - 26.4%
No way - 60.5%
Not sure yet - 13.1%
Total votes - 375
Should Georgetown continue to be split into two districts?
Yes - 26.7%
No way - 56.3%
Don't know - 17%
Total votes - 176
Which do you use most to contact distant family and friends?
Skype - 5.3%
Phone - 50.9%
Email - 43.9%
Total votes - 171
Should the US raise the debt ceiling?
Yes - 33.7%
No - 62.3%
Don't know - 4%
Total votes - 252
Should Bush era tax breaks for the wealthy be revoked?
Yes - 64%
No - 34.2%
Not sure - 1.8%
Total votes - 386
Should the USA have a say in who is the leader of other countries?
Yes - 7.2%
No - 77.6%
It depends - 15.2%
Total votes - 290
Should Obama's Nobel Peace Prize be revoked?
Yes - 56.7%
No - 38.5%
Not sure - 4.8%
Total votes - 353
What are the chances the school board will find a great superintendent?
Great - 11.9%
50-50 - 42.7%
Not so great - 45.5%
Total votes - 143
Are you concerned radiation will hit Delaware?
Yes - 15.2%
No - 70%
A little - 14.8%
Total votes - 283
Have you filed your taxes yet?
Yes - 59.1%
No - 29.1%
Almost - 11.8%
Total votes - 220
Should convicted (male) child sex offenders be emasculated?
Yes - 72.6%
no - 19.1%
Not sure - 8.3%
Total votes - 288
U.S. military action in Libya is:
Justified - 30.8%
Wrong - 38.5%
A gray area - 30.8%
Total votes - 286
Have you received a pay raise in the last year?
Yes - 15.4%
No - 76.7%
A little one - 7.9%
Total votes - 318
Is it time to eliminate daylight saving time?
yes - 42.1%
No - 55.3%
Not sure - 2.6%
Total Votes - 340
What is up with these gas prices?
Blame the Middle East - 14.5%
Blame the oil companies - 51.3%
Blame the middle men - 34.2%
Total votes - 228
03/10/11 Do you understand Dewey Beach politics?
Yes - 14.6%
No - 72.9%
Sort of - 12.5%
Total votes - 240
03/07/11 Should we amend the constitution to madate a balanced budget?
Yes - 61.2%
No - 33.1%
Not sure - 5.7%
Total votes - 417
03/03/11 Should we send troops to Libya?
Yes - 7.3%
No - 89.6%
Not sure - 3.1%
Total votes - 547
02/28/11 Pick your favorite:
Michelle Obama - 40.2%
Sarah Palin - 41.1%
Lady Gaga - 18.7%
Total votes - 701
02/24/11 Whom do you support in Wisconsin?
Budget cutters - 56.8%
Labor unions - 37.1%
Not sure - 6.1%
Total votes - 555
02/21/11 Are you a Twitter follower?
Yes - 5.5%
No - 90.5%
A bit - 4%
Total votes - 326
02/17/11 What's your take on the UD wind turbine?
Love it - 54%
Hate it - 30.4%
Whatever - 15.6%
Total votes - 757
02/14/11 Is it true that marijuana eases pain?
Yes - 65.2%
No - 12.3%
Not sure - 22.5%
Total votes - 423
02/10/11 Should the Lewes Library move to Villages of Five Points?
Yes - 26.3%
No - 64%
Not sure - 9.8%
Total votes: 491
02/07/11 Is there life on other planets?
Yes, should be - 69.2%
No, don't think so - 14.9%
Not sure - 15.9%
Total votes - 390
02/03/11 I file my taxes:
Electronically - 71.8%
On paper - 25.1%
Not sure - 3.1%
Total votes - 355
01/31/10 Should abortion laws be:
Stricter - 37.9%
Looser - 13.8%
Left alone - 48.2%
Total votes - 448
01/27/11 Do you support table gaming/gambling in Sussex County?
Yes - 38.1%
No - 59.7%
Not sure - 2.2%
Total votes - 734
01/24/11 Sussex Tech should:
Stay the same - 44.6%
Be a technical school - 49.5%
Be like other schools - 6%
Total votes - 368
01/20/11 How far in debt did you go over the holidays?
Over $500 - 25%
$100-$500 - 21.8%
Under $100 - 53.2%
Total votes - 284
01/16/11 How often do you buy lottery tickets?
Daily - 2%
Weekly - 19%
Occasionally - 47.9%
Never - 31.2%
Total votes - 443
01/10/11 Do you know someone addicted to pain pills?
Yes - 50.7%
No - 45%
Know OF someone - 4.2%
Total votes - 353
01/06/11 How did DelDOT do on snow removal?
Great - 28.8%
Average - 39.2%
Poor - 32.1%
Total votes - 424
01/03/11 Is synthetic marijuana sprayed on herbs ok?
Yes - 20.5
No - 57.3%
Need more info - 22.2%
Total votes - 419