James J. Kiernan Memorial Scholarship still accepting applications!
Mr. Kiernan was known to all in his community as a philanthropist of the highest esteem. To keep his name ever present in a charitable way, his wife and four daughters have
created the James J. Kiernan Memorial Scholarship Fund. For over 30 years Mr. Kiernan gave of himself for numerous charities in this area. He donated time and money, not only personally but
through his restaurant, Irish Eyes. He would want his passion for generosity and giving to stay alive in this community.
The James J. Kiernan Memorial Scholarship Fund is administered by the Greater Lewes Foundation.
Winning applicant must be a graduating Cape Henlopen High School senior. The scholarship amount is a one-time
cash distribution of $1000. Up to three recipients will be chosen based on need and potential for success
through higher education. The recipient(s) should have shown good citizenship and maintained a 3.0 average
during his/her time at Cape Henlopen High School. The gift will be paid directly to the recipient(s) and can
be used for any purpose related to the transition from high school to college (books, technology, college
expenses, etc.)
Awarding of this scholarship is based on applicant meeting criteria, letters of recommendation and essay.
The quality of the essay (400-500 words answering two questions) will weigh heavily into the selection
process: (1) If you had the authority to improve Cape Henlopen High School in a positive way, what specific
changes would you make and why? (2) Name something large or small that you have done in your life to show
kindness to another person and how was that person impacted by your action.
Recipient selection will be done by the Kiernan family.
Completed applications should be returned to the Cape Henlopen High School Guidance Office no later
than the deadline date set by the High School Guidance Office. Information on this application is strictly