Cape junior Cardin Benjamin buried a penalty kick in the final minute of the second overtime to lead Cape to a 1-0 victory over Delmar Oct. 19 on the Vikings’ Senior Night. It was the third straight overtime victory for the Vikings.
Cape outshot the Wildcats 14-7 and held a 7-2 edge in corners. Cape goalie Jake Hutchison made seven saves, while Delmar keeper Caleb Ritchey kept his team in the game by stopping 13 Vikings’ shots.
The Wildcats had a chance on a penalty kick in the first overtime, but the shot missed high, giving the Vikings some new life.
“[Delmar] had great defenders back there,” said Benjamin. “We couldn’t slip one past them. Jack [Schell] had a great game turning and shooting, but we couldn’t get there until the 98th minute. We’ve got to get better at finishing.”
“We weren’t expecting to go into our third straight overtime match; however, that’s the situation that presented itself,” said Cape coach Patrick Kilby. “We’re struggling with scoring goals in regulation; this when we are controlling close to 70% of the play. Needless to say, we’re proving ourselves to be a seasoned group of soccer players, and we will take a win any way we can get it. We will be looking to improve our finishing so that we can start winning matches in regulation.”
Cape (10-2) travels to northern division rival Sussex Tech (6-5-1) Tuesday, Oct. 24.