
Harrington will empower, strengthen Delaware

September 5, 2024

As a 24-year resident of Delaware who migrated from Kenya and gained naturalized citizenship, I have had the privilege of raising my family in this beautiful state. I raised my children in Delaware, with three attending the University of Delaware and one attending Del Tech. They are now all professionals in their own right. I have been married to the love of my life, Roselyne, for 40 years.  

I am writing to wholeheartedly endorse Debbie Harrington for the post of Delaware lieutenant governor. In my journey, I have met many challenges and triumphs as a family person, minority business owner and parent of an adult child with a disability who went through Delaware's school and college system. Debbie sees me. She understands my struggles and aspirations, and I am confident she will see and understand you too. 

In my professional capacity, I run a CGFNS-certified international recruiting agency for registered nurses for healthcare facilities and serve as a Delaware registered agent for corporations incorporated in Delaware. I specialize in organizational structure and behavior, focusing on human capital and organizations. 

Representation means everything. Debbie knows you. As a prominent figure with an extensive background, she is uniquely equipped to address the multifaceted needs of our community. We need her as the lieutenant governor to work alongside prospective Gov. Matt Meyer to ensure a stronger, more inclusive Delaware. 

Debbie Harrington's qualifications speak for themselves. She is a retired U.S. Army colonel with a bachelor's degree from Norfolk State University and graduate degrees from the National Defense University and Wilmington University. Her career experience includes roles as the chief operating officer of a church and a retail mall, and she has been committed to public service throughout her life.  

She has extensive affiliations with the U.S. Army, the Delaware Division for the Visually Impaired, the  Delaware Division of Professional Regulation, Delaware State University and the Early College School. Debbie's dedication to service is evident in her impressive career and community involvement. 

"When our families are strong, Delaware is stronger." Debbie lives by this creed. "I've dedicated my life to service; first to our country, having retired as a U.S. Army colonel, and now in our communities advocating for social justice. As lieutenant governor, I will be a voice for all Delawareans and work diligently for equitable access to healthy living for strong working families," says Debbie Harrington. 

Her promise to advocate for all Delawareans, ensuring equitable access to healthy living, resonates deeply with me. Let us rally behind Debbie Harrington for lieutenant governor. She will empower our families and strengthen Delaware. 

Dr. David Amakobe


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