H.O. Brittingham students celebrate Leadership Day
H.O. Brittingham Elementary students welcomed community members and district leaders May 23, when they shared their successes at the third annual Leadership Day.
Students launched their program in the library, where guests enjoyed a continental breakfast.
During the presentation, dozens of students explained in Spanish and English different elements of the Leader in Me philosophy and their favorite habit.
The philosophy is based on Stephen Covey’s book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” and adapted by Stephen’s son Sean for use in the classroom. Sean’s book, “The 7 Habits of Healthy Kids,” illustrates the leadership skills all kids can learn.
H.O.B. adopted the motivational philosophy in 2018 and was named a national Leader in Me Lighthouse School in 2022 in recognition of its outstanding results in school and student outcomes in teaching leadership principles, creating a leadership culture and aligning academic systems.
Students then led tours throughout the school to showcase projects before reconvening in the library, where classmates entertained the audience with performances from a recent student-led talent show.