Poets Ethan Joella, Katherine Gekker, and Linda Blaskey will be reading from their new collections Wednesday, Nov. 6, 6:30 p.m., at Browseabout Books in Rehoboth.
Blaskey will read from her book, “White Horses,” published by Mojave River Press, Apple Valley, Calif. She is poetry and interview editor for The Broadkill Review, and coordinator of the Dogfish Head Poetry Prize. Her work has been included in Best New Poets, and North Carolina’s Poetry on the Bus project.
Joella, who teaches at the University of Delaware, will read from “A Prayer for Ducks,” Red Bird Chapbooks, St. Paul, MN. His work has been a finalist in both the Eric Hoffer prize, and the Robert Olen Butler Award. He is a member of and instructor for Rehoboth Beach Writers Guild.
Gekker will read from In “Search of Warm Breathing Things,” Glass Lyre Press, Glenview, IL. Her work has been nominated for both the Pushcart Prize, and Best of the Net. When not writing she practices piano.
The reading is free and open to the public. There will be a book signing after the reading.