About four dozen students from sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East gathered July 15 at the Nanticoke Indian Museum outside Millsboro to learn about the history and traditions of the Cape Region’s local Native American tribe.
All of the students are in the country through programming within the University of Delaware’s Department of Political Science & International Relations.
The students from sub-Saharan Africa came as part of the 2023 Department of State's Madeleine Albright Young Women's Leader Exchange Program for Economic Empowerment. In addition to the University of Delaware, the University of Kansas in St. Lawrence, Kan.; Green River College in Auburn, Wash.; and Saint Mary’s College in South Bend, Ind., also are participating in hosting the students from the women’s leader exchange program.
The students from the Middle East are participating in the Middle East Partnership Initiative Student Leaders Program.
Over the course of about an hour, the students listened to a traditional Native American story, took a tour of the museum, and were shown traditional tools, clothing and accessories.