I am saddened by the intolerance shown for people of different political opinions. The burning of the word “Trump” in Charlotte King’s lawn should be condemned by all who believe in our democratic republic. Sadly, this intolerance is widespread and practiced by both sides. I personally had numerous political signs stolen and a rock thrown at my garage door this past election, simply for displaying a different political choice.
Charlotte King’s story has been heavily represented in the past three Cape Gazettes. Additionally, there was a well-attended protest on the streets of Lewes. I would be happy to stand alongside you if your outrage wasn’t so selective. You only seem outraged when a Trump supporter is involved. There was no condemnation by the Southern Delaware Alliance for Racial Justice when Antifa and BLM supporters destroyed hundreds of businesses across the country this past summer, many of them owned by minorities. There was also no condemnation when Trump signs up and down Route 1 were vandalized and stolen. Promoting harmony among the races is a worthwhile endeavor, as long as it is not selectively applied. It all just seems so very politically motivated when your outrage is one-sided. So, while I sympathize with the sentiment of your outrage, you contribute to the problem by only calling out injustice on one side.