
Know how to cast votes, and vote!

October 2, 2020

Election Day 2020 is a little more than one month away. It’s important for people to be part of the process, and voters should familiarize themselves with how to vote so they can help this process critical to a functioning democracy go as smoothly as possible.

Many people have already cast their ballots by mail. For them, it’s all over but the counting.

Anyone still considering voting by mail can find simple instructions at There, you can check your registration status and polling place. Then, on that same site, it’s a matter of requesting a ballot, filling it out when it is received, making sure it’s signed properly on the outside of the return envelope, and mailing it in time to reach the Sussex County election office in Georgetown by Election Day. To be on the safe side, get your ballot in the mail five days or more before the election. Don’t forget your stamp!

Those who plan to vote at the polls will be using the new voting machines deployed by the state in 2019. These digital machines register a voter’s choices electronically with a touch screen and also produce a paper record for voters to proof and verify before pushing their final VOTE button.

Many saw these machines in action during the 2019 and 2020 school board elections, and in the 2020 primary elections. But those who didn't see the machines and who would like to familiarize themselves in advance of the Nov. 3 election have two options.

They can go to the website, click the Voter Services category in the dark blue bar near the top, click on Voting Machine Demo, and watch a two-minute video on use of the machines; or, on the same site, they can request a live demonstration for an organization. Those requests have to be made at least 14 days in advance of the demonstration date requested.

That’s pretty much it. Now it’s up to us to get familiar with the system and vote.





  • Editorials are considered and written by Cape Gazette Editorial Board members, including Publisher Chris Rausch, Editor Jen Ellingsworth, News Editor Nick Roth and reporters Ron MacArthur and Chris Flood. 

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