Access to the Internet, cyber security, and all forms of digital information are incredible drivers of the economy that aren't just nice options any more. They are necessities.
Addressing this topic, co-founder and CEO of Troy Ventures and SecureNetMD Jack Berberian will speak at the League of Women Voters of Sussex County's public Land Use Forum Wednesday, Sept. 13, from 7 to 9 p.m., in the County Council Chambers.
Joining Berberian on the topic of: "Economic Development in Sussex: What and When?" will be Bill Pfaff, Sussex County economic development director; Ken Bounds, deputy secretary of agriculture; and Scott Thomas, executive director of the Southern Delaware Tourism office.
Having everyone connected is going to be one of the keys to the future in Delaware, said Berberian. He will speak on technology and its importance to economic growth in Sussex County as well as some of the achievements and problems in establishing reliable connectivity for everyone.
For years Berberian has served on Sussex County working groups to help solve connection problems, such as increasing fiber optic technology in the county. "Connectivity is going to bring companies and jobs to our area. It's really doing good things," said Berberian.
Speaking at the forum is just part of Troy Ventures commitment to local community involvement.
SecureNetMD®, a division of Troy Ventures LLC, has quickly become the leading source of business continuity solutions, enabling healthcare facilities to operate without interruption through the use of wireless 4G LTE technology. The company's specialized perspective on technology gives it a unique perspective on the tools and techniques that will result in a long-term, cost-effective solution for its clients.
The economic development forum is part of a series presented by the League of Women Voters focused on educating the public and encouraging all Sussex residents to become involved in the drafting of the 2018 Comprehensive Plan, currently being researched and drafted by the Sussex County Planning Commission. Everyone is invited to attend this free event.
For more information on the forum go to: For more information on Jack Berberian and SecureNetMD go to: