WARNING: This is likely to be the longest piece of writing you will see here, so bear with me and we will get to the real centerpiece of the blog.
I had my photography booth set up at the Lewes St. Peter's Art Festival on July 7, when Dennis Forney stopped to say hi. As is often the case with Dennis we covered several topics including (eventually) my photography. We also discussed the growing use of the web to access information, entertainment, art, etc. Dennis, as a newspaperman is embracing the opportunities the internet presents to get newspaper content out to a wider audience. As we talked his enthusiasm was contagious and I asked about particpating with my photography.
Apparently overwhelmed by the 102 degree heat that day, Dennis invited me to blog on the Cape Gazette website. The understanding between us is that I will actually be maintaining what is often called a photoblog, a blog that is primarily a photograph (or several). Mine will likely be one photo at a time with a short write up on the subject or the circumstances surrounding the making of the photograph, or maybe just whatever I feel like saying that day.
So my first photograph is of an iconic Cape Region subject, the East End Light on the inner breakwater at Cape Henlopen. This photograph of the sun setting behind the light is of a beacon from a light turned dim many years ago, but a light that reaches out to all, far and near that hold the Cape region close to their hearts. It is my goal to bring you the beauty of our locale through my work. Please take a moment and share your thoughts about my photogaphs, good, bad or indifferent. I just want to know you looked.