
Letter: Voting polls leave much to be desired

November 9, 2018

As a proud disabled veteran, I used my sacred privilege and voted Tuesday. Lines were very long - about an hour wait.  I have some problems about how the process went.  I realize most of the officials are volunteers. (I was a poll monitor for two years.)  Here are some observations:

• Complete disorganization.  After registering we were shifted to a couple of lines after being told to stay in a certain line.

• They ran out of waiting-in-line slips, and said keep going; however, some were challenged for not having slips.

• Ran out of I Voted stickers.

• Should have a disabled line.  After waiting an hour I could hardly walk, even with a cane.

• Only four voting machines to service huge lines.

Possible soulutions:

• Add additional voting booths

• Have early voting for the State of Delaware.

• Have a disability line.

• Get more modern voting machines.

In this age of technology, a better way should be planned.  I realize my sacred privilege to vote in this great country of ours; however, let’s do better for the big election in 2020. 

Richard C. Arnold
CW4 USA Ret.


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