News Briefs 1/8/21
Lewes Mayor and City Council meets Jan. 11
Lewes Mayor and City Council will meet virtually at 6:30 p.m., Monday, Jan. 11. The group will discuss the possible restructuring of police department staffing, and also consider reverting the zoning for the property at 203 Savannah Road from R-3, residential beach, to general commercial. The Lewes Junction Railroad and Bridge Association and Lewes in Bloom will make a presentation regarding a proposal for train cars and a replica train station on the right of way between the Lewes Public Library and the Margaret H. Rollins Community Center. Council will also discuss an amendment to city code related to fishing on public beaches. It will also consider a request to annex the property at 1145 Savannah Road, then consider adding a member to the parks and rec commission. Also on the agenda are recommendations from the downtown parking committee, possible action on an amendment to the city’s small cell wireless facilities ordinance, and a citizen request to add a clock to the Lewes commercial district streetscape. The full agenda and a link to the meeting can be found at
Rehoboth Boardwalk committee to meet
The Rehoboth Beach Boardwalk and Beach Committee has scheduled an online meeting for 10:30 a.m., Monday, Jan. 11. The agenda calls for discussions about the future of the Dolle’s sign on the Boardwalk, the commercialization of the Boardwalk and beach, and temporary family restroom facilities for the Delaware Avenue comfort station. Those wishing to speak must preregister at least two days prior to the meeting by emailing
Special Rehoboth workshop set Jan. 12
Rehoboth Beach commissioners will hold a special meeting online at 3 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 12. The agenda calls for a discussion on water rates for Dewey Beach and a proposed change to the city charter clarifying that the city manager has the ability to delegate all supervisory authority. Those wishing to speak must preregister at least two days prior to the meeting by emailing
Sussex council meeting set Jan. 12
Sussex County Council will meet at 10 a.m., Tuesday, Jan. 12, in the county administration building, 2 The Circle, Georgetown. Included on the agenda is an update on future meetings at Delaware Technical Community College to allow for more in-person attendance, and a nomination to the board of adjustment. See a complete agenda with meeting materials at Meetings are open to the public with limited seating. They are also livestreamed at, and available to join by telephone at 302-394-5036 using code 570176. Comments can be sent to by 4:30 p.m., Monday, Jan. 11.
SDARJ to resume town hall meetings Jan. 12
The Southern Delaware Alliance for Racial Justice will hold its first town hall meeting of 2021 at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 12, via Zoom, to continue its examination of racism in America. Participants will watch a 20-minute video produced by the American Psychological Association that outlines issues associated with race-related stress and is designed to promote critical thinking, increase empathy, and encourage social perspective-taking. The video will be followed by facilitated small-group conversations. To join the webinar, go to or go to for details.
14th RD Democratic Committee Caucus set
The 14th Representative District Democratic Committee will hold a virtual caucus at 5 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 13, via Zoom to select committee members to lead the 14th RD for the next four years. The caucus is open to all registered Democrats who reside in the 14th RD. Since this year’s caucus will be virtual, attendees from the same household will be able share the same connection. Advance registration by emaling is required no later than 12 p.m., Jan. 13, so information can be validated before the meeting starts. Once residency and party registration are validated, Zoom connection details will be emailed.
Dewey investment committee to meet
The Dewey Beach Investment Committee will meet virtually at 3 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 14. Members will hear a portfolio review update from Brown Advisory and possibly vote on new investments for the portfolio. Possible revisions of the investment policy and implementation plan will be discussed. A link to the meeting is available at
Dewey commissioners to meet Jan. 13
Dewey Beach commissioners will hold a special meeting at 2 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 13, to discuss and possibly vote to approve a contract to hire a new town manager, and to approve the supplement to the town’s street and beach maintenance agreement with the Delaware Department of Transportation.