Former U.S. ambassador joins Pathways to Success board
Pathways to Success announced Tom McDonald has joined its board of directors.
A partner in the Vorys, Sater LLP office in Washington, D.C., McDonald leads the firm's administrative and regulatory law and governmental policy practice. A former U.S. ambassador to Zimbabwe from 1997 to 2001, he provides strategic business and government relations counsel in Washington, D.C., and internationally. McDonald regularly advises corporate CEOs and chief legal officers on a variety of government relations issues in Washington, internationally, and in major U.S. state capitals.
McDonald gives back through an active pro bono practice, including serving as lead counsel for all the Coalition for Education Reform plaintiffs in the Coalition for Education Reform, et al. v. Indian River School District case. The civil rights case of national consequence centered around the Indian River School District's George Washington Carver Academy, a public school in Frankford. The lawsuit alleged that this academy had been operated by the Indian River School District as a segregated dumping ground for African-American males ages 3 to 18.
McDonald’s efforts led to the consent order signing in November 2019 by federal Judge Richard G. Andrews, which ended the Carver Academy program at the end of the 2019-20 school year. The order also ensured there was a special master appointed for five years to make sure the Indian River School District doesn't return to its discriminatory conduct/policies.
McDonald received his juris doctor degree from the University of Minnesota Law School, and he has had continued his involvement there throughout his legal career. He currently serves on its advisory board and regularly advises the law school regarding the admission of Somali American students. He received his bachelor’s degree from George Washington University.
"I'm thrilled to join the Pathways to Success board," said McDonald. "Throughout my career, I have found opportunities to support youth and families located in at-risk communities, so service with Pathways to Success is an important way to continue these efforts in Delaware, where I have invested a significant amount of time and interest in the community, and also have a home in Rehoboth Beach.”
"I'm thrilled that Ambassador McDonald has agreed to join our Pathways to Success board, with his diverse background and experience, and an authentic desire to promote inclusion, equity and advocacy for the underserved,” said Fay Blake, Pathways to Success founder and executive director.