
Sussex board denies concrete-crushing operation

Members side with health, safety concerns expressed by Bridgeville-area residents
February 10, 2023

After a nearly four-hour public hearing, the Sussex County Board of Adjustment denied an application for a proposed concrete-crushing operation along Route 13 south of Bridgeville. As the 4-0 vote ended, the large crowd of opponents erupted into applause.

FDPN Management LLC of Dover had filed for a special-use exception to operate a potentially hazardous use, which included a mobile crusher to support manufacturing and recycling of concrete at an approved concrete-batching plant on a 5.6-acre parcel.

Plans included the use of a mobile concrete crusher in operation no more than 75 days per year. The applicant had proposed that the operation be enclosed in a building.

Even without the crushing operation, the final site for the Bridgeville Concrete Plant was approved July 13, 2022, by the Sussex County Planning & Zoning Commission. The plan includes use of a 6,640-square-foot existing commercial building, 19 parking spaces, a batch plant and 20,250 square feet of materials storage area. The property is zoned HI-1, heavy industrial district.

The concrete plant was not part of the application and is an approved use.

Making the motion for denial, board member Kevin Carson said the applicant had failed to demonstrate the special-use exception will not substantially affect adversely the use of neighboring and adjacent properties.

The parcel has been zoned heavy industrial since 1988 and was a location where this type of operation was expected, said Mike Ryman, an engineer with Becker Morgan Group. He said the applicant has taken every step to minimize impacts on neighboring properties.

Many of the opponents were residents of Heritage Shores, located north of the proposed plant. Dozens of people testified in opposition to the application.

Although other issues were expressed, including increased truck traffic, the major concern was the potential for the release of silica dust from the operation getting airborne and blown to neighboring properties.

Attorney Demetrios Kaouris, representing Passwaters Farms LLC, developers of Heritage Shores, said even with the proposed building, concrete crushing is inherently a dangerous activity. “Concerning air and water pollution, they have not met the burden of proof. It's not good planning. This is the wrong place. It should be in an industrial park and not near residential areas,” he said.

Kaouris said the main concern is the release of silica particles. “There are proven ill health impacts from silica. It will be airborne and find its way into the Town of Bridgeville and adjacent properties,” he said.

He added that the applicant has not met the health, safety and welfare standards required by county code to protect county residents.

The applicant has an option to appeal the decision to Superior Court. The applicant also has development plans, including warehousing and storage, for a parcel north of the concrete plant.


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