
Osprey Point plan not appropriate for Old Landing Road

September 15, 2023

Please write letters and attend the Sussex County Council public hearing at 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 19, to oppose unnecessary commercial intrusion into established quiet residential neighborhoods.   

After many years, through the Sussex County Planning & Zoning Commission and through Sussex County Council, a plan was approved for the Osprey Point development in keeping with the many already-established neighborhoods along Old Landing Road. 

The Osprey Point developer then sought to have the agreed upon plan changedwithout public input, representing proposed changes as minor. That effort was correctly rejected. The developer’s proposed changes were considered major.

The Osprey Point  developer then sought planning & zoning approval for the major changes. After due consideration and deliberation, the proposed changes were rejected. 

The Osprey Point developer is now still seeking for Sussex County Council to ignore and discard past zoning for surrounding neighborhoods, to ignore and discard the original agreed upon Osprey Point plan, and to ignore and discard the recent planning & zoning determination. The proposed changes must be rejected by Sussex County Council because the changes are not consistent with the Osprey Point zoning plan and are not consistent with preceding approvals to develop and attract homeowners to our area for quiet residential neighborhoods. If we wanted to live next to bars, a music venue, a destination restaurant and a motorized marina with heavy boat and jet ski traffic, we could have chosen other neighborhoods.

Karen Oates
Rehoboth Beach


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