The new Rehoboth Beach City Hall building construction had a significant cost overrun. The new Rehoboth Beach Patrol building construction is on schedule, but again with a cost overrun. The Rehoboth Beach parking meter fees have been increased to $4 per hour. There is a proposal on the council table to extend the end of the pay for parking period from Sept. 15 to Oct. 31. The city council hired a new city manager for a quarter of a million dollars annually and three-quarters of a million dollars in benefits. Add to all of this the announcement from city council that there will be a budget deficit. I cannot fathom how Rehoboth Beach operates its finances. If I managed my finances as they do, I would be bankrupt. I also wonder what tax-paying residents of Rehoboth Beach are thinking at this time. This may be the time when the electorate opts to create a referendum to vote on the replacement of their elected public officials who have failed to perform in the best interests of the voters.