The Bishop James C. Burke Columbiettes from Mary Mother of Peace Catholic Church in Millsboro recently elected new officers for 2022-23. Columbiettes are women of the Catholic faith doing good in the community. For membership information, call Vickie Buckles at 302-947-2410.
Bishop James C. Burke Columbiettes shown are in back (l-r) MaryAnn Viviani, treasurer; Linda Obias; Kathy Baker; Carol Neiderer, financial secretary; Barbara McArdle; Marie Mattson; Isabelle O’Donnell, secretary; Rosemary Hoffmann, past president; Helen LoRicco; and Patricia Burroughs, president. In front are Irene McCormick, Rosemary Kollar, Pat Vahlsing, Mary Jane Deni and Carolyn Stepsis-Sentinel.