
Cape soccer hosts play day scrimmages

March 7, 2022

The Cape Henlopen girls’ soccer team hosted a 16-team play day March 5 in Champions and Legends stadiums. Teams in attendance were Cape, Appoquinimink, Caesar Rodney, Caravel, Delaware Military Academy, Delcastle, Delmar, Dover, Indian River, Laurel, McKean, Middletown, Milford, Sussex Central and Sussex Tech.

“I was pleased with our efforts during the play day,” said Cape head coach Patrick Kilby. “With only two days of training under our belt, it wasn’t a bad showing at all. We still have a lot of work to do with system of play, game scenarios and game recognition. We are very excited about this year’s team.”

Cape seniors returning for their final season are Josephine Ingerski, Georgia Hitchens, Casey Schnupp, Lily Ashby and Giselle Garcia.

Returners Laurelee Mobius, Ava Dolan, Sophie Zych and Cadence McMahon will also get quality minutes on the turf.

Other members of the team are Colleen Flynn, Harlee Graulich, Shannon Rath, Sara Kilby, Makala Vandrunen, Samantha Hunker, Brianna Burrell, Kayla Sponaugle and McKenna Landis.

After Friday scrimmages March 11 and 18, the Vikings will open their regular season Monday, March 21, with Indian River in Champions Stadium.


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