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Delaware ranked among top bicycle-friendly states

January 2, 2020

The Delaware Department of Transportation recently announced that the League of American Bicyclists has ranked Delaware as the sixth most bicycle friendly state in the nation.

Delaware was ranked seventh in the report issued in 2017 and has ranked in the top 10 since 2012.

The Bicycle Friendly State ranking provides a ranking for all 50 states based on four public data sources and a Bicycle Friendly State survey that is answered by each state's Department of Transportation and/or a statewide bicycle advocacy organization.

“From our growing network of trails across the state to legislation like the Bicycle Friendly Delaware Act I signed into law in 2017, we continue to focus on building a truly multimodal transportation system,” said Gov. John Carney. “By providing opportunities for safe cycling, we are reducing risk, encouraging more Delawareans to cycle beyond recreational activities to live healthier lifestyles, and making Delaware an even better place to live and work.”

“I am very proud of the work we have done over the past few years with the completion of the new Markell Trail connecting Wilmington and New Castle, Phase 2 of the Lewes to Georgetown Trail, and many other projects to make cycling safer and more accessible to all Delawareans and our visitors,” said Secretary of Transportation Jennifer Cohan.

DelDOT Bicycle Coordinator Anthony Aglio said, “We at DelDOT take all aspects of the LAB bicycling report seriously, whether it be infrastructure and funding, education and encouragement, legislation and enforcement, policies and programs, and evaluation and planning. With the adoption of our new bike plan, we have set forth a process to further address and engage others in the journey toward true bicycle friendliness.”

“The Friendly State ranking primarily reflects the increased commitment of the Department of Transportation to make strategic investments in creating low-stress bicycle networks that are safe for everyone in Delaware to use no matter their age or their ability. These networks are an essential part of a transportation system that provides Delawareans with the mobility they need but at significantly lower cost to constrained household budgets,” said James Wilson, executive director of Bike Delaware. For more information, go to

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