
Discussions on Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ canceled

September 14, 2020
UUSD’s Virtual Discussion Series on Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ set for Sept. 16-Oct. 13 with moderator Dr. Len Bowman has been canceled due to insufficient response. Details from the press release about the canceled series are below, and contact information for those who may have questions is at the end of the article.

The discussions center on Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’, an open letter “on care for our common home.” The message of Laudato Si’ is couched in terms that strongly reflect the pope’s Catholic context. Because it may be challenging for people outside that context to understand the letter’s message, these discussions will focus on ethics, a rational perspective open to people with diverse points of view. The series will be online and is open to the public at no charge.

The discussion topics and dates are as follows: Sept. 16-22: The ecological crisis and its connection to global injustice, what is happening to the planet, and the nature of ethical reasoning and dialogue; Sept. 23-29: Francis’ view that the root of the present crisis is the “technocratic paradigm”; Sept. 30-Oct. 6: Francis’ call for an integral ecology to respond to the challenge; Oct. 7-13: Structural approaches and ecological conversion.

UUSD is a vibrant and welcoming progressive spiritual community with a faith rooted in love and justice. UUSD’s mission is to nurture spiritual growth, embrace diversity, work for justice and strive for a loving world. For more information, go to or contact Bowman at

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