Trish Rodriguez, vice chair of the KSI Board of Directors and a resident of Dover, was honored recently with the Delaware Jennie Award for her volunteer service to the Delaware State Federation of Women’s Clubs and the state of Delaware.
Volunteering on the KSI Board of Directors since 1975, KSI CEO B. Craig Crouch is familiar with the volunteer efforts in which Rodriguez engages and was able to provide a letter of support to the GFWC on her behalf.
The Delaware Conference Committee and Region President Rodriguez takes pride in the GFWC Middle Atlantic Region Conference and its success. A record-breaking attendance of 168 women from Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania enjoyed guest speakers Hank Phillippe Ryan, NBC investigative reporter with the Boston affiliate and author of six fictional novels; Mary-Kate Mahoney, a 12 year-old from Boston who spearheaded a statue for volunteers in her hometown; Brenda Whitehurst of the Southern Branch of the YWCA; and Dr. Sharon Yoder, psychologist, author and educator.
Service organizations or church groups who would like to learn more about KSI should contact KSI Director of Community Relations Alicia Hollis at 302-422-4014, Ext. 3015, or email