
Opposed to homeless shelter due to traffic

May 26, 2017

I oppose the homeless shelter that is being proposed for both sides of Church Street, Lewes, because of the increased amount of traffic at that location.

DelDOT has done and is continuing to do studies regarding the large Five Points intersection, which includes Church Street and the area known as Belltown church. Shouldn't the property of the Belltown church be considered as a way to improve the traffic patterns?

The people who live in the adjacent Henlopen Landing community are moral, caring people. We are an un-gated community of 277 homes, with families, children and senior citizens. There are many people in our community who volunteer at various organizations throughout Sussex County. We are an established family community with many children who live just 200 feet from the proposed homeless shelter on Church Street. One of our two bus stops is located on Salt Marsh, which is located just feet from Church Street.

We have already seen a significant increase in traffic on Salt Marsh due to new home communities (Coastal Club and Lewes Crossing) just west of this area. Additionally, much of the traffic seems to come from people cutting thorough from Route 9 East to Church Street, crossing over Beaver Dam Road to continue on to Salt Marsh and ultimately Plantation Road and the Lowe's store or other southern destinations.

All who have traveled through, near or around the Five Points intersection know how problematic and dangerous the intersection is. Does a guest at the shelter have to be hit by a car cutting thorough to avoid the backed-up traffic for people to realize that this is not the appropriate area for a shelter?

Again, I oppose the homeless shelter that is being proposed for both sides of Church Street because of the increased amount of traffic at that location.

Donna Rooney

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