
Simpler endorsed by stepdaughters

October 22, 2024

We are writing to express our enthusiastic endorsement of Mike Simpler for the 14th District seat in the Delaware House in the upcoming election. As a dedicated advocate for women's rights and reproductive choices, Mike has consistently demonstrated his commitment to ensuring that all women receive exceptional care. 

In today's political climate, the importance of supporting women's rights cannot be overstated. Mike understands that access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare is a fundamental right that empowers women and promotes equality. He has a proven track record of advocating for policies that protect and expand access to reproductive services, including family planning, prenatal care and safe abortion services. 

Mike's approach is rooted in compassion and respect for individual choices. He believes that every woman should have the right to make decisions about their health without interference from government or outside entities. His commitment to listening to the voices of women in our community and advocating for their needs sets him apart as a leader who truly cares about the well-being of all constituents. 

Furthermore, Mike recognizes the intersectionality of women's rights and understands that issues such as economic inequality, healthcare access and education are all interconnected. He is dedicated to addressing these challenges holistically, ensuring that women from all backgrounds have the support they need to thrive. 

As he is our stepfather, we fully support Mike Simpler's candidacy and urge others to join us in advocating for a leader who champions women's rights and reproductive choices. Together, we can work toward a future where every individual, especially women, has the freedom to make choices about their healthcare.

Thank you for considering our endorsement of Mike Simpler. We are confident that he will be a strong advocate for all coastal Sussex women's rights and reproductive health in his District 14 House seat. 

Emma and Paige Ludwicki
Rehoboth Beach
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