
News Briefs 9/15/23

September 15, 2023
Rehoboth having briefings Sept. 18

Rehoboth Beach commissioners have scheduled an elected officials orientation course for 1:30 p.m., Monday, Sept. 18, during which the mayor and commissioners will be presented with departmental briefings, along with a question and answer period. According to the notice announcing the briefings, no official city business will be conducted.

The orientation will be conducted in the commissioners room of city hall, 229 Rehoboth Ave. 

A full agenda, meeting materials and a livestream are accessible at Only in-person attendees may make comments.   For more information, contact the city at 302-227-6181 or

Rehoboth shade tree meeting canceled

The Rehoboth Beach Parks and Shade Tree Commission meeting scheduled for Monday, Sept. 25, has been canceled. The city issued a notice Sept. 13 saying the meeting was canceled because of a lack of agenda items.

Osprey Point on Sussex agenda

Sussex County Council will meet at 10 a.m., Tuesday, Aug. 19, in the county administration building, 2 The Circle, Georgetown. Included on the agenda is a 1:30 p.m. public hearing on an application filed by Osprey Point Preserve LLC to amend a previous rezoning approval to include a marina and restaurant along Arnell Creek.

A full agenda and meeting materials are available at Meetings are in person, live streamed at, and available by phone at 302-394-5036 using code 570176.

Lewes environmental panel meets Sept. 18

The Lewes Planning Commission’s Environmental Subcommittee meets at 1 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 18 at City Hall. The agenda includes discussion of the panel’s public input workshop. For the agenda and meeting link go to

Lewes ‘greenprint’ public workshop set

The Lewes Planning Commission’s Environmental Subcommittee will host its first Environmental Greenprint Public Input Workshop from 2 to 4:30 p.m. and 5 to 7:30 pm, Tuesday, Sept. 19 at the Rollins Center. 

There will be presentations, demonstrations and an opportunity for the public to help the subcommittee craft its “greenprint” for the city. For agenda and meeting link go to

Sussex council awards grants to nonprofits

Sussex County Council presented the following councilmanic grants during its Aug. 12 meeting: $1,000 to East Sussex Broadcasting Inc. for Radio Rehoboth upgrades; $500 to United Way of Delaware for Delaware Goes Purple; and $750 to Trinity Foundation in Seaford for its annual golf tournament.

Rezoning for marine business approved

At its Aug. 12 meeting, Sussex County Council approved a rezoning application filed by Love Creek Acquisition LLC from AR-1, agricultural-residential, to I-1 marine district on a 5-acre parcel on Route 24 near the Camp Arrowhead intersection near Angola. 

Plans for the project include boat storage, repairs and service, a bait and tackle shop and multifamily residential housing.

Sussex council, P&Z workshop Sept. 21

Sussex County Council and Sussex County Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a workshop starting at 12:30 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 21, at the county's emergency operations center at 21911 Rudder Lane near Georgetown. 

On the agenda will be discussions on sections of code relating to development design initiatives, including tree preservation, open space and cluster subdivision superior-design standards.

The workshop is open to the public but no public comment will be allowed.

Easement OK’d for Roosevelt Inlet  

At its Sept. 11 meeting, Lewes Mayor and Council unanimously approved a temporary construction easement to allow the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control to use the Roosevelt Inlet parking lot for an upcoming beach replenishment project. The easement approval is for 12 months. 

“This shouldn’t involve trucks going up and down Cedar,” said Mayor Andrew Williams. “The sand will come from offshore and be pumped onto the shore. What they’re talking about is a staging area for some bulldozers on the beach.”

The project is expected to begin in November. At a previous meeting, a DNREC representative said it will not run into next year’s peak season.

The replenishment is scheduled from Roosevelt Inlet, past Lewes Yacht Club to Iowa Avenue. But, Williams said, the hope is that as they pull more sand on shore, the replenishment can stretch farther down the beach.

Lewes appoints parks & rec members

Lewes Mayor and City Council unanimously approved four appointments to the City’s Parks and Recreation Commission. Bill Adelman was reappointed to oversee Stango Park Extended for a one-year term. Christine Besche was reappointed to oversee Stango Park Extended for a three-year term. Mark Shue was appointed to oversee George H.P. Smith Park for a one-year term. Trina Brown Hicks was appointed to oversee George H.P. Smith Park for a three-year term.

Council worked with Parks and Marina Manager Janet Reeves to stagger the length of the commissioners’ terms.

Lewes approves RFP for legal services

Lewes Mayor and City Council approved a request for proposal for legal services, also known as the city solicitor position, at a Sept. 11 meeting.

The vote was 3-2, with Deputy Mayor Khalil Saliba and Councilperson Carolyn Jones voting against the measure.

The city will accept proposals for city solicitor until 4 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 1.

Lewes BPW given OK to borrow money

At its Sept. 11 meeting, Lewes Mayor and Council unanimously approved a resolution to allow the Lewes Board of Public Works to borrow $5.250 million from the Delaware Drinking Water State Revolving Fund for water tower and canal crossing projects.

The money will come from two separate loans. BPW General Manager Austin Calaman said the first loan is for a water main that runs from the town side to the beach side. It crosses the canal in the area of the old railroad swing bridge.

The other loan is for a water tower and piping to be built on the Jones Farm property, near Cape Henlopen High School.

Lewes Planning Commission to meet

The Lewes Planning Commision Meeting scheduled for 6 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 20 at the Rollins Center has been cancelled. 

The next LPC meeting is scheduled for 6.p.m Wednesday, Oct. 18 at the Rollins Center. 

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