
District 3 is well served by Mark Schaeffer

October 24, 2024

Seldom are there politicians who actually work hard for their constituents once elected. In Sussex County, we are usually blessed to have a few. For those on the outside looking in, it’s easy to criticize or find fault. Credit, though, must be given to those who step up to serve.

Today, I’d like to give kudos to Mark Schaeffer, and how he’s always plugging for the people of his district, whether Republican or Democrat. I surely don’t agree with every position he holds, just like I don’t like some folks he likes. But that’s life. Mark takes his position seriously and seems to have a backbone whether his position is popular or not.

Overdevelopment and lack of infrastructure are important topics of the day. With different factions blaming others, the truth is there is no one body of government or entity that is solely responsible.

And what’s further amazing is how it’s the relative newcomers protesting the loudest, it seems, which many locals find ironic in that now that they are here, they want things to come to an immediate halt. Well, imagine the changes the locals have seen over their lifetimes – it’s all relative. No one will argue things could improve, but blaming politicians, developers, Realtors, builders, farmers and even newcomers isn’t productive. The expansion of the area isn’t going to slow anytime soon, as folks continue to move here every day. And the growth benefits many businesses and people, not just the ones mentioned above.

Beebe Healthcare has grown by leaps and bounds over the decades. The change is remarkable to aging Beebe babies and other locals. No, it doesn’t provide all the services a big-city university hospital does or can, but it provides tremendously more than it previously ever has. Also, I venture to bet you’d be hard pressed to find a hospital so open to those it serves, or working so hard each day to grow and serve all our communities.

Furthermore, there’s not many places you could live with all the open space one can find here in Sussex County – the ocean, bays, rivers, ponds, federal wildlife refuge, state parks, state lands, county lands, town lands, farm preservation and other organizations that protect open space. Many folks need to get out of their own towns/neighborhoods and take a ride to experience some of the before mentioned.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if candidates running for office attacked the issues instead of the integrity of their opponents? And once elected, worked as hard as Mark Schaeffer has to help ensure Sussex County remains the gem it is, realizing progress and change are inevitable. And we need leaders who also know the history of the area and have long-standing, established contacts within the towns, county, state and country to help work and troubleshoot with.

Mark is a proven leader for District 3.

Amy J. Reed Parker
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