
Who's shaping up at The Body Shop? Jack Albertella.

February 6, 2015


BODY SHOP FITNESS CENTER: Jack Albertella. Cape Henlopen High School student
Jack began training with Adam Howard at the Body Shop Fitness Center in mid to late June. Jack had a goal of increasing his performance on the lacrosse field at Cape, and improving his overall fitness. Since beginning his training, Jack has lost almost 60 lbs and has seen an incredible improvement on the lacrosse field. In the past six months, Jack has changed his lifestyle by incorporating daily exercise and making healthier dietary choices.
How long have you been living at the beach?
I have been living in Rehoboth for 11 to 12 years.
What is your favorite thing about living at the beach?
My favorite thing about living at the beach are all of the stores that u can go to and being able to hang out at the beach.

What is your business/profession?
I am a high school student at Cape Henlopen High School.

When did you start working out?
I started working out in mid June 2014.

Why did you start incorporating fitness into your life?
I wanted to lose weight so I could do more of the things that I wanted to do that needed me to be in shape and all of my friends are all in pretty good shape.

Why Body Shop Fitness?
The Body Shop is a really great place. It's a really nice gym and it's right by the beach, which is nice. Adam is a really cool guy. He is very supportive and is nice to everyone and is always fun to be around.

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