The week leading up to Thanksgiving, volunteers descend upon area church kitchens to prepare a traditional meal for hundreds on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 28. Epworth UMC, Conley’s UMC and Long Neck UMC spent the week preparing. Volunteers at all three locations cooked about 100 turkeys. More than 100 volunteers helped Epworth UMC serve about 750 people with 56 turkeys, 250 pounds of potatoes and 400 pies. Conley’s assembled 35 volunteers to serve about 200 people with 28 turkeys, and nearly 100 pies and cakes were homemade or donated. Long Neck UMC served about 140 people with 14 turkeys, nine hams and 20 pies.

Myrtle Thomas, seated, is the lead cook for the Long Neck UMC Thanksgiving dinner. Helping in the kitchen are Cyndy Cline, Pastor Bruce Rogers and Audrey Mark.

Shown in the Epworth kitchen are (l-r) Amy Ryan, Anne Valenti, Penny MacLennan, Cara Wilson and Linda Kauffman. Most have been working 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. since Monday to prepare Epworth’s annual Thanksgiving Day feast.

Volunteer Vicki Pawelski, takes a seat and visits with George Schroeder and Rick Boulware at Long Neck UMC Thanksgiving dinner.

Catching up at the Conley’s UMC Thanksgiving dinner are (l-r) Melodie Olsen, State Auditor Kathy McGuiness and Elaine Smith.

Pastor Bruce Rogers, right, delivers the turkey to Phil Winder and Diane Kelly at the Long Neck UMC Thanksgiving dinner.

Diane Benson, (l-r) Pat Russler, Heath Parrish and Suzanne Landon are busy dishing out tasty meals at Epworth’s annual Thanksgiving Day feast.

Rick and Carrie Townsend celebrate their ninth year volunteering at Epworth’s annual Thanksgiving Day feast.

George and Betty Walsh and Bob Marx greet and count attendees at the Conley’s UMC Thanksgiving dinner.

Dotti Outland, John Gorney and Sue Doud are ready to serve gravy at Epworth’s annual Thanksgiving Day feast.

Fins Executive Chef Juan Escanmilla, right, has been overseeing the Epworth annual Thanksgiving Day feast for 11 years. Shown with his family (l-r) Gabriela, Marelyn, Juan, Sophia, Andrea, Isaiah and Juan.