
Support HB 264 to protect children

June 18, 2024

You may be able to remember back when missing children had their pictures on milk cartons. They also used to warn parents in neighborhoods about children being “almost abducted by a person in a white van.” This information was openly publicized. Today, it seems that the crimes against children are so horrendous that they are not even mentioned anymore on the news. Half a million missing immigrant children, Child Protective Services children who are unaccounted for, get dropped from the search after six months if not found. We have made no progress in this area. There is a Delaware Anti-Trafficking Action Council that is headed by Sara Poore. They will be posting flyers in bars, restaurant bathrooms, massage parlors and other places, including school wellness centers that will have a hotline number to call if you suspect human trafficking. I am told that it is answered by a person – not a recording. They also currently have House Bill 264 that upgrades the crime of patronizing a prostitute to a Class E felony rather than a misdemeanor where the person from whom the prostitution is sought is a minor. I would like you to support HB 264, and the wide distribution of the flyers. I have a copy if anyone would like to see one. Email HB 264 is coming up Tuesday, June 18, but may be rescheduled. If legislators would do this, they will restore my faith in humanity.

Joy Greenley


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